200字范文 > 科技志 local chronicle of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

科技志 local chronicle of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-17 23:23:40


科技志 local chronicle of science and technology英语短句 例句大全

科技志,local chronicle of science and technology

1)local chronicle of science and technology科技志


1.On the Development and Utilization of the Information Resources of Sci-tech Chorographyy对开发利用地方科技志信息资源的认识

2.Editorial Department of Science and Technology of Food Industry《食品工业科技》杂志社

3.This magazine is devoted to science.这个杂志专门刊载科技文章。

4.The Analysis on the Paper Published in China Sport Science and Technology duing 1999~2002;《中国体育科技》杂志1999~2002年载文分析

5.Sign of Innovation System of Science and Technology in Higher Schools;论高等学校科技创新体系形成的标志

6.Some Thought of Jiang Zemin s View of InternationalCooperation among Economy, Trade, Science and Technology;江泽民同志的国际经贸与科技合作观

7.What is Scientific and Technological Intelligence --Consultation with Comrade Liu Zhihui;何谓科技情报——与刘植惠同志商榷

8.Innovation in Science and Technology and Modernization of China──Studying Comrade Jiang Zemin s Idea of Innovationin Science and Technology;科技创新与中国的现代化——学习江泽民同志科技创新观

9.(Speech at a National Conference on Work in Science and Technology.)(这是邓小平同志在全国科技工作会议上的讲话。)

10.On the Western Sinology Journal T oung Pao and Its Study on Chinese Science and Technology;论西方汉学杂志《通报》及其对中国科技的关注

11.The Features of Scientific and Technological Development and Its Contributing Factors in the German Empire;德意志帝国时期科技发展特点及其成因

12.Creative development of science and technology isthe important sign of development of modern colleges;科技创新是现代化高校发展的重要标志

13.Jiang Ze-min s sense of worry about science and technology;探析江泽民同志在科技问题上的忧患意识

14.The Manifestation and Mark of Productive Forces:Science and Technology;科学技术是先进生产力的集中体现和主要标志

15.Science and Technology are the Embodiment and Symbol of Advanced Productivity;科学技术是先进生产力的集中体现和重要标志

16.The ultraprecision machining technique is weigh up important sign of nation science and technology level.超精密加工技术是衡量一个国家科学技术水平的重要标志。

17.The Professional persons, Technique and Innovation are the vital strategy, furthermore, the capacity of R& D and the perfect technical background is the groundwork of company growing.志凯科技以人为本,科技创新为根,高水准的开发实力和完善的技术力量是公司的基础。

18.Revolution of Science and Technology and Socialism;科技革命与社会主义——学习邓小平同志关于科技是第一生产力思想的体会


sci-tech chorography地方科技志

3)Security Science & Technology Magazine安防科技杂志社

4)EnvironmentalScienceandTechnology ( journ. ) ( U S ) ,Environ. Sci. Technol.环境科学与技术<杂志><美>

5)journal of China Forestry Science and Technology《林业科技开发》杂志


1.Oligosaccharide esters isolated from plants ofPolygalaceae;远志科植物中的寡糖酯类成分


