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教育哲学研究 education philosophy research英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-26 19:54:22


教育哲学研究 education philosophy research英语短句 例句大全

教育哲学研究,education philosophy research

1)education philosophy research教育哲学研究

1.Because of the misunderstanding the relationship between theory and practice in the research of education philosophy,it can\"t understand the theoretical nature and practice characteristics ofeducation philosophy research.对教育哲学存在的误解主要在于没有很好地理解教育哲学研究中理论与实践的关系,从而误解了教育哲学研究的理论本质与实践特性。


1.Philosophizing or Practising:Dilemma of Educational Philosophy Research哲学化还是实践化:教育哲学研究的两难

2.On the Characteristics of the Outlook of Great Education and Mao Zedong"s Philosophy of Education大教育观与毛泽东教育哲学的特点——毛泽东教育哲学研究系列论文之一

3.Developments,Problems and Countermeasures of Study on Vocational Education Philosophy in China;我国职业教育哲学研究:进展、问题与对策

4.On the trends of contemporary China s educational philosophic research and its considerations;当代我国教育哲学研究的态势及其思考

5.Reviews and Forecasts of China s Educational Philosophyical Research since 1980s;1980年代以来我国教育哲学研究的回顾和展望

6.The Present Situation of and the Theoretical Reflections on Our Educational Philosophy Research;当代我国教育哲学研究的态势及理论思考

7.Analysis on the Relationship between Theory and Practice in the Research of Education Philosophy教育哲学研究中的理论与实践关系辨析

8.research and reform of educational philosophy教育哲学的研究与改革

9.Study on the GX Experiment in the View of the Mathematics Education Philosophy数学教育哲学视野下的GX实验研究

10.Why Is Educational Philosophy Needed?--A Philosophic Argument for“the Ought”Research on Education;为什么需要教育哲学——为教育的应然研究做一个哲学辩护

11.Methodology and Comparative Education Research in the View of Philosophy;哲学视野下的方法论与比较教育研究

12.Philosophical Reflection on Educational Management Practice and Theoretical Research;教育管理实践与理论研究的哲学反思

13.The View of China Graduate Education from on the Philosophy of Higher Education;从《高等教育哲学》看我国研究生教育的发展

14.Enlightenments from the Transformations of Paradigm of Philosophy of Social Science for Education Research;社会科学哲学研究范式转型对教育研究的启示

15.Study of Philosophical Hermeneutics Values to Educational Research Methodology;哲学解释学对教育研究方法论的价值研究

16.On the Higher Educational Philosophy and Innovative Development of Higher Education Studies--Note about Two Books on the Philosophy of Higher Education by John S.Brubacher and Zhang Chuting;高等教育哲学与高等教育研究的创新发展——中美两部《高等教育哲学》的启示

17.On the Effect of Existentialism Philosophy on Chinese Pedagogy Research and Its Reflection;存在主义哲学对我国教育学研究的影响与反思

18.The Philosophical Anthropology Research Pattern of Bollnow and its Educational Implication博尔诺夫的哲学人类学研究范式及其教育意蕴


philosophical research of educational history教育史哲学研究

3)philosophers of education in US美国教育哲学研究人员

4)philosophers of education in China中国教育哲学研究人员

5)pedagogical research教育学研究

1.For the ontology myth and science myth inpedagogical research,pedagogical researchers were puzzled to the nature of pedagogy and the law hidden in educational practice.教育学研究存在着本体神话与科学神话,教育学者因而苦恼于教育学科性质的界定以及教育实践中隐藏的教育规律的探寻。

2.Existentialism comes to the view of thepedagogical researchers under the background of the spread of the western philosophical idea to modern China.存在主义被纳入我国教育学研究者的视野,是教育学研究主动向其他学科寻求滋养、不断走向开放性使然。

3.The practical turn ofpedagogical research paradigm is an essential resolution for the crisis.教育学研究在当前面临着强烈的实践价值危机,教育学研究范式的实践转向是解决这个危机的根本途径。

6)educational research教育学研究

1.As theeducational research of humanities and social sciences,we need to reflect over the simple,unique,unilateral and linear thinking mode of rationalism,and then replace them by complex,opening,pluralistic,developing and non-linear concept to examine complex educational phenomenon and educational l.作为人文社会科学之教育学研究,需要对理性主义的简单性、唯一性、单向度、线性化的思维模式进行反思,继而代之以用复杂性、开放性、多元性、发展性和非线性的观念来审视极为复杂的教育现象与教育生活,从事具有复杂性的教育学研究。

2.The pursuit for certainty ineducational research is confronting jeopardy of rigidifying and to be overthrown by the anti-essentialism supported from the post-modernism.教育存在中具有确定性,教育学知识具有客观性且能通过语言加以表达与理解,中国教育学研究需要追求确定性。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
