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实验测试 experimental test英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-01 01:42:01


实验测试 experimental test英语短句 例句大全

实验测试,experimental test

1)experimental test实验测试

1.And the indirectexperimental tests of synchro axis damping short-loop loss and current in a synchronous control system were carried out,and proved this method was feasible.用该方法对同步控制系统中的自整角机交轴阻尼短路环的损耗和电流进行了间接的实验测试,证实该方法可行。

2.In the paper,we introduces another method ofexperimental test about moment self-adjusting angle machine lockout winding quadrature一axis short impedance, namely “three-meter method”,former method is“oscillograph method” introduced in reference 1iterature~([l]).力矩式自整角机整步绕组交轴短路阻抗实验测试是继“示波器法”后的另一种方法,即“三表法”,与参考文献[1]中采用的"示波器法"进行了比铰,并与设计值进行了对比,证实本文给出的方法可行,通过研究力矩式自整角机整步绕组交轴短路阻抗参数的实验测试,相信对力矩式自整角机的研制、阻尼绕组的设计及使用都是有益的。

3.In order to reduce the air-condition energy consumption and the local heat island effect in communication rooms,the CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics) method is employed to reveal the airflow organization characteristics,and a sample room is used to make someexperimental tests and verification analyses.为降低通信机房空调能耗、减少机房局部热岛效应,运用计算流体动力学方法对通信机房空调气流的组织特性进行了研究,并对样本机房进行了实验测试与验证分析。


1.Modern Experimental and Measuring Technique for Fluid Flow ?现代流体实验测试技术

2.FARET (Fast Reactor Experiment Test)快中子反应堆实验测试

3.The Design and Achievement of the New Test System in the Wind Turnel Experiment;新型风洞实验测试系统的设计与实现

4.Testing and Analyzing on Characteristic of PZT;压电陶瓷(PZT)特性的分析及实验测试

5.ESTL (Electronic Systems Test Laboratory)电子系统测试实验室

6.Validity of the proposed methods is verified by laboratory test.方法的实用性已通过实验室测试证实。

7.Experimental Study on Vibration Test of Subgrade Compaction Degrees路基压实度的振动测试方法试验研究

8.Innovation and practice in the teaching reform of the curriculum of materials testing technology experiment“材料测试技术实验”实验教学的改革与实践创新

9.You could call for independent testing lab reports.你可以索要独立的测试实验室提出的测试报告。

10.Research on Test Generation Algorithm for Delay Fault and I_(DDT) Test Experiment;时延故障测试产生算法与I_(DDT)测试实验研究

11.The Improvement of Direct Test Controller and Test Experiment in Multi-Point Testing多点测试中直接测试控制器改进与实验

12.Ground resistance test method research of metrology calibration & test laboratory计量校准测试实验室接地电阻测试方法研究

13.Write a test plan, including test methodology, lab and test resource requirements, and schedule编写测试计划,包含测试方法、实验室和测试资源需求,以及日程安排

14.A Comparison between the Conventional Test and the Network-based CAT Test of English;基于英语网络测试系统的自适应测试与常规测试的对比实验研究

15.Ability verification and Lab Experimenting and Testing Evaluation;能力验证活动和实验室试验与检测能力的评估

16.Construction of Thermodynamic Testing Experiment System Based on an Ice Thermal Storage Experimental Platform冰蓄冷实验平台构建的热工测试实验体系

17.Testing Laboratory Registration Council [TELARC] [New Zealand]测试实验所登记局﹝纽西兰﹞

18.The results of the field survey and model test are coincide.野外实测和模型试验的结果相互吻合.


experiment test实验测试

1.This article introduces the methods, the existent problems andthe suggestions on theexperiment test of entrance exam of middle school at Luoyang, Henan Province.介绍了河南省洛阳市中招实验测试的方法、存在问题及建议。


1.This article describes atest method of equivalent minimum SNR in infrared systems for estimating its detection range and calculates the infrared radiant intensity of infrared source used in experimental within 2~5.阐述了通过实验测试计算红外系统最低可探测信噪比来计算其作用距离的方法 ,计算了实验所用红外源在 2~ 5 。

2.The issue "Research on the Wireless Transmission Performance Test Experimental System based on TPMS" is t.本文设计并研制一个实验测试系统。

3.In this article,an example of the standard 250 W HPS lamp is taken to study the characteristics of the lamp tube\"s impedance through ways oftesting,and you can also find some conclusion and suggestions offered in the article.基于配套器件与灯管间的相位关系较为复杂,以及灯启动时触发电路的输出阻抗与灯管的负载阻抗的匹配是灯有效启动的前提,该文以标准配置的250 W高压钠灯为例,通过实验测试的方式,研究高压钠灯灯管的实际阻抗特性,并给出了结论和建议。

4)experimental measurement实验测试

5)test experiment测试实验

1.On the basis of advancedtest experiments platform based on visual instruments, visual laboratory is established.在虚拟仪器先进测试实验平台的基础上,基于网络组建了虚拟实验室,实现了测试实验平台的远程共享。



测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定check of the acceptability of test results and determination of the final test resultC凡(3)二3.3d,时,取此3个结果的平均值作为最终侧试结果;否则取它们的中位数作为最终测试结果。。,为重复性标准差(即在重复性条件下所得侧试结果的标准差)。在口田T 11792一1989中还对重复性和再现性条件下所得侧试结果可接受性的检查方法和最终测试结果的确定做了详细讨论和规定。(马毅林)ceshi 11叩uo kejieshCxjxing d6 iiancha he zuizhong ceshi】i闪旧de que心ing测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定(checkof山eac,ptability of test,ults助ddsterminationofthefi耐testresult)在商品检验中进行一次测试的情形不多见,当得到一个测试结果时,所得结果不可能直接与给定的重复性标准差作可接受性的检查。对测试结果的准确性有任何疑问时都应再进行一次测试。所以,对两个测试结果进行可接受性的检查是一般的情况。可接受性的检查,实际上是一种统计检验。任何两个测试结果只要能通过可接受性的统计检验即可认为是一致的,均可接受。比如,在重复性条件下,所得结果之差的绝对值(下称绝对差)不超过相应的重复性限r(见重复性和再现性)的值,则认为两个结果是一致的,均可接受;如果两个侧试结果的绝对差超过r,则认为它们是不一致的,必须增加测试。按国家标准《测试方法的精密度在重复性或再现性条件下所得测试结果可接受性的检查和最终测试结果的确定》(GBIT 1 1792一1989),在重复性条件下,如果两个测试结果的绝对差不超过r的值,可取两个侧试结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较低,须再做两次测试。当4个结果的极差(即其中的最大值与最小值之差)不超过相应的临界极差c,瓜(4)二3.6a,时,取4个结果的平均值作为最终测试结果。如果两个结果的绝对差超过r的值,并且测试费用较高时,只须再作一次测试。当3个结果的极差不超过相应的临界极差
