200字范文 > 国有林场 state-owned forest farm英语短句 例句大全

国有林场 state-owned forest farm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-09 04:26:02


国有林场 state-owned forest farm英语短句 例句大全

国有林场,state-owned forest farm

1)state-owned forest farm国有林场

1.Evaluation on changing of forest biodiversity onstate-owned forest farms in Guangxi;广西国有林场森林生物多样性变化评价

2.Study on the Management Theory & Practice for State-owned Forest Farms of Guangdong;广东省国有林场经营理论与实践研究

3.The paper investigate on timber production and marketing way ofstate-owned forest farm,and put forward management way of making a production contract to guarantee sales,and study on preparation,bid and management of making a production contract to guarantee sales,in order to reduce center link,and lower timber production cost,and increase economical benefits.本文对福建省国有林场木材产销方式进行探讨,提出木材产销采用包产包销的经营方式,对包产包销经营中的伐前准备、伐区招标、伐区管理进行了研究,达到了减少中间环节,降低木材生产成本,提高经济效益的目的。


1.A Study on the Forest Certification Standard System for State-owned Forest Centre;国有林场森林经营认证标准体系探讨

2.Investigate on Timber Production and Marketing Way of State-owned Forest Farm of Collective Forest Area;探索集体林区国有林场木材产销方式

3.The Development Tactics of Modern Forestry and National Forest Farms in Fujian Province;论现代林业与福建国有林场发展策略

4.Study on Further Reform of State-owned Forest Centers under Market Economy;市场经济下国有林场深化改革的研究

5.An Empirical Study on Joint-stock Forestation in the State-owned Forest Mill;国有林场股份合作造林的实证研究——以黑龙江省朱家林场为例

6.The Protection and Utilization of Forest Resources in the State-owned Forest Farm--Case Study on State-owned Forest Bureau of Mulan-Weichang浅谈国有林场森林资源的保护与利用——以木兰围场国有林场管理局为例

7.Study on the special software development of forestry resource information management in stat-run forest farms国有林场森林资源信息管理系统研究及应用

8.Evaluation of Innovations About Collective Forest District in the State-owned Forest Farm in Fujian Province;福建省集体林区国有林场改革问题探讨

9.On the Real Estate Subsidized Afforestation Reform in State-owned Forestarms;浙江省国有林场实行“以房养林”改革的调查


11.Approaching the Forest Tree Asset Fiscal Accounts of National Forest Farms in Fujian Province;福建省国有林场林木资产会计核算的探讨

12.Study on the Management Theory & Practice for State-owned Forest Farms of Guangdong;广东省国有林场经营理论与实践研究

13.Analysis on Marketing Survey for Purchase of State-owned Forest Farm A;旨在收购A地国有林场的营销调查分析

14.Probe on the construction of modern forestry for state-owned farms;福建省龙岩市创建现代国有林场初探

15.Principles in Planning Management System of Human Capital on the State-owned Forest Farms;国有林场人力资本管理机制设计原则

16.The Research on Status and Countermeasures of the System Reform of State-owned Forest Farms in Zhejiang Province;浙江省国有林场改制现状及对策研究

17.Preliminarily Approaching the Reformation of National Forest Farm Directly under Jiangmen City,Guangdong Provingce;广东省江门市直属国有林场改革初探

18.Study on Division of Management Type of the Province-owned Forest Farm in Guangdong Province;广东省属国有林场经营类型划分初探


national forest farm国有林场

1.An application study of TOT model innational forest farm;TOT模式运作在国有林场的应用研究

2.Approach to Rest and Engage in Orchard for the Staff and Workers of National Forest Farm;国有林场职工租赁经营果园的探讨

3.Research on Forest Resources Structure and Order on National Forest Farms;国有林场森林资源结构秩序调整的研究

3)state-owned forest farms国有林场

1.After the issuance of the Forestry Law, through investigation and assessment, somestate-owned forest farms were legally recognized as natural reserves named as natural reserves for forest, wild fauna and flora.这类自然保护区就景观构成要素来讲基本上是由森林构成的,而且或多或少都存在着人为干扰的痕迹,因此在规划这类自然保护区的发展前景时,需要考虑其过去的国有林场之历史。

2.Based on the spot investigation onstate-owned forest farms of Zhejiang province,this paper analyzes the current situation and commonly existing problems of social security system,including low earnings,short funds,serious defaults on wages of workers and incomplete socialization of social security.在对浙江省国有林场进行实地调查的基础上,分析了浙江省国有林场社会保障的现状及存在的问题,指出了解决国有林场社会保障问题的基本措施。

3.In this paper,the author uses some theories and methods of institutional economics to anatomize the institutional innovations impetus ofstate-owned forest farms in Guangdong province.本文运用制度经济学的有关理论和方法对广东国有林场制度创新动力进行剖析,从现有制度效率低下和制度创新意识缺失两方面论述了广东国有林场需要进行制度创新的原因,提出了广东国有林场制度创新的外源动力与内在动力以及制度创新应遵循的原则。

4)state-owned forest center国有林场

1.Survey the reform case ofstate-owned forest centers in Zhejiang province.通过对浙江省国有林场改制情况的调研,发现存在如下问题:改制没有明确的政策、职工利益没有保障、生态公益林的管理与经济林的管理没有区别对待、产权关系不清晰、改制经费不够等。

2.At present, there are problems existed in asset management system, property right and relative policies ofstate-owned forest centers which caused low operation efficiency and low economic benefit.深化国有林场改革,加快国有林场发展,是全面推进浙江林业现代化建设的重要内容。

3.After analysis and discussion on process ofstate-owned forest centers in Zhejiang province and some topics for further reform, new ways were proposed for existence and development of the centers.国有林场在我国林业建设中具有重要的地位,但要在市场经济体制下持续、快速、健康的发展,必须深化改革。

5)the management of national forest farm国有林场管理

6)suburban state forest farm城郊国有林场


国有林场国有林场材需要。根据其经营目的的不同分为:①在风沙危害和水土流失严重的地方建立防护林林场,主要任务是营造防护林,改变生态环境。②在气候和水土条件适宜的地区建立各种经济林林场,发展和生产各种林产品。③以生产木材为主的用材林林场。④以风景观赏为主要目的的风景林林场。到199。年底,全国共有国有林场4 264个,职工53.5万人,经营面积7.96亿亩,其中有林地面积3.82亿亩,占全国森林总面积的21.3%,森林蓄积量16.23亿立方米。国有林场一般由国家投资,由林业主管部门管理,但其他部门如煤炭、轻工造纸、水利、铁路、城建等部门也分别建立国有林场,用以解决本部门各种用材需要。国有林场中国的国有林场是以造林、育林和护林为主要任务的全民所有制林业生产单位主要设在大面积的荒山宜林地和大片天然次生林地区,实行国有造林、育林和经营培育次生林,提高林地生产率,建立国家后备用材林基地,确保国家建设长期用
