200字范文 > 银校合作 cooperation between banks and college英语短句 例句大全

银校合作 cooperation between banks and college英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-28 20:57:18


银校合作 cooperation between banks and college英语短句 例句大全

银校合作,cooperation between banks and college

1)cooperation between banks and college银校合作

1.Problems incooperation between banks and colleges and suggestions ——Research report from higher learning of Chongqing;银校合作项目存在的问题及其改进建议——来自重庆市高校的研究报告


1.On "Bank-College Cooperation" and College Expansion With Appropriate Loan;“银校合作”与高校适度“负债办学”

2.On Bank-University Cooperation and Inner Controlof University Financial System;浅谈银校合作与高校财务的内部控制

3.Analysis for the Way of Bank-College Cooperation in the Course of Higher Education Development;对高教扩张中“银校合作”方式的分析

4.School Cooperated with Bank is a New Selective Mean toMiden Investment Way on Education;“银校合作”是拓展教育投资渠道的新选择

5.Problems in cooperation between banks and colleges and suggestions --Research report from higher learning of Chongqing;银校合作项目存在的问题及其改进建议——来自重庆市高校的研究报告

6.Hwa Nan Bank, Chang Hwa Bank, First Bank,Taiwan Cooperative Bank华南银行, 彰化银行, 第一银行, 合作金库

7.Nash Balance:An Economic Interpretation of The Cooperative Behavior Between the Bank and the University;纳什均衡:银行和高校信贷合作行为的经济学诠释

8.Banque internationale de cooperation economique国际经济合作银行(经合银行)

9.Central American Bank for Economic Integration中美洲经济合作银行

10.Intermediate Bank information (your local Bank"s partner in the U.S.):中间银行资料(即您当地银行在美国的合作银行):

11.The Import and Export Bank of China and the Bank of China strengthen cooperation中国进出口银行与中国银行加强合作

12.Cross-running of Banking Based on the Cooperation Between Banks and Securities;从银证合作看我国银行业的混业经营

13.The cooperation of four hands technique in the dental and gam plombge;四手操作在银汞合金充填术中的配合

14.Research in the Issue of the Cooperating-Competition of Chinese Banks Against Foreign Banks;中资银行对外资银行合作性竞争问题研究

15.The Cooperation Between Banking and Futures is a Mutual-Win Road;银期业务合作是银行与期货业实现共赢之路

16.Analysis of the Competition and Cooperation between Commercial Bank and Policy Bank in Our Country;我国商业银行同政策性银行的竞争与合作分析

17.On the cooperative pattern of higher vocational education and enterprise--A case study of a vocational college产学合作教育中校企合作模式研究——某高职院校校企合作案例分析

18.World Bank/UNIDO Cooperative Programme世界银行/工发组织合作方案


inter-bank cooperation银银合作

3)combination of university and bank银校结合

4)cooperation among school校校合作

1.the good opportunitiy is full used,that is the Eastern support the Western,and explore the open mode ofcooperation among schools,cooperation between school and enterprise,use the advanced concepts and successful experience of the eastern to develop the cooperation relationship between school and enterprise,the successful practice model of personnel training of Traini.西部欠发达地区如何发展高职教育是摆在高职院校面前的重要课题,充分利用国家实施东部地区对口支援西部地区发展的机遇,探索"校校合作、校企合作"开放式办学模式,借鉴东部地区先进的职教理念和成功的办学经验,通过与多家企业开展校企合作,成功地实践 "订单培养"、"工学结合"的人才培养模式,实现校企互动,互利共赢,就能较好地解决学生上岗实习和就业等问题,有效地提高人才培养的质量。

5)cooperation between bank and insurance company银保合作

1.A several thoughts of developingcooperation between bank and insurance company in our country;关于我国开展银保合作的几点思考

6)cooperation of banks and futures industy银期合作


