200字范文 > 国际经贸人才 international trade talents英语短句 例句大全

国际经贸人才 international trade talents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-11 09:51:47


国际经贸人才 international trade talents英语短句 例句大全

国际经贸人才,international trade talents

1)international trade talents国际经贸人才


1.On the Standing Place the International Economic and Trade Discipline Should Have and the Professional Market;我国国际经贸人才市场透析——兼论国际经济与贸易专业市场立足点

2.RMB Appreciation and Personnel Training Reform for International Economics and Trade Major人民币升值背景下国际经贸人才培养模式的改革研究

3.On the Ways of Professionals Training of International Economic and Trade Major;国际经济与贸易专业人才的培养途径

4.The Characteristics of International Trade in Knowledge based Times and the Training of Personnel for International Trade;知识经济时代国际贸易特点与外贸人才培养

5.On the Innovation of Talent Cultivation in the Specialty of International Economics and Trade;论国际经济与贸易专业人才培养模式的创新

6.Research on Talent Cultivation Model of International Economic and Trade Specialization;国际经济与贸易专业人才培养模式探讨

7.To Train Competent Talents of International Economy and Trade for the 21st Century;面向21世纪培养合格的国际经济与贸易人才

8.Probe into the Applied Talent Mode of International Economics and Trade Specialty国际经济与贸易专业应用型人才模式的探讨

9.Thinking on the Talents Cultivation Mode of International Economics and Trade关于国际经济与贸易专业人才培养模式的思考

10.We need to bring forth, through training, a contingent of people who are well acquainted with the WTO rules and international economic cooperation and trade.加快培养熟悉世贸组织规则和国际经济贸易的各类专业人才。

11.A discussion on the orientation and talent training pattern for international economy and business speciality;刍议国际经济与贸易专业定位与人才培养模式特色

12.Study on the local colleges and universities in international economics and trad in the new professionals training model地方高校国际经济与贸易专业人才培养模式的新探讨

13.Constructing the Training Mode of Go-global Practical Talents of International Economy and Trade新“走出去”战略下国际经贸应用型人才培养模式的构建

14.The research and reform of training scheme for specialty in international economics and trade国际经济与贸易专业人才培养方案的研究与改革

15.Research on the construction of the course system for the four-year-program students of the international economy and trade major in non-governmental colleges民办高校国际经济与贸易专业本科人才课程体系建设研究

16.CBE for International Trade Majors in Higher Vocational College高职国际贸易专业“能力本位”人才培养模式构建

17.On the Application of International Trade Professionals in Training Mode;试析应用型国际贸易专业人才培养模式

18.Searching on Object Location of Talent Training of International Trade in Higher Vocational College;高职国际贸易类人才培养目标的定位研究


international businessman国际贸易人才

1.On training ofinternational businessman in current situation;新形势下国际贸易人才培养的探索

3)international economy and trade国际经贸

4)foreign-trade professionals外经贸人才

1.After entering WTO,China has made a fantastic development in the foreign trade and is increasing the great demand forforeign-trade professionals,especially the high-level applied ones with skills and comprehensive qualities who have both high theoretical knowledge and strong actual-operation ability to solve the industrial realistic prob-lems.加入WTO后,中国对外贸易获得了空前的快速发展,社会对外经贸人才的需求不断增加,尤其需要大批既具有较高的理论知识,同时又具有较强的解决行业现实问题实际操作能力的技能型、复合型的高层次应用型人才。

5)qualified personnel in international business management国际经营管理人才

1.For this reason, the government should take measures to create an envirorunent of harmony and relaxation for the training ofqualified personnel in international business management, and make reforms in higher education so as to accelerate the training of versatile and adaptable personnel in international business.近年来 ,我国企业跨国经营有了飞速发展 ,但国际经营管理人才却极度匮乏 ;素质偏低且不稳定。

6)international economic and trade circle国际经贸圈

1.In south Yunnan Province,the formation of "theinternational economic and trade circle of Yunnan and ASEAN" has provided more challenges paralleled by more opportunities for those colleges who absolutely need a strategy of internationalization."云南-东盟"国际经贸圈的形成给滇南地区高等教育的发展带来了多重挑战,也带来了重要的发展机遇,以红河学院为典型的国际化办学战略势在必行。


