200字范文 > 负性情绪刺激 negative emotional stimulation英语短句 例句大全

负性情绪刺激 negative emotional stimulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-21 11:02:39


负性情绪刺激 negative emotional stimulation英语短句 例句大全

负性情绪刺激,negative emotional stimulation

1)negative emotional stimulation负性情绪刺激

1.Research Methods: 48 Healthy aged male SD rats, around the age of 15 months, 1 week after adaptation, in which 24 rats were randomly selected asnegative emotional stimulation group, and the other 24 rats as the control group.研究目的:本研究通过对实验老年大鼠进行长期负性情绪刺激,从而建立心理应激导致炎症免疫抑制模型,然后对炎症老年大鼠进行中等强度有氧游泳运动干预,从而观察运动干预对负性情绪刺激老年大鼠炎症因子的影响。

2.5) Whethernegative emotional stimulation or exercise stress are increased corticosterone level.目的:探讨运动干预对负性情绪刺激SD老年大鼠血清皮质酮、CRP、TNF-α的影响。


1.Can Negative Stimuli Always Have the Processing Superiority?负性情绪刺激是否总是优先得到加工:ERP研究

2.The reaction priming effect of emotionally negative stimuli: an ERP study负性情绪刺激的反应启动效应事件相关电位的实验研究

3.Neuroendocrine Responses and Attention Performance Induced by Negative Emotion;负性情绪刺激引发神经内分泌反应与注意成绩的关系

4.Effect of Exercise Intervention on Inflammatory Cytokines in Negative Emotion Stimulated Aged SD Rats运动干预对负性情绪刺激老年大鼠炎症因子的影响

5.Effects of exercise intervention on negative emotion to stimulate the aged SD rats inflammatory cytokines运动干预对负性情绪刺激SD老年大鼠皮质酮,TNF-α、CRP的影响

6.The Inhibition Characteristic of Negative Attentional Bias and ERP for Emotional Stimuli in Depression;抑郁个体对情绪刺激负性注意偏向的抑制特点及ERP研究

7.having the excitement and emotional appeal of melodrama.具有情节局的刺激和情绪上的吸引力。


9.My sweat glands also respond to emotional stimuli.我的汗腺对情绪刺激也能产生反应。

10.The Effect of Switching between Neutral and Emotional Stimuli: An ERP Study of "Switch Cost";情绪刺激转换对switch cost影响的ERP研究

11.Emotional stimulus in visual cognitive processing;情绪信息刺激对视觉认知过程的影响

12.The Valence Strength of Positive Stimuli Modulates the Attention in Extraverts Study;正性情绪刺激效价强度的变化对外倾个体注意的调制作用

13.A Study on the Negative-emotion,Stressor andCoping Strategy of Volleyball Athletes;排球运动员负性情绪与应激源及应对策略的相关性研究

14.The Effects of Low and Moderate Intensity Exercises and Psychological Stress on Immune System;中小负荷运动及慢性情绪应激对免疫机能的影响

15.Features of Deactivation of Depression in Emotional Cognitive Tasks抑郁症情绪认知加工中的特征负激活

16.A Study on the Correlation of High School Students Emotion Regulation Strategies and Negative Emotions;中学生情绪调节策略与负性情绪的相关研究

17.The Facial Emotion Stimulation in Normal Subjects and Depressive Disorder: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study;正常人和抑郁症对情绪面孔刺激的fMRI研究

18.The Executive Function of Recognition of the Positive and Negative Motion Stimulates in Depressed Patients;抑郁者识别情绪刺激时的执行功能研究


stimulate of emotion情绪性刺激

3)emotional stimuli情绪刺激

1.Objective To investigate if switch cost involved in shifting between neutral andemotional stimuli is reflected by ERPs correlates.目的用事件相关脑电位(ERPs)来研究情绪刺激转换对SwitchCost的影响特点。

4)positive affect(activation) and negative affect(activation)正、负性情绪(激活)

5)negative emotion负性情绪

1.A control study of personality characteristics,life events,negative emotion between patients with acute myocardial infarction and health adults;急性心肌梗塞患者与正常人个性特征生活事件和负性情绪对照研究

2.A Study of Related Factors Between Negative Emotion and Acute Myocardial Infarction;急性心肌梗死患者与负性情绪的相关因素探讨

3.Analysis onnegative emotion and influential factors of spouses loss;丧偶人群负性情绪及影响因素分析

6)Negative emotions负性情绪

1.Analysis and adjustment of students negative emotions in volleyball teaching;排球教学中学生负性情绪产生的原因及调控

2.Emotional tradeoff difficulties refer that decision makers usually feel it difficult to tradeoff alternatives because of negative emotions experienced when they have to tradeoff valued goals.情绪性权衡困难是指决策者在对与价值目标相关的特性进行权衡时会产生负性情绪,从而在情感上难以对不同的特性进行权衡。

3.From the angle of study pressure,family economic status,loving and so on, the cause of the negative emotions is analysed,and timely,effective psychological nursing is probed into so as to reduce or eliminate deterioration of the negative emotions and further to vavoid causing the possibility of getting into the emotional barrier.从学习压力、家庭经济、恋爱等多方面因素分析大学生负性情绪产生的原因 ,探讨适时有效的心理护理 ,减少或消除大学生负性情绪恶化进而陷入情绪障碍的可能性 。


负性1.禀性。 2.具有个性。
