200字范文 > 词汇化 lexicalization英语短句 例句大全

词汇化 lexicalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-19 10:48:08


词汇化 lexicalization英语短句 例句大全



1.The Conjunctive Function of Haiyou(还有) and Itslexicalization;“还有”的连接功能及其词汇化


1.Lexicalization and grammaticalization: Two Chinese case studies of “henbude”(恨不得) and “wuse”(物色);词汇化二例——兼谈词汇化和语法化的关系

2.Study on Lexicalization of "Keshi" "Danshi" "Zhishi";“可是”“但是”“只是”的词汇化

3.Grammaticalization of Auxiliary "Hao(好)" and Related Phenomenon of Lexicalization助动词“好”的语法化及相关词汇化现象

4.Lexicalization and phrasalization of na collocates in spoken Taiwan Mandarin;远指词“那”词串在台湾口语中的词汇化与习语化

5.Delexicality:From a Word Back to a Phrase Jiehun(结婚)and Xizao(洗澡);去词汇化:“结婚”和“洗澡”由词返语

6.A Contrastive Study of the Result of Lexicalization between English and Chinese N+N Compound Words;英汉“名+名”复合词词汇化结果对比研究

7.A Contrastive Lexicalization Study of English put and Chinese fang;说put道“放”——汉英动词词汇化对比一例

8.Research on the “rhetoric lexicalization” based on new words and expressions corpus;基于新词语语料库的修辞词汇化研究

9.On the Lexicalization of LiaoBuDe and BuDeLiao“了不得”与“不得了”的成词与词汇化考探

10.Grammaticalization and Lexicalization: A View of the Entrenchment of Symbolic Units从象征单位的固化看语法化和词汇化

11.The Lexicalization and Related Issues on yiqi(以期)“以期”的词汇化及相关问题——兼论“以V”的词汇化、共性与个性

12.Improve Vocabulary Teaching by Probing into Words’Cultural Connotation;发掘词汇文化蕴涵 改进英语词汇教学

13.Cultural Comparison between English and Chinese Words and English Vocabulary Teaching;英汉词汇的文化比较与英语词汇教学

14.Industrial automation glossaryGB/T16978-1997工业自动化词汇

15.The Cultural Implication of Vocabulary and the Cultural Sense Training of Vocabulary Teaching;词汇的文化涵义及词汇教学的文化意识培养

16.The Comparison between the Influence of English and Buddhist Words upon Chinese Culture;英语词汇和佛教词汇影响中国文化比较论

17.How to Transform Passive Vocabulary into Active Vocabulary in English Learning;英语学习中如何把消极词汇转化成积极词汇

18.Word Petrification and Psycholinguistic Mechanism of Cognition;词汇石化现象与词汇习得的心理认知机制


lexicalized tree词汇化树

1.Auto extracting forlexicalized tree adjoining grammar;自动提取词汇化树邻接文法

3)evolution of vocabulary词汇进化

4)lexical fossilization词汇僵化

1.For most entries,or most learners,the development falls short before reaching the third stage,thus bringing aboutlexical fossilization in foreignl anguagel earning.外语学习过程中,多数词汇项或者多数学习者都难以达到理想的第三阶段,第二阶段的母语媒介作用妨碍或者阻滞了词汇心理表象的顺利发展,往往在进入第三阶段之前就出现了中止现象,从而造成外语学习中的词汇僵化。

2.This paper discusses the existence oflexical fossilization as well as its possible causes in the process of the second language(L2) acquisition,and meanwhile puts forward three feasible strategies in three respective stages about how to prevent thelexical fossilization.文章就二语习得过程中存在的词汇僵化现象及其产生原因进行了探讨,同时提出了三种可行性防止策略来阐述如何在二语习得过程中有效地防止词汇僵化现象的产生。

3.For most learners,the development falls short before reaching the third stage,thus bringing aboutlexical fossilization in foreign language learning.外语学习过程中,多数学习者都难以达到理想的第三阶段,第二阶段的母语媒介作用妨碍或者阻滞了词汇心理表象的顺利发展,往往在进入第三阶段之前就出现了中止现象,从而造成外语学习中的词汇僵化。

5)lexical culture词汇文化


1.The opposite process of lexicality could be namedelexicality.这种词汇化的逆过程可以叫做“去词汇化”。


公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical methodgongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理
