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自然法学 Natural law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-14 15:10:46


自然法学 Natural law英语短句 例句大全

自然法学,Natural law

1)Natural law自然法学

1.On the rise of neo-natural law from Pound"s perspective新自然法学的兴起:庞德的解读视角

2.In an excessively thick context of "studying differences",there is an agreement in the domestic field of law thatNatural law and Analytical-positivist Jurisprudence are like oil and vinegar.在过于浓厚的"辨异"语境下,国内法学界大都认可这样一种判断:西方自然法学和分析法学的学说主张是彼此对立、"水火不容"的。

3.The justice view held by natural law in the Middle Ages ha.中世纪时期的自然法学家们构建了一个以上帝为核心的基督教神学正义观。


1.The Difference Between the Concept of"Nature"and"Natural Law"in Ancient and Modem Times;“自然”与“自然法”概念的古今之异——关于自然法学术史的一个初步反思

2.Natural Law from God s Will to Rational Order --he History Development and Function of Natural Law;自然法:从上帝的意志到理性的命令——自然法学的历史、发展及运行

3.The Historical Changes In the Concept of "Justice" In Theory of Natural Law;自然法学说中“正义”观念的历史变迁

4.On Teaching Dialectics of Nature and Cultivating View of Eco-nature《自然辩证法》教学与生态自然观的教育

5.I"m going to study Science and French.“我将要学自然和法语。”

6.Natural Dialectics: The Theory of the Relationship between Marxism and Nature;自然辩证法:马克思主义人与自然关系的学说

7.Taoistic thought emulates nature--Analysis of Tao Te Ching from the perspective of legal philosophy;道法自然——关于《道德经》的法哲学解读

8.I"m going to study History, Science, Geography and French.我要学物理,自然科学,地理和法语。

9.Analyzing Wangbi s Idea of Metaphysics from the View of Natural Law: On the Subordination of Actuality Law under Natural Law;王弼贵无论玄学的自然法分析——兼论自然法与实在法的统属关系

10.Implementation of the Union Between Philosophy and Natural Sciences:Natural Dialectics Is the Bridge Connecting Philosophy and Natural Sciences;实现哲学与自然科学的联盟——自然辩证法是沟通哲学与自然科学的桥梁

11.Yet analogous remarks holds for the realm of physics.然而,类似的说法在自然科学领域中也是成立的。

12.Thinking on Traditional Teaching Urethodology;对传统教学法的反思——自然教学法及其启示

13.Teaching Methods of Dialectics of Nature Based on Opening Idea基于开放教学理念的自然辩证法教学方法浅探

14.Science is one of the ways in which nature can be interpreted.科学是解释大自然所用的方法之一。

15.The Research on the Natural Element Method in Solid Mechanics;自然单元法在固体力学中应用的研究

16.The Role of Aesthetic Method on the Creation of Natural Sciences;论审美方法在自然科学创造中的作用

17.The Flower Goddess Myth of Zhuang Nationality and Its Living Poetic Theory on "Tao Taking Nature as Its Law";壮族花婆神话与“道法自然”的生命诗学

18.Natural Law:the Metaphysical Foundation and the Standard of Value of Harmony;自然法:“和谐”的哲学基础与价值指向


Classical natural jurisprudence自然法学

1.The law-belief statement of the classical natural jurisprudence;古典自然法学的信仰之维

3)Natural law school自然法学派

1.Nowadays,natural law school is still one of the most important branches and value method is very significant in western countries.自然法学派是西方重要的法学流派,其价值分析方法是重要的法学研究方法。

2.The development of the right idea of natural law school is divided into three stages, and each has its characteristics: The right idea is based on justice in ancient times and Middle Ages,that of modern times regards freedom as the core and that of contemporary age takes equality as its connotation.自然法学派起初的权利观念更多带有“天赋”权利的色彩,人生于自然,人的权利也来自于自然。

4)natural approach自然教学法

1.Acquire Second language Through Natural Approach——Natural Approach and Its Application on EFL;以自然的方式习得第二语言——自然教学法及其案例

5)neo-natural law新自然法学

1.On the Methodology Characteristic of Fuller s Neo-Natural Law;论富勒新自然法学的方法论特征

2.Lon · L · Fuller is the most excellent and influential legal thinker of Jurisprudence of Neo-Natural Law School from the twentieth century, advance the theory that the rationality of the existence of law relies on the morality of law.朗·L·富勒,20世纪最伟大、最杰出的新自然法学思想家,提出法律自身存在的合理性基础在于它的合道德性,道德是判断法律存在的合理性基准,也是法律存在的正当性根据。

6)the theory of nature law自然法学说


