200字范文 > 双重管理模式 the system of dual control英语短句 例句大全

双重管理模式 the system of dual control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-13 01:06:53


双重管理模式 the system of dual control英语短句 例句大全

双重管理模式,the system of dual control

1)the system of dual control双重管理模式

1.This Paper starts with the analysis ofthe system of dual control over trade promotion association, accomplished through the comparison of three innovation of management system, tries to find out a way of reform for the current dual control management system.第三部分介绍我国政府对行业协会现行的管理模式,即对行业协会的双重管理体制进行分析,揭示了我国政府为什么在现阶段对行业协会实行双重管理模式,这种双重管理模式的产生背景、发展过程及其必要性。


1.The Establishment of Dual Management Mode of Credit and Punishment;试论诚信与惩戒双重管理模式的构建

2.The System of Dual Control Over Trade Promotion Association Studies政府对行业协会的双重管理模式研究

3.Mode of Humanistic Organizational Administration: Emphasizing Individuals and Seeking Double-Win;重视个体、寻求双赢的组织人本管理模式

4.A Study on Bilingual Teaching Mode of Tourism Management Major in Colleges and Universities;高校旅游管理专业双语教学模式研究

5.Double Track System for Equipment Management Pattern;点检定修和包机双轨制设备管理模式

6.On the Reinforcement on the Bipartite Relating Between Teacher and Students to Motivate the Mode of the Management To the Students;加强师生双向互动 创新学生管理模式

7.The Reasearch of Employer Pension Accounting Based on Double Trust;基于双重托管模式的企业年金会计问题研究

8.Like a two-blade sword, model management has its rationality and its limitations, such as "its emphasis on things and neglect of man", "its stresses on benefits rather than justice", etc.模式管理如同一把“双刃剑”,有其合理性的一面,也有“见物不见人”、“重利轻义”等局限性。

9.An initial discuss on training the "Dual-certification" personnel in Hotel Restaurant Management酒店管理专业“双证”式人才培养模式初探

10.Information Management System of Main Timber Trees in Northwesten China Based on Diplex Architecture Model of C/S and B/S;基于C/S和B/S双重模式的西北地区主要用材树种信息管理系统研究与开发

11.Double Policing Mechanism of Intelligence Leading and Performance Management--Comment on NYPD CompStat Model;情报引导与绩效管理的双重警务机制——美国纽约市警察局CompStat模式评述

12.From Unit Management to Community Service--Discussing on Double Transition of Urban Population and Work Pattern of Family Planning;从“单位管理”到“社区服务”——论城市人口与计划生育工作模式的双重转变

13.DIMM Dual In-line Memory Modules双重内嵌式内存模块

14.A New Approach to Educating Hotel Management Talents--the "Dual-directive" Education Module;论饭店管理人才培养的新型模式——“双轨制——定向式”组合模式

15.On the dual influence of Confucian ethics on the traditional daily mode of thinking;论儒家伦理对传统日常思维模式的双重影响

16.Project templet management for distributed project management and information reuse;分布式项目管理的项目模板管理与信息重用

17.Governance and the Reconstruction of the Management Pattern in Chinese Metropolitan Cities;管治理念及中国大都市区管理模式的重构

18.Exploration on Project Management Ability-Oriented Training Pattern of Business Administration Undergraduates注重工程管理能力的工商管理本科培养模式


Double-rule pattern双重管制模式

3)dual governance model双重治理模式

1.,the authors intend to explore the effectivedual governance model covering source control and end-of-pipe treatment,as well as some specific recommendations,such as the modification of relevant laws and regulations,establishing thedual governance model and economic incentives including storm water fee.通过对我国和美国对城市雨水污染的治理模式以及立法政策的考察,本文探讨了符合我国具体情况的源头治理与末端治理相结合的双重治理模式,并且提出了相应的具体立法建议,如修改《水污染防治法》、《城市排水许可管理办法》、《城市规划法》等相关立法,构建双重管理体制,创设雨水费等一系列的经济激励机制等等。

4)reconstruction of management pattern管理模式重构

5)"wushuang management style"五双"管理模式

6)the management mode with teacher-directing and student-centered"双主"管理模式


