200字范文 > 传统生态伦理 traditional ecologic ethics英语短句 例句大全

传统生态伦理 traditional ecologic ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-10 00:24:55


传统生态伦理 traditional ecologic ethics英语短句 例句大全

传统生态伦理,traditional ecologic ethics

1)traditional ecologic ethics传统生态伦理


1.On Our Traditional Ecologic Ethic Resources of Eco-Literature论我国生态文学的传统生态伦理资源

2.Culture & Nature: Research on Traditional Uygur Eco-ethics文化与自然:维吾尔传统生态伦理研究

3.People s Natural Source--On the Confucianists Traditional Ecological Ethic View;人的自然之源——论儒家传统生态伦理观

4.A Study on China s Traditional Eco-ethical Thoughts and the Building of Ecological Civilization;中国传统生态伦理思想与生态文明建设研究

5.Uygur Traditional Ecological Ethics and Establishment of Ecological Civilization in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region维吾尔族传统生态伦理与新疆生态文明建设

6.Traditional Ecological Ethics Thought in YunNan National Minority and Its Modern View云南少数民族传统生态伦理思想及其现代审视

7.The Role of Traditional Ecological Ethics of the Zangs in the Modern Society Viewed from the Development of Modern Ecological Ethics;从现代生态伦理学的发展看藏族传统生态伦理在现代社会中的作用

8.The Ecological Ethical Conception of Traditional Yi Culture;试论彝族传统文化中的生态伦理理念

9.Modern Explanation on Ecological Ethic Tradition of Emperor GeSaer;《格萨尔王传》中生态伦理传统的现代阐释

10.Research on the Doctrine of Ecological Ethics in Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的生态伦理学观点的研究

11.The Chinese Tradition Thought of "The Human Day Gathers One" and the Ethics Value in the Present Age;中国传统“天人合一”思想及其当代生态伦理价值

12.The Ecological Ethics Thinking of Xishuangbanna Dai Nationality s Traditional"Water Culture";西双版纳傣族传统“水文化”的生态伦理思想

13.On China s Tradition of "Harmony between Nature and Human" and Modern Ecolocy Ethnics;论中国传统天人合一观与现代生态伦理学

14.Transition of Traditional Environment Ethics towards Marxism Ecology Natural View传统环境伦理思想的马克思主义生态自然观转向

15.The Effect of Chinese Traditional Ethical Civilization on Chinese Doctors;中国传统伦理文化对中国医生的影响

16.A Preliminary Analysis of the New Ethics in the Ecological Society-Ecological Ethics;试论生态社会的新伦理学——生态伦理学

17.Cyber-Eco-ethics vs.Internet Culture Transmission;网络生态伦理观与网络文化传播之适切性

18.From LIANG Sheng-bao to BAI Jia-xuan:A Revelation of Traditional Ethics in Present Age Chinese Novels当代小说中传统伦理的隐与显——从梁生宝到白嘉轩的伦理观分析


ecological ethic traditions生态伦理传统

1.Fostered by the unique ecological environment of Tibet Altiplano,the Tibetan ancestors created manyecological ethic traditions,which showed in the heroic historical epic Emperor Gesaer.青藏高原独特的生态环境孕育了藏族先民丰富的生态伦理传统,并以英雄史诗《格萨尔王传》体现出来。

3)the traditional ecological ethics传统生态伦理观

1.The harmonious ecological ethics is a forword concept,the innovation is base onthe traditional ecological ethics,its primary embodiment is three theoretical questions.和谐生态伦理观是在传统生态伦理观基础上的观念创新,是一种新的生态伦理观,主要体现在和谐生态伦理观的三个主要理论问题上。

4)traditional ecological ethics of the Zangs藏族传统生态伦理

1.Both modern ecological ethics andtraditional ecological ethics of the Zangs holds that the life right and existence right of all living beings in the natural world should be respected,and carries out the harmonious coexistence between human and nature.当代生态伦理学与藏族传统生态伦理都主张尊重自然界一切生物的生命权和生存权 ,实现人与自然和谐存在。

5)Traditional ecological moral thoughts传统生态伦理思想

6)Traditional Ethics传统伦理

1.TheTraditional Ethics of Tai People Along the Lancang River and the Prevention of HIV;澜沧江流域傣族传统伦理与艾滋防治

2.Saying Good-bye to theTraditional Ethics and Moving Towards the Modern Ethics;告别传统伦理 走向现代伦理

3.Chinese traditional ethics is a long-term accumulation of culture, 5,000 years in the development process of the formation of a unique cultural identity.传统伦理是我国悠久文化的积淀,在五千年的发展过程中形成了独特的文化特征。


