200字范文 > 西班牙术语学 Spanish terminology英语短句 例句大全

西班牙术语学 Spanish terminology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 08:44:21


西班牙术语学 Spanish terminology英语短句 例句大全

西班牙术语学,Spanish terminology

1)Spanish terminology西班牙术语学

2)take art lessons; take Spanish.学艺术课程;学西班牙语

3)Spanish teaching西班牙语教学


1.International Federation of Institutions for the Teaching of Spanish国际西班牙语教学机构联合会

2.Spanish is taught in our colleges.在我国的大学里教西班牙语。

3.Zhao Zhenjiang , is a professor in Spanish department at Peking University, a director of doctor students.北京大学西班牙语系教授,博士生导师。

4.Didactical Model in Spanish Elementary Level Intensive Reading Classes;西班牙语一年级精读课程的教学模式

5.Who taught you Spanish?谁教了你西班牙语?

6.European Association of Teachers of Spanish欧洲西班牙语教师协会

7.Do you still keep up your Spanish?你仍在学西班牙语吗?

8.An Analysis on the Differences between Mexican Spanish and Spanish of Spain;墨西哥西班牙语与西班牙西班牙语差异分析

9.I picked up Spanish in Mexico.我在墨西哥时自然地学会了西班牙语。

10.I learned Spanish during my residence in Mexico.我住在墨西哥时学会了西班牙语。

11.I plan to take both French and Spanish this term.我计划本学期选修法语和西班牙语。

12.She grew up in Spain, so her first language is Spanish.她在西班牙长大,第一语言是西班牙语。

13.Of or relating to the Spanish language.西班牙语的西班牙语的或与之有关的

14.Second Foreign Language Teaching Mode with Video Materials--A Case Study in Spanish Teaching基于影视素材的小语种公选课教学模式探讨——以西班牙语为例

15.the Romance language spoken in Catalonia in E Spain (related to Spanish and Occitan).分布于西班牙东部的加泰隆的浪漫文学语言(和西班牙语接近)。

16.To study Spanish, and to learn about the culture.去学西班牙语,学习他们的文化。

17.Spanish (Traditional Sort)$Spain$$$$$Traditional西班牙语(传统)$西班牙$$$$$传统

18.That"s great. You"ll learn a lot of Spanish.太好了。你可学好多西班牙语。


take art lessons; take Spanish.学艺术课程;学西班牙语

3)Spanish teaching西班牙语教学

4)History of the Spanish Literature西班牙语文学史

5)Spanish of Spain西班牙西班牙语

1.An Analysis on the Differences between Mexican Spanish andSpanish of Spain;墨西哥西班牙语与西班牙西班牙语差异分析


1.An Analysis on the Application ofSpanish Past Participles in Chinese-Spanish Translation;试析西班牙语过去分词结构在翻译中的灵活应用

2.The Application of the Internet in the Study ofSpanish论因特网在西班牙语学习中的运用


学艺1.学习六艺。即学习礼﹑乐﹑射﹑御﹑书﹑数。 2.学习技艺。多指学习戏剧表演艺术。 3.学问﹑技艺的统称。
