200字范文 > 振动台 shaking table英语短句 例句大全

振动台 shaking table英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-30 10:43:29


振动台 shaking table英语短句 例句大全

振动台,shaking table

1)shaking table振动台

1.Study on the seismic behaviors of wooden structure byshaking table test;一座木结构模型的振动台实验研究

2.Numerical simulation ofshaking table and its application to Longjiang Arch Dam;地震模拟振动台的数字仿真及其在龙江拱坝上的应用

3.Theshaking table test for submerged bridge pier;桥墩地震动水效应的水下振动台试验研究


1.large-size high frequency hydraulic vibration table大型高频液压振动台

2.Research on Hydraulic Quiver System and Shock Absorption by Accumulator;液压振动台网管谐振分析及其蓄能器减振研究

3.Improvement of low frequency energy of vibration signal produced by repetitive shock machine气动式振动台振动信号低频能量改善研究

4.Dynamic Model of an Dynamoelectric Vibrator and the Extending Table Design;电动振动台动力学建模及其扩展台面设计

5.Study of Debugging the Parameters of Vibrating Table on EPC Process消失模铸造振动台振动参数的调试研究

6.Research on Control Technologies of Simulation of Vibration Environment Using Hydraulic Vibration Table液压振动台振动环境模拟的控制技术研究

7.Control Strategy of High Accurcy Sinusoidal Vibration for the Hydraulic Shake Table液压振动台高精度正弦振动的控制策略研究

8.Modeling and Simulation Research of Vibration Tests on an Electrodynamic Vibration Generator;电动振动台建模与试验仿真技术研究

9.Modelling of armature of 200 kN shaker and its simulation200kN振动台动圈建模与仿真分析

10." Series of mounting sizes for vibration, shock and bump machine tables for electric and electronic products"GB/T15480-1995电工电子产品用振动台、冲击台、碰撞台台面安装尺寸系列

11.Shaking Table Test Study and Theoretic Research of Tall Flexible Tower Structure;高耸塔台结构振动台试验研究和理论分析

12.Design Optimization and Analysis of Head Expander for High-frequency Electro-hydraulic Vibration Generator高频电液振动台用台面的性能分析及优化设计

13.Shaking Table Study of Five-Story Unreinforced Concrete Block Masonry Model Buildings五层砌块模型房屋的振动台试验研究

14.An Error Analysis of Shaking Table Test on Model Dimensions;振动台试验模型尺寸误差分析与研究

15.Digital Control of the Electro-hydraulic Seismic Simulation Shaking Table;电液伺服地震模拟振动台的数字控制

16.The Shaking Table Experimental Study on Liquefiable Sand Soil Improved by Pile;桩体加固液化砂土的振动台试验研究

17.Research on Acceleration Harmonic Cancellation of Electro-Hydraulic Servo Shaking Table;电液伺服振动台加速度谐波抑制研究

18.Shaking Table Test on the Model of Slope and Research on Correlated Issues边坡振动台模型试验及相关问题研究


vibration table振动台

1.Approach to tuning natural frequency of variable stiffness elastic support of 3D vibration strengthening polishingvibration table;三维振动强化抛光振动台变刚度弹性支承调谐固频的探讨

2.Design on vibrating isolation system of concretevibration table;混凝土振动台隔振系统设计

3.Design ofvibration table in the dynamic equilibrium detection system of crank shaft component;曲轴组件动平衡检测系统中振动台设计


1.Study on dual-shaker random vibration test control;双振动台随机振动综合控制研究

2.Using Numerical Control Electro-hydraulic Shaker to Simulate RoadTransportation Test for Whole Product;用数控电子─液压振动台模拟整体大件产品的公路运输试验

3.Modelling of armature of 200 kNshaker and its simulation200kN振动台动圈建模与仿真分析

4)vibrating table振动台

1.Some Considerations in Design of Vibrating Table for EPC Process;消失模铸造用振动台设计应考虑的一些问题

2.This paper discourses upon the problems of thevibrating table since the No.论述了银山型钢有限公司炼钢厂2#板坯连铸机自投产以来其振动台存在的问题,根据实际情况分析论证并进行改造实施,实施后效果明显。

3.The theory and features ofvibrating table of mold of CSP caster are introduced.介绍了邯钢CSP连铸机结晶器振动台振动机构的原理及特性,针对振动台设计的不足,对振动台振动液压缸的位置传感器内置形式及扇形段锁紧夹安装布置进行了改造及优化,为连铸机振动台的设计、改造,取得了较好效果。


1.Analysis of the dynamic character of the electric platformvibrator and the cause of the armature deflection with high\|linear\.高线加速度下热与振动复合环境试验通常以离心机为主体 ,在机臂上安装温度箱、振动台实现复合环境 ,由于离心力的作用 ,振动台动圈无法产生振动 ,导致动圈烧坏 。

2.In the paper, a mathematical model of electrodynamicvibrator on centrifuge under the compund vibration environment is founded by the method of multirigid body analysis and the theoretical solution is derived, with the aid of the model, an all round emulational analysis is conducted.本文用多刚体分析的方法建立了在复合振动环境试验中离心机上电动振动台的数学模型,推导出了理论解,并对其进行了全面的仿真分析,仿真结果验证了理论解的正确性,从而为控制系统的设计提供了依

3.Analyzes the basic working principle ofvibrator system,introduces the function of charge amplifier YE5850 in this system,and illuminates the meaning of panel control parameters about YE5850.振动台测振系统可以应用于测量传感器振动状态、标定加速度传感器等方面,在该系统中,电荷放大器是很关键的设备。

6)shake table振动台

1.Theshake table test on soil-pile interaction;桩土相互作用的振动台试验研究

2.Theshake table used forthis sthectural seismic test comes from an MTS instrument, and inthis test, a tow-span colltinuous beam bridge is given as an example.而振动台却为人们进行随机振动试验的首选设备。

3.By way of theshake table test for the model of continuous\|beam bridge, the results of the influence of the damp, pier height and bearing shear stiffness on the model and piers is researched.通过连续梁桥模型振动台试验 ,分析了阻尼、墩高、支撑剪切刚度对模型梁和墩减震性能的影响。


振动台振动台vibratorzhelldongtai振动台(vibrator)用于试件的振动试验和振动计t器具检定和校准,其振动参数符合规范又可控制的振动发生器。按其用途,可分为试验振动台和校准振动台,试验振动台用于整机或部件的可靠性、耐疲劳性及耐振强度等试验,校准振动台用于振动计t器具的检定和校准。按机械振动的作用方向,可分为垂直、水平和角度振动的振动台。按产生振动分量的数目(或振动自由度),可分为单向直线振动和扭转振动的振动台,以及多分量平面和空间振动的振动台。按振动信号性质,可分为正弦、随机、瞬态冲击及其组合的振动台。按产生振动的结构原理,可分为机械式、电动式、液压式、磁致伸缩式、电致伸缩式(即压电晶体式)等。振动台的主要技术指标是:①振动参数,如工作频段、位移、速度、加速度、推力等的极限值及其稳定性等;②振动信号质t,如波形失真度、台面均匀度、横向振动比等;③功能性指标,如扫频定振精度、扫频方式和范围、扫速误差及保护功能等;④辅助性指标,如台面漏磁性、噪声、工作时间及交越频率等。 (施昌彦)
