200字范文 > 报纸副刊 Newspaper supplement英语短句 例句大全

报纸副刊 Newspaper supplement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-26 02:30:38


报纸副刊 Newspaper supplement英语短句 例句大全

报纸副刊,Newspaper supplement

1)Newspaper supplement报纸副刊

1.The hstory of the newspaper supplements in China has been developing over hundred years,experiencing the thriving May the 4th Era and encountering the comprehensive changes in the 1990s.中国报纸副刊在一百多年的发展历史当中,既经历了"五四"时期的兴盛,也遭遇了上世纪90年代的全面转型。

2.This paper,on the basis of newspaper supplement into market,proposes new ideas and corrects the newspaper supplement,such as "two pushes" and "three extensions",pointing out that newspaper supplement should go into market,news and life.本文依据报纸副刊走向市场化的要求,提出进一步更新办刊理念和副刊改革的"两大推手"与"三个延伸",指明副刊"三种走向"即市场化、新闻化、生活化的发展趋势。

3.This text studies the typical culture characteristic that the Chinese newspaper supplement appears in the development.本文着重研究在中国报纸副刊出现、发展过程中,显示出来的富有代表性的文化特征。


1.An Analysis on the Morning Supplements Characteristics and Inspiration to Today s Newspaper Supplement;《晨报》副刊办刊特色探析——兼论其对当今报纸副刊的启示

2.The Characteristics of the Four Supplements in the May 4~(th) Period and Its Inspiration to Current Newspaper Supplements“五四”时期四大副刊办刊特色及其对当前报纸副刊的启示

3.A Study on the Development of Chinese Newspaper Supplement in the 1990s;20世纪90年代中国报纸副刊发展研究

4.The Thought of the Development of the Newspaper Supplement in the New Media Environment;报纸副刊在新媒介环境下的发展思路

5.A Study on the Current Circumstances and Space for FurtherInnovation of Newspapers Supplements;论报纸副刊在当前的境遇与创新空间

6.On Cultural Communication of Chinese Newspaper Supplement in Modern Times论中国近代以来报纸副刊的文化传播

7.Transfer:Newspaper Supplement Going into the Market--A Case from Correcting Newspaper Supplement of Yanzhao Evening Paper;转型:报纸副刊走向市场化的必由之路——以《燕赵晚报》副刊改版为例

8.On History and Current Situation of Chinese Press Supplement in Indonesia;印度尼西亚华文报纸副刊历史与现状综论

9.Formal Evolution and Development: The Revolution of China Paper Supplement in the 1990 s;嬗变与发展:90年代中国报纸副刊的变革

10.The Development and Prospect of Chinese Newspaper Supplement s Connotation;论中国报纸副刊内涵的演变及发展前瞻

11.Inthe "May Fourth" Period the first revolution hit to China paper supplement. It declared the arising of the new supplement.“五四”时期我国报纸副刊发生了第一次变革,它宣告了新式副刊的诞生。

12.The Accomplishments & Negative Impact of Supplements of Bourgeois Revolutionaries Newspaper;资产阶级革命派报纸副刊的发展实绩与负面影响

13.Culture Criticism: Press Supplement for Public Interest--The Enlightenment of the Wenhui Daily s Focus on the Event of "First Dragon";文化批判:报纸副刊公共领域的实践活动——文汇报“关注”“祖龙”事件的启示

14.Female Forum of the Public Press Circle in 1920s Beijing;20世纪代北京报纸的妇女副刊

15.On the Understanding and Practising of “Usefulness” of Newspaper Literary and Artistic Supplement in the New Period;论新时期报纸文艺副刊“有用性”的理解与实践

16.Running the Supplement of Literature and Art of High School Paper well to Contribute to Prosper our Literature and Art.;办好高校报纸文艺副刊,为繁荣文艺作贡献

17.The Recent Tendency of Newspaper Literary Supplements in Guangdong: In Compliance with the Populace Taste and Entertaining Roles;广东报纸文学副刊的平民化和娱乐化走向

18.A Interpretation on the Supplement Titled Family and Women in Takungpao for the City Culture of Tianjin Female;报纸媒体与女性都市文化的呈现——对《大公报》副刊《家庭与妇女》的解读


Supplement of newspaper报纸副刊

1.Supplement of newspaper turns from being pure cultural to being pan-culture.报纸副刊从纯文学走向泛文化,副刊的变化也代表着大众文化和读者需求的新走向。

2.There is a congenital relationship by birth between the supplement of newspaper and literature;and a special overlapping style developed through the combination of news and literature is often published in the supplement of newspaper.本文通过对报纸副刊与新闻文学的发展历程及其关系进行研究,考察了报纸副刊的转型对新闻文学的影响,分析了报纸副刊的出路和新闻文学的处境,提出了只有坚守先进文化的阵地不动摇,高举新闻文学的大旗不动摇,才能确保报纸副刊与新闻文学的稳定、繁荣与发展。

3)the newspaper supplement报纸副刊

1.To some extent,the newspaper supplement has changed either in its form, content or function from its birth to present.报纸副刊作为中国报刊史上一个特有的产物,从它的诞生发展到今天在历史的发展过程中一直担负着关注现实,奏响时代强音的角色,一直致力于向读者传播先进思想,反映时代的主旋律,是营养价值含量极高的精神食粮。


1.China papersupplement has passed through a long march since the NewsPaper was issued on the first formalsupplement------North China Daily News.从第一份正式的报纸副刊《字林沪报》附出的《消闲报》到现在,中国报纸的副刊走过了一条漫长的道路。

5)Chinese newspaper supplement of Malaysia马华报纸副刊

6)Newspaper Supplement Research报纸副刊研究


