200字范文 > 经典传意 the cummunication of classics英语短句 例句大全

经典传意 the cummunication of classics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-20 22:57:49


经典传意 the cummunication of classics英语短句 例句大全

经典传意,the cummunication of classics

1)the cummunication of classics经典传意

2)conformity to classics经典意识

1.This paper ponders deeply over the development of contemporary Chinese dramas and elaborates discussions from the following four perspectives:1) market mechanism of drama performances;2)conformity to classics;3) realism in drama creation;and 4) opening of school plays to public.本文从四个方面对当代中国话剧进行了深思和探讨:一、话剧演出的市场机制问题,二、话剧艺术的经典意识问题,三、话剧创作的现实主义问题,四、学生演剧的开放性质问题。

3)classical significance经典意义


1.Be well versed in Confucian classics and using--Dai Zhen was in pursuit of Confucian classics meaning;通经致用——戴震对经典意义的追求

2.Cultural Criticism,Literary Criticism,and Literary Canon:Canonic Significance of the Body in Gary Snyder s Poetry;文学批评、文化批评及文学的经典性——兼谈身体在斯奈德诗歌中的经典意义

3.Forces, in the classical sense, are envisioned as due to the exchange of quanta of the field in question.经典意义下的力被看成是由于交换有关的场量子而产生的。

4.A Tentative Analysis of the Change of Hermeneutic Paradigm for The Analects of Confucius;经典意义生成与阐释范式——试析《论语》阐释范式的流变

5.Practical Significance of Health Preservation Thoughts in Huangdi"s Orthodox Classic探析《黄帝内经》养生经典的现实意义

6.The Allusions of The Bible and its Symbols in The Grapes of Wrath《愤怒的葡萄》中的《圣经》典故与象征意义

7.Biblical Allusions in A Jest of God《上帝的玩笑》中的《圣经》典故及其意义

8.The Value of Literary Canon in Contemporary Era;文学经典在当代语境中的价值和意义

9.The Meaning-Generation and Canonization of Historical Transmission;“历史流传物”的意义生成与经典化

10.itle>The Ancient Source and the Modern Significance of the Developing Economice;发展经济学的古典渊源及其现实意义

11.The Resource Significance of Some Classic Theory in the Research of Rural Economic Ethics;若干经典理论对乡村经济伦理研究的资源意义

12.Discussions on the Significance of Studying Classics;开学养正须识经,昭明有融莫忘典——试论“经典”习阅之意义

13.The Grape Symbolism in The Grapes of Wrath and Biblical Allusions《愤怒的葡萄》中“葡萄”的象征意义与圣经典故

14.The Significance in Advocating Classics Reading in the Present Cultural Background论当代文化背景下倡导经典阅读的意义

15.The Importance of Developing a Recycling Economy in Packing Industry;论包装行业在发展循环经济中的典型意义

16.The Significance of Classical Market Equilibrium Theory and Contemporary Economics Development;古典市场均衡理论的意义与当代经济学的发展

17.Internship Teaching Practice of Universal Significance and the Typical Experience实践实习教学的普遍意义及典型经验总结

18.On the Characteristics of Compilation of 100 Classic Books of Children’s Literature in a Century;论《百年百部中国儿童文学经典书系》的出版经验与文化意义


conformity to classics经典意识

1.This paper ponders deeply over the development of contemporary Chinese dramas and elaborates discussions from the following four perspectives:1) market mechanism of drama performances;2)conformity to classics;3) realism in drama creation;and 4) opening of school plays to public.本文从四个方面对当代中国话剧进行了深思和探讨:一、话剧演出的市场机制问题,二、话剧艺术的经典意识问题,三、话剧创作的现实主义问题,四、学生演剧的开放性质问题。

3)classical significance经典意义

4)dissemination of classics经典传播

5)Cannon Succession经典传承

6)Teaching Classical传承经典




斯人先生主编本书是浓缩的传世名著,精致的文学大餐,高效阅读 震撼体验,为适应21世纪读者的需要,我们在此套书基础上推出了这本《经典的面孔――101部世界文学名著速读》。与前书比较,这本书篇幅缩小了,更方便携带阅读,但内容却更丰富。这本书增加了“阅读导航”、“相关链接”在“作者点击”中,补充或完善了对作者的介绍。同时,在篇目的选择上,除精选前书介绍过的作品外,还增加了多篇前书未加介绍的著名作者,例如《生命中不能承受之轻》、《铁皮鼓》、《小径分岔的花园》等。
