200字范文 > 增订三版 the third revised edition英语短句 例句大全

增订三版 the third revised edition英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-13 17:57:36


增订三版 the third revised edition英语短句 例句大全

增订三版,the third revised edition

1)the third revised edition增订三版

1.Some errors in the part of vocabuoary inthe third revised edition of Modern Chinese;《现代汉语》(增订三版)词汇部分求疵

2.Inthe third revised edition of Modern Chinese by Huang and Liao,a drastic revision was made.本文就黄伯荣、廖序东先生主编的《现代汉语》(增订三版)语法部分的一些不当之处,提出一些意见和建议。

3.Inthe third revised edition of Modem Chinese by Huang and Liao,a drastic supplement and revision was made of the second revised edition according to the spirit of the Late of National Language and Writing System.黄、廖本《现代汉语》增订三版依据《国家通用语言文字法》的精神,对增订二版作了较大幅度的增补和修改,本文主要从语言文字规范化方面对教材(上册)的增改内容及存在的问题进行分析,并提出商榷意见。


1.Some Errors in the Part of Grammar in the Third Revised Edition of Modern Chinese;《现代汉语》(增订三版)语法部分求疵

2.Evaluation and Analysis on Modern Chinese by Huang and Liao;黄、廖本《现代汉语》(增订三版上册)评析

3.Some errors in the part of vocabuoary in the third revised edition of Modern Chinese;《现代汉语》(增订三版)词汇部分求疵

4.On Several Slips in Modern Chinese Language by Huang and Liao (the Third Revised Edition);也谈黄廖本《现代汉语》(增订三版)中的几个纰漏

5.Several Questions in Grammar Part of Modern Chinese by Huang Borong & Liao Xudong (the thirel Published);黄廖本《现代汉语》(增订三版)语法部分的若干问题

6.Phrases of the Character "Suo" in MODERN CHINESE;《现代汉语》(增订二版下册)中的“所”字短语

7.A explanation about the revised version of the third volume ofsenior high school Chinese textbook;人教版高中语文课本第三册修订说明

8.Discussion on the Several Grammar Problems in the Course Book Modern Chinese;浅谈《现代汉语》(增订二版下册)中的几个语法问题

9.Remarks on the revision of the part of grammar in the second revised edition of Modern Chinese;谈《现代汉语》增订二版对语法部分的修改

10.Discussion on Some Questions of Huang and Liao"s The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (The Fourth Revised Edition)黄廖本《现代汉语》(增订四版)一些问题的商榷

11.Review on "Vocabulary" Section in "Modern Chinese Language (The Fourth Revision Edition)" Compiled《现代汉语》增订四版“词汇”部分修改问题评析

12.Revising and Clinical Use Research on Learning Adaptability Scale (Revised);学习适应量表(增订版)在上海地区的修订与应用研究

13.A brief introduction of people education pressmathematics textbooks for seventh grade students;人教版义务教育三年制初一数学教科书(试用修订版)简介

14.A Lasting New Teaching Material--On the 4th Edition of by Huang & Liao;一本常出常新的《现代汉语》教材——读黄廖本《现代汉语》“增订四版”

15.A Best Improved Example of Textbooks-On the Revision of Grammar Chapter in Modern Chinese Language;精益求精的教材范例──谈《现代汉语》(增订二版)语法章的修改

16.Brief Discussion on Modifications in "Modern Chinese Language (The Fourth Revision Edition)" Compiled--A Case Study on Rhetoric in Chapter Six《现代汉语》增订四版修改刍议——以第六章修辞为个案

17.Predicate-only Adjectives and Adverbs: Review on Parts of Speech in"Modern Chinese Language (The Fourth Revision Edition)" Compiled唯谓形容词和副词——《现代汉语》(增订四版)词类部分评价

18.The latest edition is binding.最新版本的书正在装订。


enlarged edition增订版

3)The Fourth Revised Edition增订四版

1.Discussion on Some Questions of Huang and Liao"s The Contemporary Chinese Dictionary (The Fourth Revised Edition)黄廖本《现代汉语》(增订四版)一些问题的商榷

4)Modern Chinese (the third published)《现代汉语》(增订三版)

5)revised and enlarged edition修订增补版

6)This is the enlarged edition.这是增订版。


