200字范文 > 贸易流向 International trade flow英语短句 例句大全

贸易流向 International trade flow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-04 11:35:43


贸易流向 International trade flow英语短句 例句大全

贸易流向,International trade flow

1)International trade flow贸易流向


1.On the Current Situation of Foreign Trade Structure and Trade Flow in China;关于我国对外贸易结构和贸易流向现状的思考

2.A Research on the Trade Flow and Direction of China s Vegetable Export--Based on Trade Gravity Model;我国蔬菜出口贸易流量和流向——基于行业贸易引力模型的分析

3.Trade Volume and Flow Direction Analysis Between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Straits on Gravitation Model;海峡两岸贸易流量和流向的引力模型分析

4.Intra-industry Trade and the Orientation of the Pattern of China s Foreign Trade;产业内贸易与中国对外贸易模式取向

5.Analysis of Intra-Industry Trade Theory and Present Trade Situation between Guangxi and Thailand;浅析产业内贸易与桂泰贸易发展取向

6.presence of natural person (服务贸易)自然人流动

7.Economic Development and China s New Trend of Foreign Trade and Direct Investment;经济发展与中国对外贸易、直接投资流动的新趋向

8.The Empirical Analysis on Employment Effect of Export-trade in China;出口贸易对我国三次产业劳动力流向的影响分析

9.Trade on Internet and Development Direction of Foreign Trade Enterprises in China;网络贸易和我国外贸企业的发展方向

10.Trade Facilitation Information Exchange简化贸易手续信息交流站(贸信站)

11.9. State Trading Entities (to be notified to the Council for Trade in Goods)9.国营贸易实体(向货物贸易理事会作出通知)

12.Trade-Oriented Conflict Early Warning Mechanism for Intelligence Services;面向贸易冲突预警的贸易情报服务机制

13.Kesearch on the Principal Trade Partners in China and Geographic Direction of Foreign Trade;中国的主要贸易伙伴和对外贸易地理方向研究

14.On changing the path from trade nation to trade power;浅谈由贸易大国向贸易强国转变的路径选择

15.The Ultra-comparative Advantage and the Transformation from A Large Trading Nation to A Strong One;超比较优势与贸易大国向贸易强国的转变

16.A New Approach to Further Our Country s Processing Trade--Processing Trade Abroad;境外加工贸易——我国加工贸易深化发展的新取向

17.The Strategy of the Export Trade Structure of China During the Process of Changing to be a Powerful Country in Export Trade;出口贸易大国转向出口贸易强国的战略性思考

18.On the New Value Orientation of International Trade --Humane Trade Doctrine;论国际贸易领域新的价值取向——人文贸易主义


Centralized trade flow集中化贸易流向

3)Direction of foreign trade对外贸易流向

4)direction of trade贸易方向

5)horizontal trade横向贸易

6)two-way trade双向贸易


