200字范文 > 双变质带 Paired metamorphic belt英语短句 例句大全

双变质带 Paired metamorphic belt英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-30 19:58:05


双变质带 Paired metamorphic belt英语短句 例句大全

双变质带,Paired metamorphic belt

1)Paired metamorphic belt双变质带

1.UHT rock belt and high pressure granulite formed a paired metamorphic belt due to the coincidence of distribution,attitude and metamorphic age.内蒙古中南部超高温变质岩带和高压麻粒岩带相邻分布、产状相似且变质时代接近,共同构成了类似都城秋穗提出的双变质带;由于其温度偏高,故称为高温型双变质带,为世界上最古老的双变质带之一。


1.Paleoproterozoic High Temperature Paired Metamorphic Belt in Central Parto f Southern Inner Mongolia and Its Tectonic Implication内蒙古中南部古元古代高温型双变质带及其构造意义

2.Metamorphism, Deformation and Metamorphic Reactions of Low-Pressure Metamorphic Belt in East Qiriling Orogenic Belt, Western Henan豫西东秦岭造山带低压变质带的变质变形和变质反应

3.The Improvement of Motor Frequency Converter Used for Scrap Chute of Double-side Trimming Shear and Dividing Shear双边剪定尺剪废料皮带电机变频改造

4.Study of KMnFMASH Metamorphic Phases System about Progressive Metamorphic Zones in Aletai Area, Xingjiang新疆阿勒泰递增变质带KMnFMASH变质相体系研究

5.Double-Blocking Effects of Normally Deformed Band[411]1/2 in Odd-A Nucleus ~(171)Tm;正常形变奇A核~(171)Tm的[411]1/2带的双重堵塞效应

6.A Fast Algorithm for Wideband DOA Estimation Based on Two-Sided Correlation Transformation基于双边相关变换的宽带DOA估计快速算法

7.Dependence of Ridge Position on Dominant-mode Bandwidth of Double-ridge Waveguide脊的位置变化对双脊波导单模带宽的影响

8.Bifurcation analysis of kink bands of bi-slippage crystal metamorphic rock under plane strain双滑移系单晶岩石平面应变扭折带分叉分析

9.Adaptive particle swarm optimization algorithm with double mutation operator带双重变异算子的自适应粒子群优化算法

10.The bandgap of the double heterostructure was only 0. 86μm, yet up to 1mA of photo-current was detected.双异质结的带隙仅为0.86μm,迄今探测到的光电达1mA。

11.The Research on the Mining Techinic of the "Double Upburst" Higher Coal Seam Effected by Geological Conformation;地质构造影响带内双突特厚煤层开采技术研究

12.Influence of the Twin-roll Continuous Casting Technical Parameters on Strip Quality双辊连铸工艺参数对薄带坯质量的影响

13.Materials and water-cooling structures of casting rolls in twin-roll strip casting双辊薄带连铸铸辊材质及水冷结构分析

14.Effect of temperature on optical bistability of coated granular composites带壳颗粒复合介质光学双稳的温度效应

15.Proteome Comparative Analysis of the Seedling of Cry1Cry2 Mutant and Columbia Wild-type-4 of Arabidopsis Thaliana;拟南芥蓝光双突变体蛋白质组学分析

16.Some Properties for Bi-α-Preinvex Functions with Applications双-α-前不变凸函数的一些性质及应用

17.A Study on the Shift Quality of Wet Double Clutch Transmission湿式双离合器变速器换挡品质的研究

18.Ethnic contact between Han and Chuang and The Dual Nature of Ping Dialect汉、壮民族接触与平话变异的双重性质


Paired melamorphic belts变质双带

3)exomorphic zone外变质带

1.Reservoir types and forming conditions in intrusion rock-exomorphic zone of Bohai Gulf basin;渤海湾盆地侵入岩-外变质带油气藏类型及成藏条件

2.Hydrothermal circular flow——significant influence on reservoirs in intrusion rock-exomorphic zone;热液环流——侵入岩-外变质带储层发育的重要影响因素

4)metamorphic belt变质带

1.Monazite ages and geological implications of andalusite—sillimanite typemetamorphic belt in Aletai,Xinjiang;新疆阿尔泰红柱石-矽线石型变质带的独居石年龄及其地质意义

2.There are four main Middle Proterozoicmetamorphic belts in the northeast margin of the Yangtze plate,namely,Jiangnanmetamorphic belt,metamorphic belt along the Yangtze River,Yuntai-Zhangbalingmetamorphic belt and Lianyungang-Siyangmetamorphic belt from south to north.扬子板块东北缘存在四条主要的中元古代变质带,自南向北依次为江南变质带、沿江变质带、云台—张八岭变质带和连云港—泗阳变质带。

3.The kyanite-sillimanite type progressivemetamorphic belt developed in Chonghuer area, Altai, Xinjiang, is composed of chlorite-biotite, biotite-garnet, garnet-staurolite, staurolite-kyanite and sillimanite zones.新疆冲乎尔地区的蓝晶石-夕线石型递增变质带由绿泥石-黑云母带、黑云母-石榴石带、石榴石-十字石带、十字石-蓝晶石带和夕线石带组成;递增变质作用峰期温度、压力分别为T=520~640℃,p=(4。

5)metamorphic rock belt变质岩带

1.Geochemical characteristics of meta argillo arenaceous rocks from themetamorphic rock belt in central Jiangxi Province and its geological significance;赣中变质岩带变泥砂质岩石地球化学特征及其地质意义

6)metamorphic zonation变质分带


