200字范文 > H9亚型禽流感病毒 H9 subtype avian influenza virus英语短句 例句大全

H9亚型禽流感病毒 H9 subtype avian influenza virus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-03 15:42:01


H9亚型禽流感病毒 H9 subtype avian influenza virus英语短句 例句大全

H9亚型禽流感病毒,H9 subtype avian influenza virus

1)H9 subtype avian influenza virusH9亚型禽流感病毒

1.Indirect immunity fluorescence assay onH9 subtype avian influenza virus and comparison with fluorescence RT-PCR method;H9亚型禽流感病毒间接免疫荧光检测方法的建立与比较

2.Development and evaluation of an immunochromatographic test kit for rapid detection ofH9 subtype avian influenza virusH9亚型禽流感病毒免疫层析快速检测试剂盒的研制及应用

3.Duck eggs inoculated with theH9 subtype avian influenza virus (AIV) is pickled in the saturated brine according to the conventional methods in 12℃, 22℃ and 32℃ respectively, set the AIV treated with saturated brine and untreated AIV as controls.经人工接种H9亚型禽流感病毒(AIV)的鸭蛋,分别在12℃、22℃和32℃条件下按常规方法腌制于饱和盐水中,同时以置饱和盐水中的禽流感病毒和未经处理禽流感病毒样品作为对照,通过MDCK细胞培养、间接免疫荧光方法定期进行禽流感病毒毒力测定,结果在12℃、22℃和32℃条件下腌制鸭蛋中的禽流感病毒分别于49天、27天和4天失去毒力,置饱和盐水中的禽流感病毒分别在27天、9天和2天失去毒力,而未经处理的禽流感病毒分别在92天、29天和17天失去毒力;不同试验温度条件下,以荧光RT-PCR检测腌制鸭蛋和对照样品中的禽流感病毒,在100天后仍可检出病毒核酸(Ct<30)。


1.Analysis of Physiological Indexes in Chickens Infected with H9 Subtype AIVH9亚型禽流感病毒感染鸡生理指标的分析

2.Preliminary Study of H5 and H9 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus Micoarray Technique;H5和H9亚型禽流感病毒诊断芯片的初步研究

3.Analysis of hemagglutinin genes of isolates of avian influenza virus H9 subtype from Shanghai area上海地区H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因序列分析

4.Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies against the Hemagglutinin of H9 Subtype of Avian Influenza Virus by Genetic Immunization用基因疫苗制备H9亚型禽流感病毒单克隆抗体

5.Study of a Recombinant Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Expressing the Hemagglutinin Protein of H9 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus (AIV)表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因重组新城疫病毒的研究

6.Rescue of a recombinant newcastle disease virus expressing the hemagglutinin protein of H9 subtype avian influenza virus表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组新城疫病毒的拯救

7.DNA Vaccines Against H9N2 Subtype of Avian Influenza Virus Delivered by Attenuated Salmonella and Theirimmune Efficacy;减毒沙门氏菌运送的H9亚型禽流感病毒DNA疫苗及其免疫效力

8.Study on SPA-Piezoelectric Immunosensor for the Detection of H9 Serotype Avian Influenza Virus蛋白A法压电免疫传感器检测H9亚型禽流感病毒的研究

9.Preparation for Anti-idiotypic Antibodies to Avian Influenza Virus Subtype H9 and Primary Analysis to Their Immunogenicity;H9亚型禽流感病毒抗独特型抗体的研制与其免疫原性的初步分析

10.Development of McAbs Against H9 AIV and Establishment of Antigen Capture ELISA for Detecting H9 Avian Influenza Virus;H9亚型禽流感病毒单抗的制备及其抗原捕获ELISA方法的建立

11.Study on Multiplex Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction for Detection of H5,H7 and H9 Subtypes Avian Influenza Virus多重反转录聚合酶链式反应检测H5、H7和H9亚型禽流感病毒的研究

12.Development and evaluation of an immunochromatographic test kit for rapid detection of H9 subtype avian influenza virusH9亚型禽流感病毒免疫层析快速检测试剂盒的研制及应用

13.Isolation and Identification of One H9 Mild-pathogenic Avian Influenza Strain and Its Effect on Growth Rate of Broiler Chickens一株肉鸡H9亚型禽流感病毒的分离鉴定及其对肉鸡增重的影响

14.Construction and Immunogenicity Assessment of Recombinant Fowlpox Virus Expressing HA Gene of H9 Subtype Avian Influenza Virus;表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组禽痘病毒的构建及其免疫效力的评估

15.Recombinant Fowlpox Viruses Expressing HA from Subtype H9N2 of Avian Influenza Virus and/or Chicken Type Ⅱ Interferon and Their Protective Efficacies Against Homologous Challenge in Chickens;表达和共表达H9亚型禽流感病毒血凝素基因和鸡Ⅱ型干扰素基因的重组鸡痘病毒

16.Recombinant Fowlpox Virus Highly Expressing HA from Subtype H9N2 of Avian Influenza Virus and Its Protective Efficacy Against Homologous Challenge in Chickens;高效表达H9亚型禽流感病毒HA基因的重组鸡痘病毒的构建及免疫效力试验

17.Immunobiological Properties of the Prime-boost Strategy with DNA Vaccine Delivered by Attenuated Salmonella Typhimurium and Killed Oil-emulsified Vaccine Against H9 Subtype of Avian Influenza Virus;减毒沙门氏菌介导的H9亚型禽流感病毒DNA疫苗与灭活疫苗联合应用研究

18.Preparation of Monoclonal Antibodies Against the Haemaglutinin in Aivan Influenza Virus Subtype H5,H9 and Development of Sandwich ELISA Differentiability Kit for Detecting AIV Antigen;禽流感病毒H5、H9亚型单抗及ELISA鉴别诊断方法的研究和应用


H_9 subtype禽流感病毒H9亚型

3)Influenza H9N2 VirusH9亚型流感病毒

1.Serological Investigation on the Population Infection of AvianInfluenza H9N2 Virus in Shantou City;[目的 ]了解汕头市人群中H9亚型流感病毒感染的情况及分布。

4)AIV H9禽流感H9亚型

5)H9 subtype avian influenzaH9亚型禽流感

1.In order to explore the genetic mutaions of the hemagglutinin(HA) gene and the law of molecular epidemiology ofH9 subtype avian influenza viruses in China, 23H9 subtype avian influenza viruses(AIVs) were isolated from l2 provinces of China in recent years.为从分子水平掌握我国H9亚型AIV的遗传变异情况和流行规律 ,本研究汇集近年来从我国 1 2个省、市、自治区的发病鸡群中分离到的 2 3株H9亚型禽流感病毒 ,通过RT -PCR方法和核苷酸序列测定获得了 2 3个毒株的HA基因cDNA核苷酸序列。

2.Symptom analysis,autopsy change and laboratory diagnosis of a case of Marek s disease secondaryH9 subtype avian influenza in layer flocks were introduced.通过对一例发生马立克氏病继发H9亚型禽流感的蛋鸡群的症状进行分析、剖检变化及实验室诊断,提出了治疗和预防措施,为马立克氏病和H9亚型禽流感的防治提供参考。

3.In order to explore the genetic variation of the hemagglutinin(HA)gene and epidemic rule ofH9 subtype avian influenza viruses in Shanghai area,sevenH9 subtype avian influenza viruses(AIVs)were isolated from live poultry markets of Shanghai including one isolate from 2002,two isolates from to separately.结果HI试验表明这7株毒株均属于H9亚型禽流感病毒。

6)AIVH9禽流感H9亚型(AIV H9)


副流感病毒副流感病毒parainfluenza virus分1、2、3、4四种血清型。1型又称“红细胞吸附病毒Ⅱ型”(HA2),2型称“哮吼类病毒”(CA),均易在婴儿中引起上呼吸道感染及支气管炎,常出现嘶哑及哮吼。3型又称红细胞吸附病毒Ⅰ型(HA1),往往引起细支气管炎或肺炎,也常出现哮吼。4型又称M-25,较少见,可在儿童及成人中发生上呼吸道感染。
