200字范文 > 双语教学目标 objectives of bilingual instruction英语短句 例句大全

双语教学目标 objectives of bilingual instruction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-19 03:57:01


双语教学目标 objectives of bilingual instruction英语短句 例句大全

双语教学目标,objectives of bilingual instruction

1)objectives of bilingual instruction双语教学目标

1.Misunderstanding and ignorance ofobjectives of bilingual instruction make the limited human resource and financial problems worse.目前双语教学在我国焕发出勃勃生机,然而在各级各类学校竞相开展双语教学的背后却隐藏着对双语教学目标不明晰的危机。

2)On the Objectives of Bilingual Instruction双语教学目标论

3)aim systems of bilingual teaching双语教学目标体系

4)Purpose of bilingual teaching双语教学目的

5)context teaching goal语境教学目标

6)Chinese teaching aim语文教学目标

1.Chinese teaching aim is a converging compound with characteristics of multi components, same construction and connected moving.语文教学目标是个交汇性的复合体 ,具有多元、同构、联动的特点。


1.Positioning of Teaching Objective and Contents of College Chinese;大学语文教学目标与教学内容的定位

2.on language course as a tool from the shange of centuries of language teaching goals;从百年语文教学目标的演变看语文课程工具性

3.A Study on the Establishment and Implement of the Chinese Teaching Objective in Broad Sense;“广义语文教学目标”的确立与实施

4.Cultivating the Capacity of Experiencing--on Chinese language Teaching Goal;感受力培养:语文教学目标定位思考

5.Ideas of literary education and target orientation in the teaching of Chinese courses;语文学科的文学教育观念与目标定位

6.Methodologies in Implementing Three Dimension Teaching Aims;论语文教学实施“三维”教学目标的途径

7.On Teaching Target Setting of College Chinese;关于《大学语文》教学目标定位的思考

8.A Study on Objective Dimension of Chinese Reading-Teaching in Chinese Curriculum Standard;《语文课程标准》的阅读教学目标维度研究

9.Integration of Source Culture and Target Culture in Foreign Language Teaching;本族文化与目标文化在外语教学中的交融整合

10.A Study on "Three Dimensional Aims" Integration in Chinese Classroom Teaching in Secondary School;中学语文课堂教学“三维目标”的整合研究

11.Strive for the Realization of the Teaching Objectives on "University s Chinese Language" Course in the Higher Technical and Vocational Colleges;努力实现高职高专大学语文课的教学目标

12.A Research on the Tropism of Taxonomy on the Instructional Objectives of Secondary School of Chinese and History in China;我国中学语文和历史教学目标分类取向的研究

13.Three-dimensional Aims Integrates Developmental Evaluating Strategies in Chinese Classroom Teaching;三维目标整合下语文课堂教学发展性评价策略

14.On Targets, Modes of and Approaches to Thinking Training in Chinese Language Teaching;语文教学中思维训练的目标、方法及途径

15.On the knowledge of restricting chinese curriculum goals;简论制约语文课程与教学目标的知识状况

16.On the Teaching of Languages, "the Process and Methods" to Achieve an Effective Dimension论语文教学中“过程与方法”维度目标的有效实现

17.On the Cultivation of Cultural Consciousness in English Teaching in Go for It《新目标》英语教学中文化意识培养的研究

18.The Mistakes and the Way to Solve Them in Designing Teaching Aims in Middle School Chinese Teaching with the New Curriculum Standards;新课标下中学语文课堂教学目标设计上的误区与对策


On the Objectives of Bilingual Instruction双语教学目标论

3)aim systems of bilingual teaching双语教学目标体系

4)Purpose of bilingual teaching双语教学目的

5)context teaching goal语境教学目标

6)Chinese teaching aim语文教学目标

1.Chinese teaching aim is a converging compound with characteristics of multi components, same construction and connected moving.语文教学目标是个交汇性的复合体 ,具有多元、同构、联动的特点。


