200字范文 > 表演 performance英语短句 例句大全

表演 performance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-03 09:55:57


表演 performance英语短句 例句大全



1.The significance and the value of the practice teaching of musicperformance major;论音乐表演专业实践教学的价值和意义

2.The Performance of Manasqi and the Dramatic Feature of Epic Manas;玛纳斯奇的表演和史诗的戏剧化特征

3.Get rid of the false and keep the true, Convey the spirit through the authentic writing ——Explore a certain amount of questions on the folk musicperformance;去伪存真,写实传神——对民族音乐表演中若干问题的探究


1.his beardown performance in the exhibition game.在表演赛中竭力的表演。

2.Performing arts performing arts centers.表演艺术表演艺术中心。

3.An actor or actress skilled in pantomime.哑剧表演者擅长表演哑剧的男女演员

4.act(a play), play(a piece of music)or do(tricks)to entertain an audience表演(戏剧);演奏(音乐);表演(戏法)

5.The art, skill, or performance of an acrobat.特技表演杂技演员的技术或表演

6.Performances of Actors and Actresses:Mythical Archetypes of Theatrical Performances;演员的表演——戏剧表演的神话原型

7.a mediocre actor, display, meal第二流的演员、表演、 饭食.

8.superb performance高超表演,极精彩的演出

9.A performance by mummers.哑剧哑剧演员的表演

10.Amateur actors often overact.业余演员往往表演过火。

11.a second-rate actor, script, performance二流的演员、 剧本、表演

12.an unskilled actor who overacts.夸张表演的笨拙的演员。

13.One who delivers an oration.演说者发表演讲的人

14.A magical performance of the ballet.芭蕾舞演员迷人的表演

15.the dancer"s lyrical performance.舞蹈演员多情的表演。

16.a good lecture, performance, harvest好的演讲、表演、 收成

17.a stunt performed by an acrobat.杂技演员表演的绝技。

18.Skill in performing eg music表演技巧(如音乐演奏)



1.There exist four performing levels of movie performers: totally passive performing, basic performing, per-forming on the basis of understanding and creative and interactive performing.按照演员塑造人物形象与导演的关系,由被动到主动来划分,可以把电影演员的表演分为四种表演状态:完全被动的表演状态、基本表现的表演状态、理解体现的表演状态和创造互动的表演状态。

2.Rhythm is a pixie in the performing arts and an important means of the expressive force of arts.节奏是表演艺术中的精灵,是艺术表现力的重要手段。

3.The rhetorical devices employed by Lu Xun in his works,such as copying,portraying,performing and protruding mainly account for his style characterized by humor and satire.鲁迅作品中数字的拟实、描摹、表演与凸现的修辞运用,是其作品语言形成幽默与讽刺风格的重要原因。


1.The complex carnival world reveals the paradox relationships between revenge and carnival,in which revenge becomes a carnivalperformance,and as a result its seriousness and solemnity is cleared up.小说中复仇首先指向对复仇者本人的自我戕害,中间三头相搏指向狂欢式的脱冕、加冕仪式,结束时众人加入狂欢,使复仇最终成为狂欢化的表演,其严肃性、庄重性被消解。


1.The present paper makes a preliminary probe into the four aspects of Henan Even Major: origin and evolution,artistic singing features,singing styles and bodyacting features.本文从河南大平调的渊源与流变、唱腔艺术特色、演唱风格、形体表演特点四个方面作了初步的探索。

5)performance of speeches演说表演

1.On this premis, therefore, the author analyzes the rhetorical strategies in the context of particular occasion of speech, in order to investigate how the Athenian politicians\"performance of speeches affected the populace\"s political cognition.本文从表演研究的视角,将雅典政治演说作为一种以交流为目的的公共表演行为,通过在特定演说场合的语境中分析演说的修辞策略,来考察政治家的演说表演对民众政治认知的影响作用。

6)narration / performance表/演


表演1.戏剧﹑舞蹈﹑杂技等的演出。亦指把情节或技艺表现出来。 2.指做示范性的动作。 3.谓做事不真实,好象演戏一样。
