200字范文 > 东祁连山 Eastern Qilian Mountains英语短句 例句大全

东祁连山 Eastern Qilian Mountains英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-10 14:57:50


东祁连山 Eastern Qilian Mountains英语短句 例句大全

东祁连山,Eastern Qilian Mountains

1)Eastern Qilian Mountains东祁连山

1.A study on the community structure and plant diversity of alpine meadow under different degrees of degradation in theEastern Qilian Mountains;东祁连山不同退化阶段高寒草甸群落结构与植物多样性特征研究

2.Plant Diversity and Disturbance on the Rhododendron Shrub Grassland ofEastern Qilian Mountains;东祁连山杜鹃灌丛草地物种多样性特征及干扰因子

3.Primary study on α and β diversity of different habitats of alpine grassland plant community inEastern Qilian Mountains;东祁连山高寒草地不同生境类型植物群落α及β多样性的初步研究


1.BotanicalMorphaand Ecological Adaptation of Rhododendron in Eastern Qilian Mountains东祁连山杜鹃属植物形态特征及其生态适应性

2.Ecological Characteristics and Rehabilitation under Disturbance of Rhododendron Shrub in Eastern Qilian Mountains;东祁连山杜鹃灌丛生态特征及受损恢复的研究

3.Properties of Microorganism Communities under Different Alpine Grasslands in Eastern Qilian Mountain;东祁连山不同高寒草地型土壤微生物群落特征

4.Study on Soil Bacterial Diversity of Alpine Meadow in the Eastern Qilian Mountains东祁连山高寒草地土壤细菌多样性的初步研究

5.Study on the Age Strcture and Spatial Distribution Pattern of the Salix oritrepha Population of the High-cold area in Eastern Qilian Mountains;东祁连山高寒阴湿地区山生柳种群年龄结构和空间分布格局

6.Genetic Diversity of Salix Oritrepha Population in the Alpine Area of Eastern Qilian Mountain;东祁连山高寒阴湿地区山生柳种群遗传多样性研究

7.Effect of Ecological Tourism Industry on Economic Behavior of Household Farm in Eastern Qilian Mountains of China生态旅游业对东祁连山区农户经济行为的影响分析

8.Studies on Structrue and Dynamics of Salix Shrub Community and Dominant Populations in Alpine Area of East Qilian Mountain;东祁连山高寒地区柳灌丛群落及其优势种群结构与动态的研究

9.An Afforestation Experiment on the Arid Area of North Hillside in East Part of Mountain Qilian祁连山东段北坡干旱浅山区造林试验

10.A Study on Mountain Climate in the Basin of Xiying River at the East Section of the Qilian Mountain;祁连山东段西营河流域山地气候研究

11.Northwest-to-Southeast Mountain Ranges, including the altay, Qilian and Gangdise Ranges;西北-东南走向:阿尔泰山、祁连山、冈底斯山等。

12.Landscape Heterogeneity Changes in Landscape System of Eastern Section of Qilian Mountain祁连山东段山地景观系统景观异质性变化

13.Analysis on the Stability of Eastern Qilian Mountainous Landscape Based on RS基于RS的祁连山东段山地景观稳定性分析

14.A petrological study of the Maxianshan Group and its adjacent areas in East Qilian fold belt,Northwest China祁连山地区东段马衔山群及其邻区岩石学研究

15.Tectonic Uplifts and Climatic Changes in Eastern Qilian Mountains over the past 0.8Ma;祁连山东段0.8Ma以来的构造隆升与气候变化

16.Precise Timing and Significance of Caledonian Structural Deformation Chronology in Southeast Qilian祁连山东南段加里东造山期构造变形年代的精确限定及其意义

17.Sedimentary Environments and Coal Accumulation of the Baojishan-Honghui Basin,Eastern Qilian Mountains祁连山东段宝积山—红会煤盆地沉积环境与聚煤规律

18.According to the survey, the vertical distribution character of vegetation on the north slope of the east part of Qilian Mountains was studied.根据调查,对祁连山东部北坡的植被垂直分布特征进行了分析研究。


Eastern QiLian Mountain东祁连山

1.Properties of Microorganism Communities under Different Alpine Grasslands in Eastern Qilian Mountain;东祁连山不同高寒草地型土壤微生物群落特征

2.Genetic Diversity of Salix Oritrepha Population in the Alpine Area of Eastern Qilian Mountain;东祁连山高寒阴湿地区山生柳种群遗传多样性研究

3.Four different representative grassland types are selected from Eastern Qilian Mountain.选取了东祁连山常见的4种高寒草地植被类型:线叶嵩草草地(Kobresia capillifolia pasture)、莎草-禾草草地(sedge-grass pasture)、禾草-杂类草半人工草地(grass-forb semi-artificial pasture)和珠芽蓼草地(Polygonum viviparum pasture),取样地为1981年和1985年原样地。

3)east of Qilian mountain祁连山东部

4)Eastern Qialan mountainous东祁连山区

5)Eastern Qilian Mountains祁连山东段

6)southeast Qilian祁连山东南段

1.The middle Qilian orogenic belt and Lajishan orogenic belt of the Caledonian strike NW-SE direction in thesoutheast Qilian and its basement consists of Pre-Caledonian metamorphic rock series.祁连山东南段呈北西-南东向展布着加里东期中祁连造山带和拉脊山造山带,其基底为前加里东变质岩系,在该变质结晶基底岩系中发育着菱形网格状韧性剪切带,共轭韧性剪切带面对缩短方向的夹角为104°~114°,其最大主应力方位为SW210°左右。




祁连山区大马营草场,位于甘肃张掖地区山丹县南,是目前亚洲规模最大的马场。山丹军马场地势平坦,水草丰茂,是马匹繁衍、生长的理想场所,至今已有三千多年的养马历史。山丹马是以当地蒙古马和西域良马杂交培育而出的,体形匀称,粗壮结实,雄健膘悍,耐粗饲,适应性良好,速度和持久力均属上乘,是不可多得的良骥。 山丹军马场风光旖旎,在这里除骑马旅游、野营、参观赛马或马术表演之外,还可以尽览绿草如茵的自然风光。
