200字范文 > 社交焦虑障碍 Social anxiety disorder英语短句 例句大全

社交焦虑障碍 Social anxiety disorder英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-08 20:17:15


社交焦虑障碍 Social anxiety disorder英语短句 例句大全

社交焦虑障碍,Social anxiety disorder

1)Social anxiety disorder社交焦虑障碍

1.The utility of Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale in the patients with social anxiety disorder in Chinese;Liebowitz社交焦虑量表在社交焦虑障碍评定中的应用(英文)

2.Clinical study of antidepressants in the treatment of social anxiety disorder抗抑郁药治疗社交焦虑障碍的临床研究

3.Drug treatment of social anxiety disorder社交焦虑障碍的药物治疗


1.The Clinical Research on a Single College Student"s Social Anxiety Disorder1例大学生社交焦虑障碍的临床研究

2.A Qualitative Study of the Psycho-social Determinants in the Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder;社交焦虑障碍患者社会心理因素的质性研究

3.Clinical study of antidepressants in the treatment of social anxiety disorder抗抑郁药治疗社交焦虑障碍的临床研究

4.Understanding Social Anxiety Disorder,by Self-cognition社交焦虑障碍:自我认知偏倚与疾病的发展

5.Research of Relation between Social-Communication Anxious Obstacle &Opposite-Sex Communicative Level of University Students;大学生社交焦虑障碍与异性交往水平关系的研究

6.The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Social Anxiety Disorder in High Schools and Universities in Chengdu;成都市大中学生社交焦虑障碍患病率及危险因素分析

7.The Logistic Regression Analysis About the Impact of the Adult Attachment Styles upon the Social Anxiety Disorder;成人依恋类型影响社交焦虑障碍发生的回归分析


9.The Mental Representation Model of Social Anxiety Disorder Based on Adult Attachment Background and Its"s Application to the Psychotherapy of SAD;成人依恋在社交焦虑障碍(SAD)中的心理表征模型及其在SAD心理治疗中的应用

10.The Related Study of Generalized Anxiety Disorder on Psychosocial Factors,Neuroendocrine and Immunity;广泛焦虑障碍的心理社会因素、神经内分泌及免疫学相关研究

11.Sampling Survey of Anxiety and Depression of Grass-root Soldiers基层官兵焦虑、抑郁障碍的抽样调查

12.Multi-center study of the clinical features in depression comorbidity with anxiety disorders抑郁症与焦虑障碍共病临床特征研究

13.The Differences of Social Anxiety of Adolescents with Different Sociometric Status;不同社交地位初中生的社交焦虑特点

14.Serum Lipid Concentration in Patients with Major Depression, Anxiety Disorder and Comorbid Anxiety and Depression;抑郁症、焦虑症和焦虑抑郁障碍共病的血脂水平研究

15.An analysis of anxiety and social anxiety of college students;城乡大学生焦虑及社交焦虑的调查分析

16.A study on relativity between alexithymia and anxiety and depression of panic disorder patients惊恐障碍病人的述情障碍与焦虑及抑郁的相关性研究

17.Behavior Problems and Self-Consciousness in ADHD Children Comorbid with Anxiety Disorder伴焦虑障碍注意缺陷多动障碍儿童的行为问题和自我意识特点

18.Fluoxetine combined with maprotiline in treating depressive disorder associated with anxiety氟西汀联用马普替林治疗抑郁伴发焦虑障碍


Anxiety disorder焦虑障碍

1.Characteristic study on child adolescent anxiety disorder;50例儿童青少年焦虑障碍特征

parative analysis of psychological characteristics among anxiety disorder subtypes不同临床亚型焦虑障碍患者心理特征的比较

3.Developments in the drug treatment of anxiety disorder焦虑障碍的药物治疗进展


orbidity ofAnxiety and Depression in Geriatric Patients;老年抑郁症和焦虑障碍共病患者的临床特征

2.Effect to Heart Rate Variability of Coronary Heart Disease Patients with Depression orAnxiety;冠心病患者伴抑郁或焦虑障碍对心率变异的影响

4)Anxiety disorders焦虑障碍

1.Efficacy and safety of ethy1 loflazepate(34 patients) vs diazepam(32 patients) in treatment of anxiety disorders;氯氟乙酯(34例)和地西泮(32例)治疗焦虑障碍的疗效和安全性比较

2.The epidemiological investigation of anxiety disorders in urban-rural primary and middle school students in Huaihua;怀化城乡中小学生焦虑障碍流行病学调查

3.Prevalence of anxiety disorders of outpatients in internal medicine departments of general hospitals at different level;不同医院内科门诊就诊患者焦虑障碍患病比较

5)anxiety disorder焦虑性障碍

1.Objective To explore the correlation among depressive and /oranxiety disorder and pain perception threshold on chronic pain patients.结论无论是功能性的还是器质性的慢性疼痛,其与抑郁性障碍和/或焦虑性障碍三者的病理基础可能是同源的。

6)social anxiety社交焦虑

1.College studentssocial anxiety associated with stress and mental health;大学生社交焦虑与压力和心理健康的关系

2.Intervention impacts of group psychotherapy onsocial anxiety and self-esteem of medical college students;集体心理治疗对医学生社交焦虑和自尊的干预研究

3.Social anxiety and social support in patients with schizophrenia.;精神分裂症患者社交焦虑与社会支持的相关研究


焦虑障碍焦虑障碍anxiety disorders焦虑障碍(anxiety disorders)以焦虑作为最突出特征的一组精神障碍,包括恐怖障碍和焦虑状态。恐怖障碍是对某些物体、活动或情境的强烈的、持久的、不适当的恐惧,从而导致回避行为(参见“恐怖性神经症,’)。惊恐障碍、广泛性焦虑、强迫障碍及精神创伤后应激障碍均属于焦虑状态。惊恐障碍是最严重的一种急性焦虑发作。广一泛性焦虑状态是对两种或多种生活情况,有持续的不现实的过分担心和焦急为特征(参见‘。焦虑性神经症”)。强迫障碍表现为强迫观念或强迫行为。患者明知某些想法和动作是不合理的、毫无意义的,但又无法摆脱。精神创伤后应激障碍指个人经)Jj了超出正常情绪范围的,几乎对所有人都会带来明显痛苦的事件之后,患者在一定时期内对应激性事件生动的再体验,并导致长期回避与创伤性事件有关的刺激。(杨彦春撰刘协和赵亚忠审)
