200字范文 > 国有林区 State-owned forest region英语短句 例句大全

国有林区 State-owned forest region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-28 09:12:21


国有林区 State-owned forest region英语短句 例句大全

国有林区,State-owned forest region

1)State-owned forest region国有林区

1.Sustainable development ability of state-owned forest region in Heilongjiang Province,northeast China.;黑龙江省国有林区可持续发展能力的研究

2.In this thesis,development strategies of the industries of Jilin provincial state-owned forest region with the view of recycling economy are systematically discussed.基于循环经济视角对吉林省国有林区产业发展战略进行了系统研究。


1.Research on the Restructure of Forestry-related Industry in Northeast State-owned Forest;东北国有林区林产工业产业重构研究

2.Research the Legal System of State-owned Forest Resources Management;国有林区森林资源管理法律制度研究

3.On the Pilot Study of Yichun State-owned Forest Tenure Reform;伊春国有林区林权改革试点调研报告

4.Analysis of Forestry Property Institution Reform in State-owned Forestry Region Based on Entropy;基于熵理论的国有林区林权改革分析

5.Research on the Ownership Systems over the Key State-Owned Forest Resource;重点国有林区森林资源产权制度研究

6.Study on the Sustainable Development of Jilin Provincial State-owned Forestry Region;关于吉林省国有林区可持续发展研究

7.Research on the Separate System About Planting and Processing Forest Production of State-owned Forestry Zone;国有林区营林与林产品加工利用分制研究

8.A Study on Unemployment of State-owned Forestry Areas--Yichun forestry areas as a case;国有林区失业原因研究——以伊春林区为例

9.It Is A Effective Way of Vitalizing National Forest Region to Change Forestry Economy into Forest Region Economy;推动林业经济向林区经济转型是国有林区解困振兴的有效途径

10.On the Effectiveness and Evaluation of State Forest Tenure Reform--A Case Study of Yichun Forest Region国有林区林权制度改革有效性实证分析——以伊春林区为例

11.System for the Development of Non-public Forestry in the Northeast State-owned Forest Regions;东北国有林区发展非公有制林业制度体系研究

12.Study on Development of Non-public Forestry in State-owned Forest Zone of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省国有林区发展非公有制林业研究

13.The Research of Yanbian State-owned Forestry Area Transforms to Public Ownership of Forestry Area延边州国有林区发展非公有制林业的研究

14.The Study on the Natural Forest Conservation Project and Economic Development in National Forest Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古国有林区实施天然林保护工程与林区经济发展研究

15.Study on Forest Rights Institutional Change in Northeast and Inner Mongolia State-owned Forestry Region;东北内蒙古国有林区林权制度变迁研究

16.Evaluation on Integrative Efficiency of Forestry Enterprises in National Forest Region of Inner Mongolia;内蒙古国有林区林业企业综合效益评价

17.Study on the Special Accounting Theory of the State-Owned Trade Forest Product;国有林区商品林生产特殊核算理论研究

18.Law and Policy in Reform of Forest Property Right System for Yichun State-owned Forest Region of China;伊春国有林区林权制度改革的法律政策分析


state-owned forest area国有林区

1.Evaluation index system of eco-townlet instate-owned forest areas of Heilongjiang Province黑龙江省国有林区生态小城镇评价指标体系的构建

2.With the deepening tenure reform instate-owned forest areas,logging enterprises will face a major personnel adjustment.随着国有林区林权制度改革的深入,森工企业将面临重大的人员调整。

3.How to realize the sustainable development ofstate-owned forest area is always an important strategic subject in China.实现林业可持续发展一直是黑龙江森工国有林区发展中的战略课题。

3)state-owned forest areas国有林区

1.The Study on Assessment of the Forest Land Property for State-owned Forest Areas in the Inner Mongolia;内蒙古国有林区林地资产评估研究

2.Using first-hand data and data envelopment analysis method, this paper evaluates efficiency performance of forest product processing mills in Northeast-Inner Mongoliastate-owned forest areas.利用国有林区林产品加工企业生产投入及产出的第一手调查数据,用数据包络分析(DEA)模型测度我国东北、内蒙古国有林区林产品加工企业的技术效率,进而通过建立计量模型,分析国有林区林产品加工企业技术效率的影响因素。

3.According to the practical problems in the execution of logging quota in Heilongjiang Provincestate-owned forest areas,the reasonable implementation of forest harvesting quota was put forward,the supervision system was improved,and the compensation mechanism of ecological benefits was established.结合黑龙江省国有林区森林采伐限额执行中面临的实际问题,提出合理实施森林采伐限额、完善监督体制和建立生态效益补偿机制等具体解决办法。

4)state-owned forestry region国有林区

1.Study on Forest Rights Institutional Change in Northeast and Inner Mongolia State-owned Forestry Region;东北内蒙古国有林区林权制度变迁研究

2.The paper applied entropy theory to analyze the forestry system state ofstate-owned forestry region in our country,and got the conclusion that it was necessary to reform forestry property rights,then it discussed the meaning of forestry rights reformation according to systematic theory,economics and sustainable development of forestry.应用熵理论对我国国有林区目前的林业系统状态进行分析,得出国有林区林权制度必须改革的结论,并从系统论、经济学和林业可持续发展角度探讨了国有林区林权制度改革的意义。

5)state-owned forest国有林区

1.This paper further elaborated onstate-owned forest reform objectives and the need for reform.文章进一步阐述了国有林区的改革目标及改革的必要性。

2.Long-term accumulation of the resources, structural, institutional and social constraints ofstate-owned forest is the bottleneck to achieve sustainable development, including institutional contradiction is that the principal contradiction.长期积淀下来的资源性、结构性、体制性和社会性矛盾是制约国有林区实现可持续发展的瓶颈,其中体制性矛盾是主要矛盾。

6)the state-owned forest area国有林区

1.Study on Coordinated Development of Economic-Social-Environmental System of the State-Owned Forest Area in JILIN Province;吉林省国有林区经济社会环境系统协调发展评价研究

2.Study on Public Product by Government Supply of the State-Owned Forest Area in JILIN Province吉林省国有林区公共产品政府供给研究

3.But at present,human resource is scarcity ofthe state-owned forest area in Heilongjiang province,especially,high quality talent resources are most shortage,which has been become the other one crisis following"two crisis".而当前黑龙江省国有林区人力资源短缺,尤其是高素质的人才资源最为匮乏,并已成为黑龙江省国有林区继“两危”之后所面临的又一大危机。


