200字范文 > 词汇量 vocabulary英语短句 例句大全

词汇量 vocabulary英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-21 21:03:05


词汇量 vocabulary英语短句 例句大全



1.Analyze and Probe into Employing the Reading Strategy to Enlarge the Students Vocabulary;探析运用阅读策略对扩大学生英语词汇量的作用

pared with the traditionalvocabulary teaching method,the method to concentrate on teaching Englishvocabulary makes the students Englishvocabulary get the improvement by a large margin and improves the English teaching quality finally.与传统的词汇教学的方法相比较,采用集中讲授英语词汇的方法,使学生的英语词汇量得到大幅度的提高,最终提高大学英语教学质量。

3.The conclusion is that students reading ability is related closely tovocabulary,culture background and reading skills.结论是学生的英语阅读能力与词汇量、文化背景和阅读技能等密切相关 ,且大量的阅读是学好英语的有效途径之


1.Your boss has a bigger vocabulary than you have.你老板的词汇量比你的词汇量大。

2.I"d like to increase my vocabulary.我想增大我的词汇量。

3.Your Latin vocabulary is good.你拉丁文的词汇量不错。

4.He has a very large vocabulary.他的词汇量很丰富。

5.it is a great help for you to enlarge your vocabulary.对扩大词汇量很有帮助。

6.Assessing the roles of breadth and depth of vocabulary knowledge in second language proficiency;词汇量、词汇深度知识与语言综合能力关系研究


8.An Investigation into the Vocabulary Size and Vocabulary Proficiency of Chinese No-Enghish Freshmem;大学新生词汇量及词汇运用能力调查探究

9.A Correlation Study of High School Students Vocabulary Learning Strategies and Vocabulary;高中生英语词汇学习策略与词汇量相关性研究

10.Vocabulary size and its influence on English achievement as well as its relationship to depth of lexical knowledge;词汇量与语言综合能力、词汇深度知识之关系

11.On English Vocabulary Teaching andLearning through the Testing Form of English Vocabulary;从词汇量测试形式谈英语词汇的教与学

12.Causes for Disparity between Chinese Students Receptive Vocabulary and Productive Vocabulary;中国学生接受性词汇量与产出性词汇量差异的因素分析

13.Enlarging Vocabulary and Improving English Comprehensive Competence--An Investigation into the Vocabulary of 99 Freshmen;扩大词汇量 提高英语听说读写能力——99级本科新生英语词汇量调查

14.Students practise building up words from affixes and word roots.学生通过运用前缀和词根来扩大词汇量。

15.His English vocabulary has increased to 10,000 words.他的英语词汇量已增加到1万个单词了。

16.Isolated Word Recognition Within a Small List for Special Speaker;基于特定人的小词汇量孤立词语音识别

17.Study on Robust Speech Recognition Method of Isolated Word in Small Vocabulary;孤立词小词汇量抗噪声语音识别方法的研究

18.The Mandarin Continuous Speech Keyword Spotting System Medium Vocabulary;中等词汇量的汉语连续语音关键词识别系统


vocabulary size词汇量

1.This study, which covered an academic year,investigated 136 English majors through questionaires and tests ofvocabulary size and depth.通过问卷调查和词汇量、词汇深度测试,对网络环境下136名英语专业学生进行了为期一年的研究。

2.Building on earlier findings,current research has further probed issues regarding the specific impacts of two learner-based variables—reading proficiency andvocabulary size—on IVA in an EFL setting.本研究以词汇附带习得、有关阅读理论为基础,通过实证研究调查分析在中文语境下非英语专业大学生阅读过程中的词汇习得现象,主要考查学习者阅读理解能力和词汇量对词汇附带习得的影响。

3.118 non-English majors were administered into a battery of phonological processing tasks,vocabulary size and reading comprehension tests for the purpose of examining the possible effects of English phonological processing ability onvocabulary size and passage reading comprehension.采用英语语音意识、假词拼读、听觉言语工作记忆测验和词汇量以及篇章阅读理解测验,对118名高校非英语专业大学生英语语音信息加工能力与词汇量和篇章阅读理解的关系进行了考察。

3)a large vocabulary大量词汇

4)large vocabulary大词汇量

1.Phoneme segmentation plays a key role in the recognition oflarge vocabulary continuous Chinese speech recognition.音素分割在大词汇量连续语音识别的过程中起着重要的作用 。

5)quantity of vocabulary词汇数量

1.It considers the selection criteria,organizing principles,quantity of vocabulary and methodology.文章从选词标准、结构原则、词汇数量以及学习方法四个方面介绍了选择合适词汇教材的方法。

6)classifier measure word计量词汇

1.The English and Chineseclassifier measure words have some differences as well as some similarities.综观英汉语计量词汇,二者既有差异,又有相同、相通之处;它们的异同来自其各自的文化与传统。


