200字范文 > 传统体育伦理 Traditional Sports Ethics英语短句 例句大全

传统体育伦理 Traditional Sports Ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 11:57:45


传统体育伦理 Traditional Sports Ethics英语短句 例句大全

传统体育伦理,Traditional Sports Ethics

1)Traditional Sports Ethics传统体育伦理

1.The Conflicts and Integration Between Olympics and China sTraditional Sports Ethics;奥林匹克与中国传统体育伦理的冲突和融合


1.A Research on Basically Culture Spirit of Traditional Chinese Sports Thought;中国传统体育伦理思想的文化精神之窥见

2.The Conflicts and Integration Between Olympics and China s Traditional Sports Ethics;奥林匹克与中国传统体育伦理的冲突和融合

3.Discuss the Modern Value of Chinese Tradition Sports Ethics Ideology in Athletics Sports;试论中国传统体育伦理思想在竞技体育中的现代价值

4.China s Traditional Sports Ethics Thought and the Value of Rebuilding Morals of Modern Sports;论中国传统体育伦理思想特征及其对现代体育道德重建的价值

5.Discussion about the Conflict and Integration of Modern Olympic and China s Traditional Sports Ethics;论现代奥林匹克与中国传统体育伦理的冲突和融合

6.The Conflict and Combination Between Modern Olympic Games and the Moral Spirit of Chinese Traditional Sports;现代奥林匹克与我国传统体育伦理精神的冲突与融合

7.Disucssion about the Conflict and Integration of China"s Traditional Sports Ethics and Modern Olympic试论我国传统体育伦理思想与现代奥林匹克的冲突与融合

8.Humanities Spirit and National Tradition Sports Ethics Education Value;人文精神与民族传统体育的伦理教育价值


10.Restructure the Traditional Benefit View and Sports Ethics传统义利观与竞技体育伦理价值的重构

11.The national traditional sports humane intension the function of ethics education;民族传统体育的人文内涵及其伦理教育功能研究

12.Athletics Sports Ethics and Beijing "Humanities Olympic Games" Idea Inheritance Research竞技体育伦理与北京“人文奥运”理念传承研究

13.Rowing and canoeing is one of the traditional sports for Londoners.划艇和赛艇是伦敦市民传统体育节目之一。

14.The Emphases of Ehthic Education from Teaching Text;从教谕文献看古代埃及伦理教育的传统内容

15.Absorb Nutrition from Traditional Ethics and Strengthen Ideological Work in Higher Learning Institutions;从传统伦理道德中汲取营养 强化高校德育

16.Think About the Phenomenon of Technicalization of Human Procreation;人类生育技术化与传统伦理框架的开放

17.Chinaese traditional culture is a kind of ethic culture in the nature in which Confucianism is its main body and core.中国传统文化本质上是一种人伦文化,其中儒家伦理是主体与核心。

18.The Main Body Origin of Internet Ethic Disorders and Regulating with Traditional Culture;网络伦理问题的主体根源和传统文化的调控


Traditional Ethics传统伦理

1.TheTraditional Ethics of Tai People Along the Lancang River and the Prevention of HIV;澜沧江流域傣族传统伦理与艾滋防治

2.Saying Good-bye to theTraditional Ethics and Moving Towards the Modern Ethics;告别传统伦理 走向现代伦理

3.Chinese traditional ethics is a long-term accumulation of culture, 5,000 years in the development process of the formation of a unique cultural identity.传统伦理是我国悠久文化的积淀,在五千年的发展过程中形成了独特的文化特征。

3)sports ethics体育伦理

1.In this paper,the author analyzes the concept ofsports ethics,and points out that we should do it better from details of PE teaching.现实体育伦理的缺失与学校体育的教育存在着密切的联系,体育伦理教育是学校体育的重要构成。

2.Constructs from the harmonious social angle of view to thesports ethics value carries on the theoretical analysis.从和谐社会视角对体育伦理价值的构建进行理论分析,提出:在认识和处理人与物的关系上,体现以人为本的伦理取向,是构建和谐社会体育伦理价值的基石;在认识和处理人与人的关系上,体现追求公平的伦理取向,是构建和谐社会体育伦理价值的前提;在认识和处理人与自然的关系上,体现和谐共处的生态伦理取向,是构建和谐社会的条件。

3.Unfortunately,as one of the biggest "public fields" in our country,sports ethics has not been established.以问题研究为核心对当代中国体育伦理进行新的建构具有多方面的重要意义。

4)sport ethics体育伦理

1.Chinese thoughts ofsport ethics stem from the traditional culture.中国古代体育伦理思想根植于博大精深的传统文化。

2.There has been obvious progress in the research ofsport ethics in the West as well as in the East in the present age.体育伦理研究在现当代东西方都得到一定的发展。

3.The thought ofsport ethics had close relationship with the tan-moral culture background of China.博大精深的中国体育伦理思想与中国泛道德化的传统文化背景紧密相关。

5)traditional ethics传统伦理学

1.Environmental issues have not only its real root causes, but also its theoretical roots, that is,traditional ethics.环境问题的产生不仅有其现实根源,更在于其理论根源,即传统伦理学。

2.This article holds that post-modernism launched a fierce critique to westerntraditional ethics since ancient Greece including moral viewpoint of subjectivity,rational ethics and ethical viewpoint of essentialism,foundationalism,and centralism.后现代主义对西方自古希腊以来的传统伦理学理论,包括主体性道德观、理性主义伦理学以及本质主义、基础主义、中心主义伦理观都展开了猛烈批判,文章试图在这种彻底的批判中实现对传统伦理学的超越,从而达到一种无主体、非理性、不确定、无基础、相对化的伦理境界。

3.The research oftraditional ethics has shifted it focus to value ethics.传统伦理学的价值伦理学转向,一是基于研究重心由“应当”问题转换为“德行之所以然”的问题,二是基于研究范式上由目的论、德性论、义务论等转换为价值论。

6)traditional view of ethics传统伦理观


