200字范文 > 中西部农村 Midwest英语短句 例句大全

中西部农村 Midwest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-23 16:30:02


中西部农村 Midwest英语短句 例句大全



1.The analysis with the Level of the Primary and Middle School Students" Mental Health And the Suffered Upbringing InMidwest中西部农村中小学生所受抚养方式与心理健康水平的分析


1.Logistic Model Analysis on Western and Middle Rural Residents" Health Status and Its Determinants中西部农村居民健康状况Logistic模型分析

2.Current Situation and Countermeasures of E-government Construction in Rural Areas of Midwest China中西部农村电子政务建设现状与对策

3.An Investigation of the Protection of Peasants Rights and Benefits--Taking the Middle and Western Countryside of Hubei Province as an Example;农民权利保护调查——以湖北省中西部农村为例

4.Agricultural information development strategy in rural areas in the central and west China我国中西部农村农业信息化发展对策研究

5.In New Countryside Construction: Study on the Financial Acts of the Public Goods of Rural Areas in Western China;新农村建设中西部农村公共产品供给的财政行为研究

6.Problems and countermeasures of rural laborers flowage in Midwestern areas中西部农村劳动力流动中存在的问题及对策

7.Survey on the Hygiene of the Rural School Cafeterias in the Middle and Western Regions of China;中西部农村中小学校食堂卫生现况调查

8.On the Rural Enterprise Education in Western Area Buring the Harmonious New Countryside Construction;和谐农村建设进程中的西部农村创业教育探讨

9.To Solve the Education Problem in the Western Rural Construction;破解西部新农村建设中教育的难题——对西部农村教育落后的思考

10.Resources Allocation Efficiency Evaluation of Rural Primary Schools in Western China;中国西部农村小学资源配置效率评估

parison of rural residents income between the eastern,central and western regions of China;东中西部地区农村居民收入比较研究

12.On Music Education and Character Education in Middles Schools in Western Rural Areas;论音乐教育与西部农村中学素质教育

13.The Multi-supply of Public Goods of Villages in West China;论西部农村公共产品中的多元化供给

14.Analysis of Features of Change in the Rural Institution in the Western Regions of China;中国西部地区农村制度变迁特征分析

15.Research on Households" Economic Behavior and Rural Anti-poverty in China"s Central and Western Regions;中西部地区农户经济行为与农村反贫困研究

16.Consideration on Issues of Characteristic Agricultural Development in Country of Western China;我国西部农村特色农业发展中几个问题的思考

17.Agriculture and the Adjustment of Rural Economic Structure in the Development of the Western Regions;西部开发中的农业和农村经济结构调整

18.A Research on the Phenomena of Work-study Program in Rural Elementary and Middle School and Rural Comprehensive Middle School in West Regions;西部农村中小学勤工俭学与农村综合初中班现象探寻


Rural Area in the West of China中国西部农村

3)middle schools in Western rural areas西部农村中学

4)rural secondary schools in the West of China西部农村初中

5)Western countryside西部农村

1.But in the primary and middle schools in the western countryside, music education as one important part of character education is facing many problems and difficulties.但在我国西部农村中小学教育中,作为素质教育重要组成部分的音乐教育正面临着诸多困难和问题。

2.Western countryside regard China as to be poorest with the backward areas, economic development is in " low income " for a longtime --It is low to deposit money --Of low input --Low output……"Vicious circle among, and influence a yoke of western rural economy development to lie in the shortage of the fund.西部农村作为中国最为贫穷和落后地区,经济发展长期处于“低收入——低储蓄——低投入——低产出……”的恶性循环中,而影响西部农村经济发展的一个桎梏就是资金短缺。

6)Western rural areas西部农村

1.Such problems as irrational distribution of schools,poor transportation,mess,and lodgings,finding employment for surplus teachers,handing assets have to be solved so as to improve primary school education in theWestern rural areas of China.西部农村小学布局调整的任务更艰巨,问题更多。

2.The implementation of "two basic education plans"(plans for popularizing nine-year compulsory education and eliminating illiteracy among the young and middle-aged people) offers opportunities to accelerate cultural development in western rural areas.国家“两基”攻坚战略的实施为加快西部农村文化的发展提供了机遇。

3.The development of western region, especially the development of western rural areas, is extremely important and can not be ignored to the new rural development strategy planning, and the construction of a harmonious society.西部地区,尤其是西部农村地区的发展,对新农村建设的战略规划,以及和谐社会的建设大局,都是至关重要的。


