200字范文 > 不良影响 Adverse effect英语短句 例句大全

不良影响 Adverse effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-04 22:48:05


不良影响 Adverse effect英语短句 例句大全

不良影响,Adverse effect

1)Adverse effect不良影响

1.Analysis and prevention of adverse effect caused by intensive nursing technique training;护理技术强化训练对训练者身心不良影响的分析及预防

2.The adverse effects of ammonium ions on nickel plating solution were investigated by Hull Cell experiments.用霍尔槽试验测定了铵离子对镀镍溶液性能的不良影响,结果表明:向镀液中加1 g/L氯化铵,试片的光亮度就受到影响,加至5 g/L,试片的光亮度明显下降。


1.The evil effects of a poor diet.饮食欠佳的不良影响

2.Fence out unwholesome influences防止不良影响侵袭。

3.The man is her evil genius.那人对她有不良影响。

4.Protein malnutrition may result in a number of other adverse effect.蛋白质营养不良,可引起许多其它不良影响。

5.On Adverse Effects and Countermeasures of Social Bad Culture to College Students论社会不良文化对大学生的不良影响及其对策

6.Have undesirable effect, but the impact is not big, reduce a number later can.有不良影响,但是影响不大,以后减少次数即可。

7.If you are afraid of unfavourable short-term political repercussions, you will have to pay the price in unfavourable long-term political repercussions.惧怕一时的不良的政治影响,就要以长期的不良影响做代价。

8.children carefully insulated from harmful experiences受到细心保护免受不良影响的孩子们

9.An error has occurred that will negatively affect the operation of the service所出现的错误对服务操作有不良影响

10.counteract a poison, sb"s bad influence, etc消解毒性、 清除某人的不良影响

11.have a deleterious effect on a child"s development对孩子的发育有不良影响.

12.The measures had a detrimental effect.这些措施已产生不良影响.

13.His cowardice reflects on his character.他的胆怯对他的性格带来不良影响。

14.On the Effects of TV Ads Hegemony on Infants;浅谈电视广告霸权对幼儿的不良影响

15.The disadvantageous Influence of the Television Medium and Countermeasures;电视传媒对青少年的不良影响及对策

16.Education for test":Its disadvantageous effect on musical education;“应试教育”对高师音乐教育的不良影响

17.Affected by improper nutrition or an insufficient diet.营养不良的受营养不良或食量不足影响的

18.Your behaviours exercised a malign influence on the children.你的行为对孩子们产生了不良的影响。


adverse effects不良影响

1.But in practice and under the system of free-trade,the business of harmful waste from developed countries or regions to developing countries or regions,the excessive exploitation and use of natural resources and the pollution transference from developed countries to developing countries in international investment have done greatadverse effects on the preservation of.在贸易自由化的体制之下,从发达国家或地区流向发展中国家或地区的有害废弃物交易,自然资源的过度开发和利用以及在国际投资中由发达国家给发展中国家带来的污染转嫁等问题,对生态环境保护的不良影响已相当突出。

2.The further increase in fiscal decentralization or slackening in extra-budgetary fund management will result in manyadverse effects on China s economy.如果继续提高财政分权度,或者是放松对地方预算外资金的管理,将对我国经济产生诸多不良影响。

3)Harmful effects不良影响

1.Feudal autocracy, officer s standard consciousness, bureaucracy, patriarchal clan system idea negative factor and other feudal declining thoughts in China s traditional culture, produce a great deal of harmful effects to that the present party in power builds.中国传统文化中的优秀精华对我们今天加强党的建设,提高执政能力是有很好的促进作用,但其中的封建专制思想、官本位意识、官僚主义、宗法观念等消极因素以及其他封建没落思想,对当前执政党建设也产生着诸多不良影响。


5)abjective influence不良的影响

6)avertion of harmful effects不良影响防范


