200字范文 > 《辛普森杀妻案庭审记录》 O.J. Simpson Trial英语短句 例句大全

《辛普森杀妻案庭审记录》 O.J. Simpson Trial英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-12 13:02:26


《辛普森杀妻案庭审记录》 O.J. Simpson Trial英语短句 例句大全

《辛普森杀妻案庭审记录》,O.J. Simpson Trial

1)O.J. Simpson Trial《辛普森杀妻案庭审记录》

2)the Simpson Trial辛普森刑案

3)The Danger Of Love杀妻奇案

4)How To Murder Your Wife杀妻记

5)Simpson method辛普森法


1.Application about the Method of the Mulriple Simpson and Comparison with FFT in the Diffractive Computing;复化辛普森法在衍射计算上的应用及与FFT法的比较

2.Mathematicians have developed many algorithms to help in the quest, including New-ton-Raphson and Muller search methods.数学家们发展了许多算法来帮助求解,包括牛顿一辛普森法和米勒搜索法。

3.Sit down, won"t you, Mr. Simpson?请坐好吗,辛普森先生?

4.It was half past eight when Simpson at last rolled up.直到8点半辛普森才到。

5.Smith alias Simpson.史密斯别名辛普森。

6.The O.J.Simpson Murder Trial was one of the most high profile cases in American legal history.辛普森被控杀人的案子是美国法律史上最具知名度的案件之一。

7.Court cases involving celebrities like O.J. Simpson can become media circuses.像辛普森这种知名人物的法庭案例, 反而成了媒体的马戏;

8.modified method of Hassan and Singh哈森和辛格的修正法

9.How to numerically solve algebraic and ordinary differential equations, and perform numerical integration with Simpson method.如何数字化的解决代数和普通的微分等式,使用辛普森方法来执行积分法。

10.Mrs. Simpson, the village secretary, stood proudly in the doorway.村秘书长辛普森夫人自豪地站在门口。

11.And I did, too,” said Mrs. Simpson helplessly.我也加了,()”辛普森太太无助的说道。

12.To by refused to play second fiddle to young Simpson.托比拒绝当小辛普森的副手。

13.Bart Simpson had a dream,巴特?辛普森曾经有过一个梦想,

14.The jury will disregard Mr. Simpson"s testimony.陪审团可以不予 理会辛普森的供词

15."But what about my letter?" asked Simpton, dolefully.“我的信怎么办?”辛普森悲哀地说。

16.Even artists like Jessica Simpson and Mandy Moore,甚至像杰西卡?辛普森以及曼迪?摩尔,

17.Let me introduce myself ; my name is Simpson.让我作自我介绍吧,我名叫辛普森。

18.So Mrs. Simpson put down her mop.于是,辛普森太太放下了她的拖把。


the Simpson Trial辛普森刑案

3)The Danger Of Love杀妻奇案

4)How To Murder Your Wife杀妻记

5)Simpson method辛普森法


1.This paper takes Toyota A43DE auto trans as an example to analyze in detail the design of various one-way clutches inSimpson planet gear mechanism of an automatic transmission, as well as their functions and working principles.本文以丰田A43DE自动变速器为例,详细分析了自动变速器中辛普森式行星齿轮机构中的各个单向离合器的设计意图,及他们的作用和工作原理,以供借鉴。


