200字范文 > 拟乐府 imitating Yuefu poetry英语短句 例句大全

拟乐府 imitating Yuefu poetry英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-10 22:41:13


拟乐府 imitating Yuefu poetry英语短句 例句大全

拟乐府,imitating Yuefu poetry

1)imitating Yuefu poetry拟乐府

1.The poems modeled is a special phenominon in Wei, Jin and Northern & Southern dynasties, there into,imitating Yuefu poetry also is a large species of poems modeled.拟古诗是魏晋南北朝时期诗歌发展史中的一种特殊现象,其中拟乐府也是拟古诗中的一个大类。


1.A Study of Object-ode Poems and Niyuefu Created Collectively in the Period of Yingming of Southern Qi Dynasty;论永明年间的集体咏物诗和拟乐府诗创作

2.Probing into the State of Mind of People in Early Qing Dynasty through the Composition of Yuefu Nibuti;从“乐府拟补题”创作看清初士人心态

3.The analyse of Li Dongyang s Archaistic Yue Fu;李东阳《拟古乐府》题材及内容分析

4.A Tentative Exploration of the Development of Imitating Yuefu Poetry;拟古乐府的正与变——李白、陆游两首《关山月》对读

5.Following the Tradition of Han and Wei Poetry, But Not Limited to Trend of His Time--Bao Zhao′s Poems Modelled After Ancient Songs for Court Entertainment;上追汉魏 不染时风——鲍照拟古乐府诗述论

6.On the Artistic Innovation of Li Dongyang s Archaistic Yue Fu;若无新变 不能代雄——论李东阳《拟古乐府》诗的艺术创新

7.Kim Chongjik s Opinion of Yuefu and Features of Yuefu in Dongdu;浅谈金宗直乐府观和《东都乐府》的特点

8.On Inheritance of San Cao s Yuefu Poems to the Folk Yuefu Poems of Han Dynasty;论三曹乐府诗对两汉民间乐府的继承

9.The Poetical Collection of Yuefu and Classical Determination of Li Bai"s Yuefu Poems《乐府诗集》与李白乐府的经典确认

10.How could the Jia family sink to such vulgarity?何得贾府亦乐此俗套?

11.The town band led off by playing the National Anthem.市府乐队首先奏国歌。

12.On Inheriting and. Developing to the Realistic Style of New Yuefu about the Yuefu Poems of Late Tang Dynasty;论晚唐乐府诗对新乐府诗风的继承与发展

parisons Between the PrimaryTang Dynasty Yuefu on Boundary Line and the Nan-bei Dynasty Yuefu on Boundary Line;初唐边塞乐府与南北朝边塞乐府之比较

14.Wei Liangfu s Critiques on Drama Seen in the Ming Edition of Yuefu Hongshan and Yuefu Mingci;明刻本《乐府红珊》和《乐府名词》中的魏良辅曲论

15.programs envisaged by the Government由政府拟议中的计划

16.The government Intend to go ahead with Its privatization plan政府拟推行私有化计画

17.The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plans.政府拟推行私有化计画.

18.The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plan政府拟推行私有化计划



1.A Study of Object-ode Poems andNiyuefu Created Collectively in the Period of Yingming of Southern Qi Dynasty;论永明年间的集体咏物诗和拟乐府诗创作


1.The Influence of Minority Folk Songs on the Style of Poesy inYuefu in the Northern and Southern Dynasties;南北朝乐府中少数民族民歌对词体的影响

4)Yuefu Poetry乐府

1.On Life-Awakening Consciousness in Li Bai sYuefu Poetry;论李白乐府体现的生命觉醒意识

2.This article employs the methodology of textual criticism to explore the satirical allegory in Li bai s Yuefu poetry at the textual level and further interprets some of Li bai s Yuefu poetry.利用文本批评方法,对李白乐府中的兴寄从形式层面进行探讨。

3.According to Chinese poem developing history, Chuge (楚歌) plays a important role to Yuefu poetry (乐府诗).从诗史来看,楚歌的主要意义即在于它对乐府三言、五言、七言等诗歌形式的产生起到了重要的促进作用。

5)Yue Fu乐府

1.The Creation ofYue Fu Poems Written by Han Scholars and its Importance;汉代文人的乐府歌诗创作及其意义

2.A Study on the Implication and its Ceremony and Music of Hanwu Emperor EstablishingYue Fu;汉武帝“始立乐府”的真正含义及其礼乐问题

6)Music Bureau乐府

1.On Expression and Reason of "Family" in the Ballads of HanMusic Bureau;简论汉乐府民歌对“家”的表现及其成因

2.Textual Reseach on the "Levee" Homeplace in the "Levee Song" ofMusic Bureau on Nan Denasty;南朝乐府《大堤》之“大堤”非襄阳城之大堤


