200字范文 > 非价格竞争策略 non-price competition policy英语短句 例句大全

非价格竞争策略 non-price competition policy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-09 14:52:15


非价格竞争策略 non-price competition policy英语短句 例句大全

非价格竞争策略,non-price competition policy

1)non-price competition policy非价格竞争策略


1.Based on the Buyer s Market for Non-price Competition Strategy Study;基于买方市场的非价格竞争策略研究

2.Non-Price Competition--the Trend and Strategy of Modern Marketing Competition;非价格竞争:现代市场营销竞争的趋势及策略

3.The price strategy of TEPCO under the competitive electric market environment;东京电力公司竞争环境下的价格策略

4.Suggestions on the Price Competition and Strategy of Mobile Voice Services;移动话音业务的价格竞争与策略建议

5.On the Deployment and Misuse of Price Strategies in the Market Compet ition;市场竞争中价格策略的运用及其误区

6.Price and Delivery Time Competition under Demand Sensitive to Time and Price;价格、时间敏感需求下的价格与交付期竞争策略

7.Price Competition Strategies and Price War in Chinese Medical Treatment Profession;我国医疗行业的价格竞争策略和价格战的分析

8.African Petroleum Exploration and Development Market Pattern and Competition Strategy;非洲石油勘探开发市场格局与竞争策略

9.Discussion on the Strategy of Chain Drugstores in Replying to Drug Price War连锁药店应对药品价格竞争的策略探讨

10.A Study on Price Competition between Supply Chains Based Brand Difference;基于品牌差异的供应链间价格竞争策略研究

11.Analysis of the Evolution of Price Competition Strategy in High-tech Industries;高新技术产业价格竞争策略的演化分析

12.Primary analysis of competition strategies of property insurance in process of opening-up;开放进程中财产保险价格竞争策略初探

13.The Pricing Strategy in the Competition of Broadband Market;对宽带市场竞争中价格策略的深层次分析

14.Several Common Mistakes in the Operation of Price Competition Strategy;剖析价格竞争策略实施中的常见几个错误

15.Study on Price Competition and Effected Company s Strategy in Antidumping;反倾销中的价格竞争及被诉企业策略研究

16.Characteristics of the Industry Prone to Price Competition and the Firms Strategic Behavior;易发生价格竞争的产业特征及企业策略

17.Research on equilibriums and coordination strategies of supply chains with quality and price competition质量与价格竞争供应链的均衡与协调策略研究

18.Two-sided Markets:The Example and the Analysis of Unsymmetrical Price双边市场非对称定价策略:以南京报业竞争为例


price competition strategies价格竞争策略

1.The paper puts forward theprice competition strategies of the medical treatment profession based on the price theory,and points out the implementing scope of the each strategy.在定价理论的基础上,提出了医疗行业的价格竞争策略,并指出了每种策略的实施范围。

3)Non-price competition非价格竞争

1.The analysis of game in high-tech business’non-price competition;高科技企业非价格竞争的博弈分析

2.From the angle of the microcosmic marketing,this article,based on Game Theory,has explored the basic ways for Chinese enterprises to change from price competition to non-price competition in WTO,for example,product differentiation,high-quality product production,competition cooperation,development and the like.从微观的市场营销角度,利用博弈分析工具:产品价格竞争模型、产品质量模型、古诺(Cournot)模型、圆形城市模型,探讨了在WTO条件下,中国企业如何从价格竞争向非价格竞争转变的基本途径:产品差异化、生产高质量产品、开展竞争合作、开拓发展等,以增强企业持续竞争优势。

3.Based on the analysis of price competition disadvantages that in a modern market economy,non-price competition has gradually become the mainstream of marketing and proposed a non-price competition strategy.通过对价格竞争弊端的分析,指出在现代市场经济条件下,非价格竞争已逐渐成为市场营销的主流,并提出了非价格竞争的策略。

4)non price competition非价格竞争

1.Finally,the concept ofnon price competition is introduced and its advantages are described.同时从港口间不同关系出发,介绍了两种港口企业可采用的定价策略,还引进非价格竞争概念,分析了采用非价格竞争手段的优点,并得出非价格竞争活动应进行到所支出的边际成本正好等于所产生的边际收入为止的结论。

5)competition and pricing strategy竞争与定价策略

6)non-cooperative price competition非合作价格竞争


