200字范文 > 置信下限 lower confidence limit英语短句 例句大全

置信下限 lower confidence limit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-05 07:19:53


置信下限 lower confidence limit英语短句 例句大全

置信下限,lower confidence limit

1)lower confidence limit置信下限

1.The estimate andlower confidence limit of reliability for pass-fail component;成败型元件可靠性的估计及置信下限

2.Thelower confidence limits of storage reliability for exponential type products were studied.研究了产品具有不确定试验数据下指数型产品贮存可靠性的置信下限。

3.Also the paper discusses the relationship betweenlower confidence limits and PCIs,as well as the percentage of unqualified products in process.讨论了过程能力指数置信下限与抽样容量、批量产品不合格率之间的对应关系,并给出了非正态分布条件下加工过程抽样方案的设计流程。


1.Lower confidence limit of normal probability within specified limitsGB/T14438-1993定限内正态概率的置信下限

2.Pass-Fail Series-System Reliability Proximate Lower Confidence Limits;成败型串联系统可靠性近似置信下限

3.On Bayes Confidence Inferior Limit of Collateral System Degree of Reliability;一类并联系统可靠度的Bayes置信下限

4.On Bayes Confidence Inferior Limit of Series System Degree of Reliability;一类串联系统可靠度的Bayes置信下限

5.Assessment for Approximate Confidence Lower Limits of Equipment Storage Reliability Based on Bootstrap基于Bootstrap的贮存可靠度置信下限评估

6.One-sided reliability confidence lower limit (Normal distribution complete sample)GB/T4885-1985正态分布完全样本可靠度单侧置信下限

7.Confidence lower limits for the reliability of systems that consist of two parallel components following exponential distribution with probably different mean parameters;两指数分布并联系统可靠度的置信下限

8.Lower Confidence Limit for the Reliability of a Standby System with Lognormal Distribution Components对数正态型元件贮备系统可靠性的置信下限

9.Bootstrap Estimate Method of Approximate Confidence Lower Limits of System Storage Reliability系统贮存可靠度近似置信下限的Bootstrap评估方法

10.Confidence Lower Bound with Fixed Width for the Exponential Distribution Parameter Based on Type Ⅱ Censored Samples;定数截尾数据下指数分布参数带有固定精度要求的置信下限

11.Statistical interpretation of data--One-sided reliability confidence lower limit (Binomial distribution)GB/T4087.3-1985数据的统计处理和解释二项分布可靠度单侧置信下限

12.In this paper, we discuss the approximate Fiducial lower confidence limit of the standby system.研究此贮备系统在时刻t的可靠性的点估计及近似Fiducial置信下限

13.Lower Confidence Limit for the Shape-parameter of Weibull Distribution by Using Two Order Statistics用两个次序统计量确定Weibull分布形状参数的置信下限

14.Lower Confidence Limits of Reliability for Series-parallel System and Parallel-series System with Poisson ComponentsPoisson型元件串并联系统和并串联系统的可靠性置信下限

15.Minimax confidence bound of the normal mean under an asymmetric loss function;非对称损失下正态均值的同变置信限

16.C.L. (confidence limit)置信[界]限,信任界限

17.Confidence limits are the upper and lower limits of the confidence interval.置信限是指置信区间的界限。

18.On the Confidence Limits of Bernoulli Parameter in Any Sequential Case任何序贯样本情形下伯努利参数的置信限(英文)


confidence lower limit置信下限

1.According to the study of unrepairable product residue mean life,based on the mathematical description of the residue mean life and the basic knowledge of reliability and mathematical statistics,a method is deduced to assess theconfidence lower limit for the mean residual life,and an engineering instance is analyzed.通过对不可修复产品平均剩余寿命的研究,基于产品平均剩余寿命的数学描述,利用可靠性及数理统计的基础知识,逐级推演,提出了适用于各种寿命分布类型的产品平均剩余寿命置信下限的一种评估方法,并结合工程实例进行了分析。

2.A method is presented to calculate approximate value ofconfidence lower limits making use of reliability test data of torpedo components.提出了一种通过鱼雷各部件可靠性试验数据来计算鱼雷系统可靠性近似置信下限的方法。

3.For the given reliability and confidence level, the point estimate and four approximateconfidence lower limits of the storage time are obtained, and their covering ratio to each other is compared.对给定的可靠度和置信度得到了贮存期的点估计和四种近似置信下限 ,并比较了它们的覆盖

3)lower confidence limits置信下限

1.In this paper, minimum variance unbiased estimation andlower confidence limits of the structure reliability P r(Y n>a 1Y 1+.在Y1 ,… ,Yn- 1 ,Yn 相互独立且服从威布尔分布情况下得到结构可靠度Pr(Yn >a1 Y1 +… +an- 1 Yn - 1 )的最小方差无偏估计及其置信下

2.In this paper, we obtain the classical exactlower confidence limits of reliability for the series system A .基于元件的随机定时截尾寿命试验数据 ,给出了指数型元件串联系统可靠性的经典精确置信下限 ,给出了数字例 。

3.in this paper, minimum variance unbiased estimation andlower confidence limits of the structure reliability P=P_r (Y_n > a_l Y_l+…+a_(n-l) Y_(n-l)) are obtained, where Y_l,…,Y_(n-l), Y_n arc all independent and normal variables,a_l,…, a_(n-l) are all known constants.在Yl,…,Yn-l,Yn相互独立且服从正态分布情况下得到结构可靠度Pr(Yn>alYl+…+an-lYn-l)(其中al,i=l,n-l均为已知的常数)的最小方差无偏估计及其置信下限。

4)confidence limit置信下限

1.The lowerconfidence limit of reliability of the data with varying censored time under Weibull distribution;威布尔分布下不同定时截尾数据的可靠度的置信下限

2.In the Weibull distribution case, theconfidence limit of the reliability via Ⅰ type interval censored data is proposed.本文针对Weibull分布情形下的Ⅰ型区间删失数据,提出了产品的可靠度的优良的置信下限的理论与计算方法。

3.Based on the saddlepoint approximation, this paper provides approximative lowerconfidence limit of reliability.本文基于指数分布不同定时截尾数据,利用鞍点逼近法给出参数估计的概率分布的近似公式,进而给出可靠度的近似置信下限,并通过数值模拟及实例计算说明本文方法的可行性。

5)Confidence lower Bound置信下限

1.In this paper,we design a confidence lower bound for the exponential distribution parameter based on Type Ⅱ censored samples by two-stage procedures.利用两阶段抽样 ,构造了定数截尾数据下指数分布参数的一个置信下限 ,它同时满足预先指定的可靠度和精度。

2.In this paper, the author deals with the confidence lower bound for the reliability of a system with "S or F" components, and studies the small sample property of V-S confidence lower bound.本文讨论了具有r个成败型元件串联系统可靠性的置信下限问题。

6)fiducial lower confidence limitsfiducial置信下限

1.By using the approximate distribution of linear combination of the variable χ~2(·), thefiducial lower confidence limits of reliability for the series system of exponential type are given on the basis of the fixed number testing data of components,and the examples are given.设某系统由n个相互独立的指数型元件串联而成,基于各元件的定数截尾试验数据,通过引入独立χ2(·)变量线性组合的近似分布,导出了指数型串联系统可靠性的fiducial置信下限的计算公式,并给出了数字例。


上限与下限上限与下限衰2利率和易变性时翔结构┌────┬───┬────┬───────┐│时间(年)│互换率│零息债券│远期利率易变性│││(%)│利率(%) │ (%)(%) │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│0。5│3 .25 │3 .25│ │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│1 .0│3.匆 │3 .53│3 .75 15 │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│1 .5│3.印 │3 .73│4.(y7 14 │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│2 .0│3 .88 │392 │446 14│├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│2 .5│4工│4.佣│4.麟13│├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│3 .0│4 .17 │4 .23│4 .95 13 │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│3 .5│4 .31 │4 .39│5 .26 12 │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│4 .0│4 .46 │4 .55│5 .59 12 │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│4 .5│4.印 │4 .71│5 .91 12 │├────┼───┼────┼───────┤│5 .0│4 .75 │4 .87│6 .25 12 │└────┴───┴────┴───────┘衰3上限和下限价格(所有标价为基点)┌──┬──┬──────┬──────┐│││上限执行利率│下限执行利率│├──┼──┼──────┼──────┤│预付│如 │437一一 │肠137 222││价格│3yr │121 337一│74 1582肠│││5yr │413 191即31 │79 174引)3‘│└──┴──┴──────┴──────┘。298。中国金融大百科全书·下编9568178一116 5639,一一、?布一如如伽加分期支付价格892 53522343 129343巧1 91310 17514刃537302 1853在计算上限收费价格时,很重要的一点是要注意应该与互换利率的执行价格相比较,而不是与短期通行利率(prev山ling short一~rate)相比较,否则可能会导致错误的结果。从这里所列示的时期结构(tenn slluc恤)看,短期利率为3.25%,而执行利率为5%的五年期上限看起来似乎严重损价(能U out ofthe伽ney),因而1.91%的收费价格显得过于昂贵。
