200字范文 > 照料负担 Burden of care英语短句 例句大全

照料负担 Burden of care英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-05 11:18:18


照料负担 Burden of care英语短句 例句大全

照料负担,Burden of care

1)Burden of care照料负担


1.Correlation between Burden of Care and Mental Health of Family Members of Patients with Alzheimer"s Disease老年性痴呆患者亲属照料负担与心理健康的相关性分析

2.A Comparative Study on Economic Burden of Schizophrene and Psychological Burden of Her Caregiver;精神分裂症患者经济负担及其照料者精神负担的对照研究

3.The health,burden and home care of China elderly population;中国老年人口的健康、负担及家庭照料

4.Senile dementia caregivers" burdens and related factors老年期痴呆患者照料者负担及其相关因素调查

5.not burdened with cares or responsibilities.没有负担照顾他人的负担或者责任。

6.the strain of managing Both a family and a career.既要持家又要照顾好工作的巨大负担

7.heavily burdened with work or cares.负载着极大的工作或者照顾他人的负担。

8."Care, supervision, and control exerted by one in charge."照管:由负责人行使的照料、监督和控制.

9.Care, supervision, and control exerted by one in charge.照管由负责人行使的照料、监督和控制

10.Relevant units shall bear their proportions of the expenses for civil air defense in accordance with relevant State regulations.有关单位应当按照国家规定负担人民防空费用。

11.As for the policy concerning burdens, we should really take the interests of the ordinary masses into account.在负担政策上,则应确实照顾基本群众的利益。

12.Study on family burden in aged patients with chronic disease对老年慢性病患者照顾者家庭负担的调查分析

13.Study on the caregiver burden and related factors in patients with paraplegia截瘫患者家庭照顾者负担及其影响因素分析

14.In the charge of sb.由某人负责,由某人照料[管理]

15.On account of your health, you must endeavour to shift off the care of your children.由于你的身体状况,你必须设法卸掉照看孩子这一负担。

16.Uh oh, sounds like you"re not taking care of yourself. There are ways of lightening your load.哦噢,听起来你似乎没有把自己照顾好。总有办法能减轻负担吧。

17."If joint liability is specified by law or By agreement, the parties shall assume joint liability."依照法律的规定或者协议的约定负连带责任的,承担连带责任。

18.A Study on Influencing Factors of Burdens and Mental Health of Caregivers of Stroke Patients;脑卒中患者非正式照顾者负担和心理健康相关因素研究


Burden of nursing照护负担

3)caregiver"s burden照顾者负担

4)caregiver burden inventory照顾者负担问卷

5)Burden sharing分担负担


1.Analysis on overloaded taxburden of enterprise of coal industry and suggestions;煤炭企业税收负担过重的原因分析与建议

2.A Study on the Trend of the Aging Population and the Burden in Lijin County from 2000 to ;2000~利津县人口老龄化与负担趋势分析

3.A study on influencing factors ofburdens of caregivers of cerebral apoplexy patients;脑卒中病人的照顾者负担影响因素研究


