200字范文 > 合理使用化肥 rational use of chemical fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

合理使用化肥 rational use of chemical fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-07 02:21:43


合理使用化肥 rational use of chemical fertilizer英语短句 例句大全

合理使用化肥,rational use of chemical fertilizer

1)rational use of chemical fertilizer合理使用化肥


1.For many years, chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been employed on a sound basis.多年来,坚持合理使用化肥和农药。

2.For many years, chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been employed on a sound basis. Many measures have been taken to protect grasslands, such as enclosure with fences for livestock breeding and irrigation.多年来,坚持合理使用化肥和农药,对草场采取围栏养贮、引水灌溉和保护管理措施;

anic fertilizers are slow-acting. They can be used in combination with quick-acting chemicals.有机肥是慢效肥料,可以和速效化肥结合使用。

4.To fertilize with manure or compost.施肥用农家粪肥或混合肥料使地肥沃

5.Chemical Fertilizer Rationally Use in Carrot, Celery Producing;胡萝卜、西芹生产中化肥的合理施用

6.Effect of Combined Application of Farm Manure and Chemical Fertilizer on the Output Value and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco农家肥与化肥配合使用对烤烟产值和品质的影响

7.The use of natural fertilizer can bring the crops on nicer than the use of chemical fertilizer.使用天然肥料比使用化肥使庄稼长得更好。

anic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost in place of fertiliser, are far less intensive.有机生产方式不讲究精耕细作,不使用化学肥料,主要依靠轮作、肥和混合肥。

anic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost [1] in place of fertiliser, are far less intensive.有机生产方式不讲究精耕细作,不使用化学肥料,主要依靠轮作、粪肥和混合肥。

10.Effect of Combining Application of Rape Seed Cake and Chemical Fertilizer on the Growth and Physiological Characteristic of Flue-cured Tobacco;菜籽饼肥及其与化肥配合施用对烤烟生长发育和生理特性的影响

11."Before the use of synthetic fertilizers in the industrial countries, usable nitrogen was supplied as manure and by crop rotation that included a legume crop."在工业化国家使用合成肥料之前,由粪肥和轮作(包括一种带根瘤的作物)来提供可以利用的氮。

12.Where they do use chemical fertilizer, they tend to use nitrogen only, thereby mining the soils.使用化肥时,只施用氮肥,从而其它养分逐渐耗竭。

13.A Study on Efficiency in the Use of Agricultural Fertilizers and Farmers Behavior of Fertilization Based on Hubei Province;农用化肥使用效率与农户施肥行为研究

14.any substance such as manure or a mixture of nitrates used to make soil more fertile.任何粪肥或硝酸盐混合物,用后使土壤更加肥沃。

15.Accumulation of excessive exchangeable potassium is from the use of mixed fertilizers or manure.由于施用混合肥料或厩肥使交换性钾过渡累积。

16.The Comparative Studing on Use of Bio-Fertilizer and Fertilizer in Aquaculture in the Small Reservoirs;小型水库使用生物肥和化肥养鱼的比较研究

17.Dynamics of nitrogen in double-rice paddy soil under application of chemical fertilizer combined with manure化肥有机肥配合施用下双季稻田氮素形态变化

18.Effect of combined application of organic fertilizer and chemical nitrogen fertilizer on increasing rice production有机肥与化肥结合施用对水稻的增产作用


proper use合理使用

1.In order to ensure normal fermentation of fermented grains,the manufacturers should makeproper use of.要保证粮糟正常发酵,产出好酒,就应根据母糟的感官状态,结合配料的特性及调节作用,正确合理使用,使各要素平衡协调。

2.Therefore, the conflict between the technical measures andproper use system can t be warded off Law on copyright of our state should stipulates s.对版权人利益的过分保护 ,必然会侵害社会公众的合法利益 ,技术措施与合理使用制度的冲突不可避免。

3.This is to analyse and clarify the legal features,components and ways of theproper use of works,in order to draw a clear line between proper and improper use of them.分析阐述了作品合理使用的法律性质、构成要件和使用方式 ,以划清合理使用与非合理使用的界

3)reasonable use合理使用

1.Thereasonable use antibiotics effective guard not good responded;合理使用抗菌药物有效防范不良反应

2.Information Network Dissemination Power and Library Reasonable Use;信息网络传播权与图书馆合理使用

3.Reflection on thereasonable use of the outdoor artistic works;室外艺术作品合理使用制度的反思

4)reasonable utilization合理使用

1.Discussion on thereasonable utilization of antibiotic drugs in the clinics and the medical quality management;浅谈抗菌药物临床合理使用与医疗质量管理

2.Study on thereasonable utilization of nursing human resource in the primary level hospitals;基层医院护理人力资源合理使用的临床研究

3.The article discusses stressly the principles andreasonable utilization of the cutting tools ,according to the characteristic of laminate flooring" s structure in order to improving the quality of products and reducing the cost of production.本文根据强化木地板的结构特点,着重论述其加工刀具的切削原理及合理使用,力求达到提高产品质量,降低生产成本的目的。

5)rational use合理使用

1.Analysis on irrational use of antibiotics;抗生素不合理使用情况分析

2.Rational use of authorship right in library work;图书馆工作中著作权合理使用问题

3.With the calculation and analysis ofrational use of importedFe ore, this paper holds that the use of imported Fe ore should be combined with practical situation and on the basis of comprehensive thinking of various influencing factors so as to reach the aim ofoptimizing production and technical index and increasing economicbenefits.就合理使用进口矿石的问题进行了计算和分析,认为进口铁矿石必须结合本厂实际情况,综合考虑各种影响因素,才能达到优化生产技术指标,增加经济效益的目的。

6)fair use合理使用

1.Insufficiency and Amendment of Fair Use of Copyright Law in China;略论我国著作权合理使用制度的不足与完善

2.Fair use in libraries in the networked environment;网络环境下的图书馆合理使用权——兼议著作权人和公众利益的平衡

3.The nature offair use in the copyright law ——exemption of tort;浅谈著作权合理使用的性质——侵权阻却事由


《农药合理使用准则》系列标准《农药合理使用准则》系列标准Guideline for Safety Application of PesticidesN。飞扮印Heli Shi丫Dflg Zhunze xilie bicoZhun《农药合理使用准则》系列标准(‘粉抚份linefo;导毋妙月即£扔以勿nofp比琉记挽)根据科学、规范的农药残留试验取得的大量数据,依照中国和联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAo/Wllo)或参照其他国家规定的食品中农药最高残留限量(MRL值)和防治农作物病虫草害需要而制定的施药量(浓度)、施药次数、安全间隔期(最后一次施药距采收间隔天数)、施药方法等各项技术指标。目的在于指导科学、安全、合理使用农药,达到既能有效防治农作物病虫草害,又保证收获的农产品中农药残留量不超过规定的限量标准,以保护环境,保障人体健康。中国每年有几十万吨农药(杀虫剂、杀蜻剂、杀线虫剂、杀螺剂、除菌剂、除草剂、植物生长调节剂等)施到农田。如滥用农药,不仅达不到满意的防治效果,影响农产品产量和质量,而且由于病虫害产生抗药性,使施药量(浓度)和施药次数不断增加,防治成本增高,还会造成农药污染农产品和环境,破坏生态平衡,危害人们身体健康等严重后果。农业部农药检定所自1982年开始,组织全国农业、环境保护、化学工业、卫生、科技等部门的一些科研单位和高等院校,进行了科学、合理、安全使用农药的试验研究工作。至1卯7年,根据研究结果先后制定了5项农药合理使用准则国家标准。GB 8321 .1一1987包括18种农药(杀虫剂11种、杀菌剂4种、除草剂3种)在11种作物上32项准则;GB8321 .2一1987包括36种农药(杀虫剂17种、杀菌剂6种、除草剂13种)在12种作物上51项准则;GB8321.3一1989包括53种农药(杀虫剂21种、杀菌剂11种、除草剂21种)在13种作物上83种准则;GB8321 .4一l卯3包括50种农药(杀虫剂19种、杀菌剂11种、除草剂20种)在17种作物上72项准则;GB/T8321 .5一1997包括43种农药(杀虫剂解种、杀菌剂8种、除草剂11种)在16种作物及蘑菇上61项准则—总共包括140种农药(杀虫剂55种、杀菌剂34种、除草剂51种)在19种作物上2卯项(杀虫剂152项、杀菌剂51项、除草剂%项)准则。(李本昌)
