200字范文 > 真空锅炉 vacuum boiler英语短句 例句大全

真空锅炉 vacuum boiler英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-21 00:38:53


真空锅炉 vacuum boiler英语短句 例句大全

真空锅炉,vacuum boiler

1)vacuum boiler真空锅炉

1.Multipurpose oil/gas-firedvacuum boiler;燃油(气)热水—蒸汽多用型真空锅炉

2.Introduces the basic principle and characteristics ofvacuum boiler,and foresee the prospectof its application and developm ent,and highlight its feature by contrasting pressurized boiler,atm osphericboiler and vacuum boile简要介绍了真空锅炉的基本原理、特点,并对真空锅炉的应用和发展前景加以介绍,同时对比有压锅炉和常压锅炉,突出了真空锅炉的特点。


1.It is then transferred to a sterilized laboratory and placed in a vacuum furnace at a temperature of280° C to apply the double-sided glareproofing.最后将镜面送入无菌实验室,在摄氏280度的真空锅炉中涂上一层双面防眩剂。

2.The Design of Vacuum Dust Absorption System of Boiler Houses in the Thermal Power Plant火电厂锅炉房真空负压吸尘系统设计

3.Vacuum hot water boiler is an secure and energy-saving low temperature heat supply equipment.真空热水锅炉是一种安全节能的低温供热设备。

4.vacuum pan salt【化工】真空锅制盐

5.Research on Aerodynamic Field and Structure in Industry Boiler Furnace;工业锅炉炉内空气动力场及结构研究

6.The air is evacuated from the furnace.从真空炉中抽出空气。

7.Development of Simulation Modeling for 1025t/h CFB;1025t/h循环流化床锅炉仿真模拟

8.Dynamic Simulation of Pingwei Power Plant 600MW Boiler System;平圩电厂600MW锅炉系统动态仿真

9.Modeling and Simulation of the Heat Recovery Steam Generator in a Gas-Steam Combined Cycle;燃蒸联合循环中余热锅炉建模与仿真

10.Modeling and Running Performance Analyses for the 2060t/h Boiler;2060t/h锅炉建模及运行特性仿真分析

11.Heat Balance Analysis and Dynamic Simulation in Marine Supercharged Boiler;舰用增压锅炉热平衡及动态仿真研究

12.Dynamic Simulation and Combustion Model of 600MW Coal Burning Boiler;600MW燃煤锅炉燃烧模型及动态仿真

13.Simulation of Marine Fuel Oil Auxiliary Boiler System Based on VB;基于VB的船用燃油辅锅炉系统的仿真

14.Study on the Control of Circulating Fluidized Bed Boiler Combustion and Emulation循环流化床锅炉燃烧控制与仿真研究

15.Modeling and Simulation of In-boiler Process of Naturally Circulation Boiler自然循环锅炉内过程数学建模与仿真

16.Modeling and Simulation of 1000MW Ultra Supercritical Boiler Based on MATLAB基于MATLAB的1000MW超超临界锅炉建模与仿真

17.Research on the Simulation Model of Heat Recovery Steam Generator in Combined Cycle Unit联合循环机组余热锅炉仿真模型研究

18.Boiler Simulation Experimental System Based on PC and PLC基于PC机和PLC的锅炉仿真实验系统


phase change vacuum boiler真空相变锅炉

1.It is uncertain all along that if thephase change vacuum boiler can be corroded obviously under super low temperature.真空相变锅炉是否会明显发生烟气低温腐蚀,一直众说不一。

3)gas vacuum hot water boiler真空热水锅炉

1.With the continually innovation of the energy policy and energy structure of our country, the natural gas will become the primary source of energy in large and medium cities, the application ofgas vacuum hot water boiler will be more extensive.燃气型真空热水锅炉因具有热效率高、环保、运行安全可靠、安装位置不受限制、初投资少、运行费用低等优点,因而日益受到热用户的欢迎,在一些大中城市已逐渐替代传统的燃煤热水锅炉。

4)boiler simulation锅炉仿真

5)idle boiler空闲锅炉

6)vacuum pan真空锅<冶>


