200字范文 > 当代教育社会学 contemporary sociology of education英语短句 例句大全

当代教育社会学 contemporary sociology of education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-29 16:21:14


当代教育社会学 contemporary sociology of education英语短句 例句大全

当代教育社会学,contemporary sociology of education

1)contemporary sociology of education当代教育社会学

1.The modernity is a common core theme for both thecontemporary sociology of education and postmodernism.后现代主义是当代一种世界性的社会文化思潮,现代性是当代教育社会学和后现代主义共同的核心主题。


1.On the Relationship between Contemporary Sociology of Education and Postmodernism论当代教育社会学与后现代主义的关系

2.The Study on the Core Concepts of Contemporary Sociology of Education and Its Trends;当代教育社会学研究的核心主题及理论建构

3.On Contemporary College Students Education of Socialist Honor and Disgrace;论当代大学生的社会主义荣辱观教育

4.Morality Development in Modern Society and Morality Education of College Students;当代社会道德变迁与大学生道德教育

5.Research on Education for Contemporary University Student in Socialist Concept of Honors and Disgraces;当代大学生社会主义荣辱观教育研究

6.An Exploration to the Outlook of Socialistic Behavior and Benefits of Comtemporary College Students;当代大学生社会主义义利观教育探析

7.On Education of Contemporary College Students Social Responsibility;论当代大学生社会责任感教育的价值

8.Modern Cultural Environment and Ideological Education for College Students;当代社会文化环境与大学生思想教育

9.Enhancing Modern College Students"Socialist Honor or Disgrace Education当代大学生社会主义荣辱观教育探讨

10.Sociological Change And Academic Humanistic Education;当代艺术的社会学转向与学院人文教育

11.Discipline Essence and Social Responsibility of Modern School Chinese Education;当代学校语文教育的学科实质和社会责任

12.Ceremonial Education:Issues on the Quality Education for Modern Undergraduates and the Construction of Harmonious Society;仪式教育:当代大学生素质教育与和谐社会构建应当关注的问题

13.Socialist Concept of Honor and Disgrace and Quality Education for Contemporary College Students;社会主义荣辱观与当代大学生素质教育

14.Research on Socialist Ideals and Beliefs Cultivation of Contemporary University Students;当代大学生社会主义理想信念教育研究

15.On Analysis of Contemporary University Students Social Ideal and Its Education Countermeasure;当代大学生社会理想现状分析与教育对策

16.The Discussion on college students core values of the socialist system under the multi-cultural background;论当代大学生社会主义核心价值观教育

17.Featured Schooling and Social Service in the Field of Contemporary Education;当代教育视野下的特色办学与社会服务

18.Credibility Education of College Students and Construction of Harmonious Soceity;当代大学生的诚信教育与和谐社会建设


contemporary sociology当代社会学

1.Although during different periods theoretical viewpoints and research paradigms of sociology vary gready, there are no essential differences among classical, modern andcontemporary sociology in the matter of theoretical methods and key subjects.无论是古典社会学,还是现代社会学和当代社会学理论研究,其核心主题都是围绕现代性而展开的。

3)postmodern sociology of education后现代教育社会学

1.Thepostmodern sociology of education and the postmodernism sociology of education can be distinguished from the contemporary sociology of education.从当代教育社会学中可以区分出后现代教育社会学和后现代主义教育社会学。

4)postmodernism sociology of education后现代主义教育社会学

1.The postmodern sociology of education and thepostmodernism sociology of education can be distinguished from the contemporary sociology of education.从当代教育社会学中可以区分出后现代教育社会学和后现代主义教育社会学。

5)education sociology教育社会学

1.On the review and prospect ofeducation sociology in China;我国教育社会学研究的回顾与前瞻

2.LEI Tong-qun is the first scholar to put forward the idea of localization and carried it into practice in the domain ofeducation sociology in China.雷通群是中国教育社会学领域中最早提出"中国化"且加以实践的学者。

3.The paper rethink the problem consciousness of theeducation sociology as discipline, by way of comparing two kinds of pattern of put questions to: "whose?" and "how possible?", it try further clear the problem and approach ofeducation sociology research.文章通过比较教育社会学的两种提问方式:“谁的?”与“何以可能?”从而反思教育社会学作为一 门学科的问题意识,试图将教育社会学研究的问题与路向进一步明晰。

6)educational sociology教育社会学

1.On the start of the Chineseeducational sociology from the perspective of knowledge sociology;中国教育社会学的发端——一种知识社会学的视角

2.Lei Tongqun is an important representative in the development process of Chineseeducational sociology.雷通群是中国教育社会学发展进程中一位重要的代表人物,他于20世纪30年代初期所著的《教育社会学》是中国教育社会学领域最早以"教育社会学"题名的著作,该书对于中国教育社会学学科性质、地位和研究对象的研究,对于教育社会学学科体系的架构以及教育社会学中国化问题的探索至今依然是我国教育社会学的宝贵遗产。

3.This paper gives an introduction to the theories about educational anthropology,makes a review of the developing process of educational anthropology in China,and makes a comparison between educational anthropology andeducational sociology.另外,还对教育人类学与教育社会学之间的区别与联系进行了比较。


