200字范文 > 国有企业功能定位 function of state-owned enterprise英语短句 例句大全

国有企业功能定位 function of state-owned enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-01 05:48:28


国有企业功能定位 function of state-owned enterprise英语短句 例句大全

国有企业功能定位,function of state-owned enterprise

1)function of state-owned enterprise国有企业功能定位

2)SOEs position国有企业定位


1.Research Into State - Owned Enterprises Orientation: The State - Owned Enterprise Should Be a Tool to Realize National Targets;国有企业定位探究——国有企业应是实现国家目标的工具

2.Research on the Location and Competition Strategy of Shanxi State-owned Enterprise Based on the Valuable Ecological System;基于价值生态系统的山西国有企业定位及竞争策略研究

3.The Particularity of State-owned Enterprise and the Strategic Distribution of Chinese State-owned Enterprise;国有企业的特殊性与我国国有企业的布局定位

4.Policy Orientation for SOEs and the Legalization for Public Enterprises;国有企业的政策定位和公共企业的立法思考

5.The Role of the Government in the Course of the State-owned Enterprise Transform;国有企业转制过程中的政府角色定位

6.Considering of the Audit Developing Position of State-owned Enterprises;对国有企业内部审计发展定位的思考

7.Analysis on characteristics of SOEs manager;转型期国有企业经理属性的定位分析

8.Government s Role in Restructuring State owned Enterprises Assets;国有企业资产重组中政府的角色定位

9.On The Positioning of Governmental Rolein reform of Chinese State-owned Enterpr ises;论政府在国有企业改革中的角色定位

10.Refutation on the Circulation of State-owned Stock to Redefine the State-owned Enterprise;从国有股流通的争论谈国有企业的再定位

11.China s State-owned Enterprises:Policy and Legislation;我国国有企业的政策定位与若干立法问题探析

12.The Functions of Law in State-owned Enterprise Group Governance in Transition Period in China;转型期法律在国有企业集团治理中的作用定位

13.The Localization of the Government Economical Function in the Reform of Property Right System of the State-owned Enterprise;国有企业产权制度改革中的政府经济职能定位

14.Targeting state-owned enterprises operating the existing problems and countermeasures;国有企业经营目标定位存在的问题及对策

15.Relocation of Internal Auditing in the Corporate Governance of State-owned Enterprises;论内部审计在国有企业治理结构中的重新定位

16.Economic Analysis of Functional Positioning of Internal Audit in State-owned Enterprise;对国有企业内部审计职能定位的经济学分析

17.The Role Orientation of the Government in the Changes of the State-owned Enterprise Systems;政府在国有企业制度变迁中的角色定位

18.The Location of SOES Entrepreneurs under the New Supervision Mechanism of State-owned Assets;新国资监管体制下国企企业家的定位


SOEs position国有企业定位

3)National Enterprises and Public Utilities国有企事业单位

1.A Study on Climate-Behavior Relationship and It"s Moderators inNational Enterprises and Public Utilities;国有企事业单位气氛与员工行为关系及其影响因素研究

4)SOEs function国有企业职能

5)The Definition of State-enterprise国有企业的界定

6)enterprise function企业功能

1.One must recognize the relationship amongenterprise function,management role and post duties in management practice of enterprises so as to re-establish the finance course system in business administration major.工商管理专业课程体系构建的起点是廓清现实的管理实践中企业功能、企业管理职能、岗位任务三者之间的关系。


