200字范文 > 马来西亚专艺民族乐团 Malaysia Pcco orchestra英语短句 例句大全

马来西亚专艺民族乐团 Malaysia Pcco orchestra英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-24 02:44:27


马来西亚专艺民族乐团 Malaysia Pcco orchestra英语短句 例句大全

马来西亚专艺民族乐团,Malaysia Pcco orchestra

1)Malaysia Pcco orchestra马来西亚专艺民族乐团

2)nation building in Malaysia马来西亚民族建构


1.Nation Building in Malaysia and the Making of Strong Malay Culture;马来西亚民族建构和马来文化强势地位的形成

2.One Nation,Two Imaginations:A Discussion on the Debates over the Malaysian Nation-building between the Malays and the Malaysian Chinese;一个民族,两种想象:马来人与华人关于马来西亚民族建构问题争论之述评

3.Implications Drawn on the National Political Development of Malaysia;马来西亚民族政治发展的经验与启示

4.The Weakening of Ethnic-Orientated Politics in Malaysia since 1990s;20世纪90年代以来马来西亚民族政治的淡化

5.a member of a people inhabiting the N Malay Peninsula and Malaysia and parts of the W Malay Archipelago.一个居住在北马来西亚半岛、马来群岛和西马来西亚群岛的民族的人。

6.Ethnic Relationship between Overseas Chinese and Indigenous People in Southeast Asia:The Cases in the Philippines and Malaysia东南亚华人与土著民族的族群关系研究——以菲律宾和马来西亚为例

7.In Ethnic Sociological Perspective:Malaysia" Ethnic Relations under Institutional Regulation民族社会学视角:制度规约下的马来西亚族群关系

8.United Malays National Organizatio马来民族统一机构(巫统)

9.Some Characteristics of the Ethnic Relationship between the Malay and the Chinese in Malaysia;马来西亚马、华两族关系的几个特点

10.Nation-building in African Countries:Theory and Practical Research--With Comments on Ujamaa s Role in Tanzania s Nation-building;非洲国家民族建构的理论与实践研究——兼论乌贾马运动对坦桑尼亚民族建构的作用

11.On Changes in Relationships between Chinese and Malay in Malaysia;马来西亚华人与马来人族际关系演变新探

12.Minority Separatist Movements and construction of National Identity --A Case of Indonesia民族分离运动与国家认同的建构——印度尼西亚个案研究

13.an eastern subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian languages.马来坡利尼西亚语的一个东部亚家族分支。

14.A member of any of various peoples of short stature inhabiting parts of Malaysia, the Philippines, and southeast Asia.小黑人居住在马来西亚、菲律宾和东南亚部分地区各民族中身材矮小的人

15.the family of languages spoken in Australia and Formosa and Malaysia and Polynesia.分布于澳大利亚、台湾、马来西亚和玻利尼西亚的一个语族。

16.a native village in Malaysia.马来西亚土著居民的村庄。

17.a native or inhabitant of Malaysia.一个马来西亚的土著或居民。

18.To Survive and Thrive: New Chinese Emigrants from Mainland China into Malaysia;生存与发展:中国新移民在马来西亚


nation building in Malaysia马来西亚民族建构

3)national music ensemble;national music orchestra民族乐团

4)The Chinese music in Malaysia马来西亚华人音乐

5)Malaysian"s Chinese traditional music culture马来西亚华人传统音乐


1.Leaving forMalaysia attending the 10th Asian(ASEAN) food science and technology conference of summary;赴马来西亚参加“第10届亚洲(东盟)食品科技大会”概述

parison between Fiscal Terms of Petroleum Contracts inMalaysia and China;马来西亚与我国石油合同在财税条款方面的对比

3.Marketing Strategies of China"s Textiles inMalaysia;我国纺织品马来西亚市场营销策略初探


菲利西亚诺·马格罗菲利西亚诺·马格罗 feliciano magro国籍: 意大利出生日期:身高: 180 cm体重: kg场上位置: 中场场上编号: 30所属团队: 乌迪内斯前度球会苏黎世2001-2002转会费不详曾效力球会巴素利2000-2001 草蜢1997-2000
