200字范文 > 农地发展权流转 the transfer of farmland development rights英语短句 例句大全

农地发展权流转 the transfer of farmland development rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-23 14:02:55


农地发展权流转 the transfer of farmland development rights英语短句 例句大全

农地发展权流转,the transfer of farmland development rights

1)the transfer of farmland development rights农地发展权流转

2)rural land development rights农地发展权

1.The paper aims to erect compensation mechamism of cultivated land protection under general dynamic balance of cultivated land in China from an vies ofrural land development rights.本文从农地发展权的视角,以农地发展权为国家粮食安全和生态安全的载体,构建耕地总量动态平衡下的区域耕地保护补偿机制,试图以农地发展权的产权手段来解决"异地指标调剂"的跨区域耕地保护问题,为中国耕地保护制度改革提供了一个思路。

2.The purpose of the paper is to study the meaning ofrural land development rights and its application in rural land protection field based on the analysis of existing land property system and rural land protection policies.研究目的:基于现行土地产权体系和农地保护政策体系,分析农地发展权的内涵、归属,确定农地发展权的设定方案并探讨其在农地保护中的应用。


1.The Construction of Land Requisition Compensation Mechanism Based on the Right of Agricultural Land Development;基于农地发展权的征地补偿机制构建

2.The Establishment of the Rights of Farmland Development and Its Positive Significance for the Regulation of China s Policy for Farmland Conservation;农地发展权创设及对农地保护政策调整的启示

3.Discussion on the Deficiency of Agricultural Land Development Right Based on the "the Small Property Rights" Housing Market论基于“小产权”房市场的农地发展权的缺失

4.Law of Construction Farmland Right to Development--From the Angle of Private Power农地发展权之法律建构——以私权为研究视点


6.Research on Acceptance Subject of Land-requisition Compensation and Rights to Agricultural Land Development;征地补偿费受偿主体及农地发展权归属探究

7.The Setup of Farmland Development Rights and the Reform of Land Expropriation;农地发展权的设立与土地征用制度改革

8.Research on Establishment and Application of the Farm Land Development Right in the Proceeding of FarmLand Protection in China;农地发展权的创设及其在农地保护中的运用研究

9.A Correlative Study on City Broadening and Farm Land Price;城市扩张与农地发展权价格的关系研究

10.On the Right of Land Development Farm Land Expropriation and Compensation System;土地发展权、农地征用及征地补偿制度

11.A Case Study on Rights and Interests Protection of Farmers Lost Farmland and Sustainable Development of Agriculture and the Village in Weifang City, Shandong Province, China;失地农民权益保护与农业和农村可持续发展

12.Bringing Forth New Ideas about Property Rights System of Agricultural Land in China and Sustainable Development of Agricultural Land;中国农地产权制度创新与农地可持续发展

13.Developing agricultural mechanization Speeding up the circulation of land management right;发展农业机械化加快土地经营权流转

14.The Development of English Peasant"s Rights of Land During 15th and 16th Century15-16世纪英国农民土地权利的发展

15.The System of Protecting Title of Countryside Land;论发展权视野中农地产权保护的法律机制

16.The Impact of the Transfer of Rights to Use Farmland on the Industrialization Development of Agriculture;农村土地使用权流转及农业产业化发展研究

17.The Consideration Both in the Reformation ofProperty right System of Agriculture Land, and in theDevelopment Mode of Agriculture in Our Country;我国农地产权制度改革和农业发展模式的思考

18.The Transfer of Collective Land and the Distribution of Rural Land Development Right;从集体用地流转看我国农村土地发展权配置


rural land development rights农地发展权

1.The paper aims to erect compensation mechamism of cultivated land protection under general dynamic balance of cultivated land in China from an vies ofrural land development rights.本文从农地发展权的视角,以农地发展权为国家粮食安全和生态安全的载体,构建耕地总量动态平衡下的区域耕地保护补偿机制,试图以农地发展权的产权手段来解决"异地指标调剂"的跨区域耕地保护问题,为中国耕地保护制度改革提供了一个思路。

2.The purpose of the paper is to study the meaning ofrural land development rights and its application in rural land protection field based on the analysis of existing land property system and rural land protection policies.研究目的:基于现行土地产权体系和农地保护政策体系,分析农地发展权的内涵、归属,确定农地发展权的设定方案并探讨其在农地保护中的应用。

3)Farmland Development Rights农地发展权

1.The purpose of research is to analyze the definition,segmentation and pricing of farmland development rights,and to find ways to solve problems as profit distribution and external compensation in land requisition.研究目的:通过农地发展权的界定、细分和量化的研究,尝试解决中国农地非农化过程中土地增值收益分配和外部性补偿问题。

2.It is important to select the establishment method for the system establishment of farmland development rights.农地发展权制度构建方法的选择是农地发展权制度建设的重要组成部分,采用比较分析方法,探索了分别以制度移植和制度创新两种方式构建我国农地发展权制度的利与弊。

3.In recent years importance has been attached by academe to the research of farmland development rights in China.近年来我国学术界逐渐重视对农地发展权制度的研究,然而其研究阶段仍处于农地发展权理论研究的初始阶段。

4)farmland development right农地发展权

1.The results show that the tenure system of cultivated land includes production profitability right, livelihood guarantee right,farmland development right, food .研究结果:耕地产权体系包含耕地的生产收益权、生存保障权、农地发展权、粮食安全权和生态安全权,各权利价值在不同的社会经济条件下有不同体现;征地补偿应逐步体现耕地各产权价值。

2.Based on the protecting of agricultural land, the article tries to analyze the definition and segmentation offarmland development right to establishfarmland development right and to solve problems of profit distribution.本文试图从农地保护的角度分析农地发展权的内涵、归属,确定农地发展权的设定方案及其收益分配。

5)peasants land developing rights农民土地发展权

6)Development Right to the Agricultural Land农地发展权探微


