200字范文 > 高速路绿化隔离带 Highway hedgerow英语短句 例句大全

高速路绿化隔离带 Highway hedgerow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-30 21:58:44


高速路绿化隔离带 Highway hedgerow英语短句 例句大全

高速路绿化隔离带,Highway hedgerow

1)Highway hedgerow高速路绿化隔离带


1.Design of hydraulic pruning vehicular for highway hedgerow高速路绿化隔离带液压剪枝车的设计

2.Study on the Infiltrating Irrigation Technology for the Middle Isolated Grassland Greening in Expressway;高速公路中央分隔带绿化渗灌技术研究

3.Discussion in Planting of Highway"s Central Segregation Area广西高速公路中央分隔带景观绿化设计探讨

4.Ecological Landscape Greening Design of Central Separate Belt of Highway高速公路中央分隔带景观生态绿化设计

5.Study on the Surviving Performance of Sabina Chinensis Seedling Planting on Central Separation Belt of the Hu-Bao Highway呼包高速公路中央分隔带绿化栽植桧柏苗木成活性能的研究

6.From greenbelt to greenway--Cased on greenbelt in Beijing;从绿化隔离带到绿色通道——以北京市绿化隔离带为例

7.This part of the highway be separate by a parkway这段高速公路中间有绿化带

8.This part of the highway is separate by a parkway.这段高速公路中间有绿化带。

9.Expressway guardrail, sports place purse seine, road greenbelt protect network.高速公路护栏,体育场所围网,马路绿化带防护网。

10.A total of 2927 hectares of forest-isolated area was built in the year.本年绿化隔离带完成2927公顷。

11.Design of Green Partition on Road and Traffic Hidden Danger;道路分隔带绿化设计与交通隐患分析

12.Research on the Native Wild Thorny Plants for Highway Fence in Hunan;湖南本土野生带刺植物用于高速公路隔离栅的研究

13.Studies on High Speedand Wideband Linear Analog Signal Isolation Amplifier;高速宽带线性模拟信号隔离器的研究

14.Preliminary Studies on Highway Greening--Studies on Highway Greening between Dali and Baoshan;高速公路绿化初探——大保高速公路绿化研究

15.Optimal Design for Drip Irrigation Diameter Based on Genetic Algorithm in Central Green Belts of Highway基于遗传算法的高速公路中央绿化带滴灌管径优化设计

16.Attenuation of traffic noise and Pb pollution by greenbelts along济青高速公路绿化带对交通噪声和铅污染的防护作用

17.12,500 hectare"s green shelter will be formed for the urban area and the second green shelter shall be built.市区建成1.25万公顷的绿化隔离带; 建设第二条城市绿色生态屏障。

18.12,500 hectare’s green shelter will be formed for the urban area and the second green shelter shall be built.市区建成1.25万公顷的绿化隔离带;建设第二条城市绿色生态屏障。


greening of expressway高速公路绿化带


1.Avian communities ingreenbelts of the Beijing urban area were main investigating target of the present study.本研究以北京城市绿地鸟类群落为主要研究对象,全面调查了绿化隔离带内鸟类种类、数量及其分布,作为鸟类食物的昆虫等无脊椎动物的种类、数量及分布情况,植物种类、数量及植被结构;系统分析了市区绿化隔离带内鸟类群落及其与栖息地环境之间的关系;以鸟类群落特征为主要指标对北京市区绿化隔离带环境质量进行了初步综合评价。

2.This paper analyzes the current situa-tions ofgreenbelts in south Nanjing main city and the necessity of planning legislation for it.深入分析了南京市城南绿化隔离带的现状问题与规划立法的必要性,论述了规划立法的研究过程,提出相应的宏观策略和系统结构,在此基础上划定管控范围并制定相应控制策略成果,为后续的规划立法工作做好准备,以期为当前中国的规划法制化工作提供有益的借鉴。

4)Urban Green Insulated Belt城市绿化隔离带

5)expressway greening高速公路绿化

6)second green belt第二道绿化隔离带

bing the concept of thesecond green belt, it reviews the history of spatial distribution of Beijing and examines the deviation between the target and the current development of the city.在理清第二道绿化隔离带概念的基础上 ,回顾了北京空间布局的历史 ,检验了城市发展现状与目标之间的偏差 ,分析了绿化隔离带与城市布局的紧密关系 ,借鉴国外城市经验 ,提出北京未来布局的基本思


