200字范文 > 高等专业音乐教育 higher professional music education英语短句 例句大全

高等专业音乐教育 higher professional music education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 15:30:48


高等专业音乐教育 higher professional music education英语短句 例句大全

高等专业音乐教育,higher professional music education

1)higher professional music education高等专业音乐教育

1.The changing ofhigher professional music education from elite to normal person has been the general concern in music education field.在经济高速发展与竞争激烈的21世纪,高等艺术教育事业迅猛发展,高等专业音乐教育由精英化向大众化转变的现状得到音乐教育界的普遍关注。

2)secondary specialty education of music中等专业音乐教育

3)music education in local colleges and universities地方高校音乐教育专业

1.These problems originate from the deviation of orientation of the courses goal and evaluation ofmusic education in local colleges and universities.地方高校音乐教育专业课程设置没有凸显音乐教育专业的特点,而且各学科缺乏有效整合。


1.Thinking Over the Specialized Courses for Music Education Students at Local Colleges and Universities;对地方高校音乐教育专业课程的反思

2.The Analysis Investigated and Countermeasure Research on the Music Education Profession Students Learning Burnout in the Local College;山区地方高校音乐教育专业学生学习倦怠调查分析及对策研究

3.On Harmony Teaching for Music Major Students in Regional Higher Normal Colleges地方高师院校音乐专业和声教学刍议

4.Problems and Measures of Music Education of Local Higher Normal Universities地方高师院校音乐专业教育存在的问题及其对策

5.On the Similarity and the Difference between ProfessionalMusic Education and Music Education in Institutionsof Higher Learning;论普通高校音乐教育与专业音乐教育的异同

6.Present Condition and Countermeasures on Developing Music Practice After Class in College Music Education Major;高校音乐教育专业课外音乐实践现状与对策

7.The thought of Giving Non-music Majors Music Education;对高校非音乐专业学生进行音乐教育的思考

8.On the Educating Potential of College Music Teachers;论高校音乐专业任课教师的育人潜能

9.Multi - layer Education Should be carried out in Music Major of Higher Vocational Colleges and Universities;高职院校音乐专业应实施多层次教育

10.A Discussion about Piano Teaching for Musical Education Major of Vocation and Technology Training Colleges;高职高专院校音乐教育专业钢琴教学探讨

11.Discussion about Music Teaching Reform of Teachers College Musical Education Major;高师音乐教育专业音乐教学改革探讨

12.On the Piano Course Reform of Music Education Specialty;高校音乐教育专业钢琴课程教学改革初探

13.Assessment on the Teaching Material of Piano of edition for Music Education Majors in Colleges高等学校音乐教育专业版《钢琴》教材评析

14.Exploration and practice on solfeggio teaching for music education major in higher schools高校音乐教育专业视唱练耳教学的探索与实践

15.On Students’ Comprehensive Solfeggio Ability Training in Local Colleges谈地方院校音乐教育专业学生视唱练耳综合能力的培养

16.On Strengthening National Music Education in Music Teaching in Normal College;高师音乐专业加强民族音乐教育初探

17.A functional approach to the piano teaching for themusic majors in teachers universities;高师院校音乐教育专业钢琴实用性功能初探

18.Training Pattern of Application-based Music Majors at Tertiary Level;高校音乐教育专业应用型人才培养模式研究


secondary specialty education of music中等专业音乐教育

3)music education in local colleges and universities地方高校音乐教育专业

1.These problems originate from the deviation of orientation of the courses goal and evaluation ofmusic education in local colleges and universities.地方高校音乐教育专业课程设置没有凸显音乐教育专业的特点,而且各学科缺乏有效整合。

4)the music education major in university高师音乐教育专业

1.This paper,proceeding from the reality ofthe music education major in university,in the light of a great deal of existing problems,puts forward the conception of the layering method in the management and teaching.从高师音乐教育专业的实际情况出发,针对当前教育存在的诸多问题,提出了对学生进行分层管理、施教的构想,旨在提高教学功效,促进学生全面发展,为高师音乐教学改革献计献策。

5)Province higher vocational education of music高等职业音乐教育

6)music education音乐教育专业

1.The biggest problem ofmusic education in teachers college is transferring the music majors course structure and teaching mode, not protruding its own teaching characteristics.本文认为 ,师专音乐教育专业的课程设置与教学 ,最大的问题仍然是在移植专业音乐院校的课程体系和教学模式而离弃着自己的专科本色。

2.The article analyse the teaching characteristis and status ofmusic education major,point out the problems in the practice teaching.该文对音乐教育专业的教学特点和现状进行了分析,指出了在实践课教学过程中存在的问题,对搭建音乐教育专业的课程架构、改革教学模式、充分利用现代化教学资源等方面提出了合理化的建议及具体的改革措施。


