200字范文 > 山水文 South and North Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

山水文 South and North Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-29 07:08:02


山水文 South and North Dynasties英语短句 例句大全

山水文,South and North Dynasties

1)South and North Dynasties山水文

1.On the Articles Describing Mountains and Rivers in Wei, Jin,South and North Dynasties;论魏晋南北朝时期的山水文


1.The Differences of Scenery Prose Between the Southern and Northern Dynasties;山水清音 南北殊调——论《水经注》与南朝山水文之异


3.The water level at Luoshan Hydrometric Station was 30.03 meters, 1.47 meters lower than the warning water level.螺山水文站水位30.03米,低于警戒水位1.47米。

4.Understanding Landscape Culture of Huizhou Old Residences--Focused on Tangmo and Lingshan;徽州古村落山水文化解读——以唐模、灵山为中心

5.On Landscape and Humanities of Wenshan--A Summary of Rice Growing Culture of Wenshan Zhuang Nationality;山水和人文——文山壮族稻作文化略论

6.Research on Distributed Hydrological Model in Western Tianshan Mountains;天山西部山区分布式水文模型的研究

7.Scenery Prose from Southern Dynasties and Northern Dynastiesare Different--On the Difference between "shuijingzhu" and Scenery Prose from Southern Dynasties;南北朝山水散文的文化异质——以《水经注》和南朝山水书札为例

8.Landscape has been Showed by Works Works has been Propagated by Landscape--The tourist proses of Anshun and tourism山水借文章以显 文章凭山水以传——论安顺旅游散文与旅游

9.Palaeoflood Occurrence in the Late Period of the Longshan Culture in the Middle Reaches of the Jinghe River泾河中游龙山文化晚期特大洪水水文学研究

10.Different views of men of letters on describing mountains and rivers in the Weijin and late Ming dynasties;笔底林泉 古镜照神——从山水散文比较魏晋及晚明文人对山水的观照

11.A Brief Comment on the Mountain--River Prose Represented by Shui Jing Zhu in the North and South Dynasties;南北朝山水散文略论——以《水经注》和南朝山水小品为例

12.Study on Hydrological Effect of Picea Schrenkiana var.tianschanica Forest in the Middle Location of Tianshan Mountain;天山中段天山云杉林森林水文效应研究

13.Wudang Landscape Spectacles in Ancient Wudang Mountains Travelogues;古代武当山游记文学中的武当山水奇观

14.Liu Zong-yuan s Spectacular Travel Notes--Broad View and Far-reaching Mood of Liu Zong-yuan s Landscape Travel Notes;柳文如山——柳宗元山水游记的“旷如”与“奥如”说

15.Regional Distribution Regularity of Hydrological Model Parameter in Tianshan Mountains Watersheds天山山区水文模型参数的区域分布规律

16.In the Song Dynasty, the poet Fan Chengda once described the scenic beauty of the region in glowing terms as follows:宋朝诗人范成大曾著文,推崇桂林山水:

17.An Analysis of Variations of Hydrologic and Meteorologic Elements after Kangsan Polder Was Reclaimed康山围垦后水文、气象要素变化的分析

18.Hydrogeological study cf Sanshan island gold mine in development period三山岛金矿开拓时期的水文地质研究


mountain zone hydrology山区水文

1.The more attention was paid to works ofmountain zone hydrology in arid inland river basin in the past; especially on analysis of water amount and runoff come from mountain areas.过去,干旱地区内陆河流域水文研究主要偏重于山区水文,注重山区来水及径流分析,而很少涉及灌区问题和生态问题,对绿洲水文和荒漠水文的研究十分缺乏。

3)Landscape culture山水文化

1.Based on the philosophical view of "harmonizing relationship between nature and man",ancient Chinese people thought there was no boundary between man and nature and the harmonization of nature and man is the greatest achievement,which caused the production and prosperity of landscape culture.古代中国人基于"天人合一"的哲学观,产生了人与自然万物可以融为一体,内在性灵与外界自然之间无绝对界限的意识,并且把人与自然合一当作一种最高的境界来追求,从而促使山水文化的产生和繁荣。

2.This paper, through the thorough analysis of landscape culture, means for garden architecture as well as artistic conception, expounds the theoretical characteristics of chinese classical garden architecture and its continuity and application in modern city planning and building design.通过对中国古典园林的山水文化、造园手法以及对意境的追求分析 ,阐述了中国古典园林造园理论特征及其在现代城市规划和建筑设计中的延续和应用 。

3.The long-standing Three Gorges culture is plentiful and profound,mainly including the following aspects: landscape culture,prehistoric culture,race culture,people s livelihood culture,military culture,religious culture,celebrity culture,folk culture,project culture and emigration culture.研究三峡文化,必须先认识和把握其内涵,源远流长的三峡文化,其内涵博大精深,概括起来,主要包括几个方面:山水文化、史前文化、民族文化、民生文化、军事文化、宗教文化、名人文化、民间文化、工程文化和移民文化。

4)alpine hydrology高山水文

5)scenic poem山水诗文

1.The natural aesthetics in Su Shi sscenic poems can be concluded as follows: everything can be seen, appreciated, and enjoyed; life is integrated into scenery and poetry inhabits on earth; moral is embodied in matters or events.苏轼的山水诗文蕴涵的自然审美观可概括为:凡物皆可观,苟有可观,皆有可乐;将生命融入山水,诗意地栖居在大地上;寓意于物而不留意于物。

6)landscape literature山水文学

1.The peculiar contribution towards China slandscape literature made by Shui Jing Zhu embodies the following aspects: First,Li Daoyuan all-sidedly cleared and inherited aesthetic accomplishments as to mountains and waters made by predecessors,affirming that landscape aesthetics was human practical products in theory.《水经注》对中国山水文学的独特贡献主要体现在:第一,郦道元全面清理并继承了前人有关山水审美的成果,在理论上肯定了山水审美是人类实践的产物;第二,郦道元不是孤立地描写山水,而是将其放在大的自然、地理环境中加以表现,在自然景观中往往有人文景观,人文景观与自然景观紧密结合;第三,《水经注》记山水简练传神,风格清新,深得山水之神韵,直接导启了柳宗元和徐霞客的山水游记。


