200字范文 > 预算联邦制 budget federation system英语短句 例句大全

预算联邦制 budget federation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-02 05:51:47


预算联邦制 budget federation system英语短句 例句大全

预算联邦制,budget federation system

1)budget federation system预算联邦制

1.Since the Russian Federation was independent,a stable goal in the construction of abudget federation system was not given an enough consideration;in the reform of financial relationship between the local governments concerned,the more atte.俄罗斯联邦独立以来,预算联邦制的构建并没有对稳定目标给予充分考虑,因而有关政府间财政关系的改革一直更加关注政策选择而非管理问题。

2)budget unionism预算联邦主义

1.After the disaggregation of Soviet Union, under the condition that the management power of vocational education in Russia is discentralized, thebudget unionism and differences of economic development level between various places result in the discrepancy of development level and scale of vocational education.苏联解体后,在俄罗斯职业教育管理权下放联邦主体的情况下,预算联邦主义及各地经济发展水平的差距造成了各地职业教育发展水平和规模的差异。

3)federal budget law联邦预算法律

4)the federal budget美国联邦预算


1.Positive Analysis on the Medium-Term Budget in US中期预算的实证分析:以美国联邦预算为例

2.The American federal budget deficit could exceed $420 billion.美国联邦预算赤字可能会超过四千两百亿美元。

3.The Evolution and References of American Federal Budget Law System美国联邦预算管理法律体系演变与启示

4.Yet the end of the recessions did not eliminate U.S. federal budget deficits.可是衰退的结果并没有能消除美国联邦预算中的赤字。

5.In part, investors" concern about the U.S. federal budget and international trade deficits were found to be responsible.调查发现,投资者对美国联邦预算和外贸逆差的担心是股市下跌的部分原因。

6.Budget Formulation of American Federal Government and its Characters;美国联邦政府预算的编制方法及特点

7.Federal sector account联邦预算国民收入帐户

8.The Rise and Fall of the Norm of Budget Balance:Seeking a Budgetary Logic behind Federal Budget Deficits;预算平衡规范的兴衰——探究美国联邦赤字背后的预算逻辑

9.The United States, which is by far the greatest contributor to the system, pays less than one quarter of one percent of its federal budget to the U.N. budget.迄今向联合国系统缴会费最多的美国,向联合国预算支付的款额,不到联邦预算的0.25%。

10.Federal Register [United States]联邦登记册〔美国〕

11.FAA - Federal Aviation Administration(美国)联邦航空局

12.Along with the Defense Department, the U. S. National Park Service is one of the big winners in the president"s proposed federal budget for the next fiscal year.和美国国防部一起,美国国家公园也是总统下个财政年度联邦预算的一个大赢家。

13.Federal Reserve Board [FRB] [United States]联邦储备局〔联储局〕〔美国〕

14.Federal National Mortgage Association [United States]联邦国民抵押协会〔美国〕

15.United States Code Annotated美国联邦注解法典(联邦注解法典)

16.The United States is going to produce more computers and trade them for German automobiles.美国打算生产更多的计算机,并向联邦德国出口以交换联邦德国的汽车。

17.a supporter of the Confederate States of America.美国南部联邦的支持者。

18.Federal Election Commission of the United States美国联邦选举委员会


budget unionism预算联邦主义

1.After the disaggregation of Soviet Union, under the condition that the management power of vocational education in Russia is discentralized, thebudget unionism and differences of economic development level between various places result in the discrepancy of development level and scale of vocational education.苏联解体后,在俄罗斯职业教育管理权下放联邦主体的情况下,预算联邦主义及各地经济发展水平的差距造成了各地职业教育发展水平和规模的差异。

3)federal budget law联邦预算法律

4)the federal budget美国联邦预算

5)federal intervention联邦干预

6)federation mechanism联邦机制

1.Research on the framework for design and manufacture resource management based onfederation mechanism;基于联邦机制的设计制造信息资源管理框架结构的研究


