200字范文 > 生态环境 ecological environment英语短句 例句大全

生态环境 ecological environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-16 03:46:00


生态环境 ecological environment英语短句 例句大全

生态环境,ecological environment

1)ecological environment生态环境

1.Impact analysis of canal lining to theecological environment in irrigation districts of Ningxia;宁夏引黄灌区渠道砌护对生态环境的影响分析

2.Theecological environment of coal mining subsidence building method;采煤沉陷区生态环境改造建设方法研究

3.Research on dynamic monitoring ofecological environment in modern Yellow River Delta;现代黄河三角洲生态环境的动态监测


1.2. Ecological Environment Development(二)生态环境建设

2.Discussion on Academic Ecological Environment on the basis of Natural Ecological Environment;从自然生态环境谈大学学术生态环境

3.Sub-plan for Environmental Protection生态环境保护专项规划

4.The protection of the ecological system was further enhanced.生态环境保护力度加大。

5.The variation of the marine ecological environment,海洋生态环境的变化,

6.On Water for Environment and Construction of Water Eco environment of Chengdu论成都的环境用水和水生态环境建设

7.The city people occupy the environment and the ecological environment coordinated unification;城市人居环境与生态环境的协调初探

8.Research on ecological and humanistic environment of Beijing Green Olympics;北京绿色奥运的生态环境与人文环境

9.A Research of the Relationship among FDI, Environmental Regulation and Ecological EnvironmentFDI、环境规制与生态环境关系研究


parative Analysis of Static and Dynamic Evaluation of Ecological Frangibility生态环境脆弱性静态评价与动态评价

12.Discussion of cleaning production, circulative Economy and Ecological Environment;浅谈清洁生产、循环经济与生态环境

13.Looks at Setting up Ecology Technology View from the Ecological Environment Problem;从生态环境问题看生态技术观的树立

14.Ecological Environment Quality Appraisal and Ecological Planning of Baoding;保定市生态环境质量评价及生态规划

15.Researches on ecological value and protection of ecological environment of Qinghai Lake;青海湖生态价值与生态环境保护研究

16.Perfect Ecological Indemnity System Strengthen Ecological Environment Construction;完善生态补偿机制 加强生态环境建设

17.Ecological environment protection and ecological philosophy of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau;青藏高原的生态环境保护与生态哲学

18.On Ecoenvironment Compensation and Ecological Sustainable Development;试论生态环境补偿与生态可持续发展



1.The Comprehensive Treatment and Eco-environmental Protection of Siyang Part of the old Yellow River;古黄河泗阳段流域综合治理与生态环境保护

2.System of Evaluating Eco-environment Benefit of Land Rearrangement Based on 3S;基于3S的土地整理生态环境效益评价系统

3.Assessments of agriculturaleco-environmental quality of topsoils in Fuzhou City;福州市表层土壤农业生态环境质量评价


1.On theenvironment in the phase of the Great Leap Forward in Hebei;“大跃进”时期生态环境问题论析——以河北省为例

2.Construction and application for Zunyi county resourceenvironment information system;遵义县资源生态环境信息系统的建设与应用

3.Monitoring and assessment of the ecologicalenvironment in Jangxi Province;江西省生态环境监测和评价研究

4)ecology environment生态环境

1.About the exploitation of tourism′s influences on districtecology environment;论旅游开发对区域生态环境的影响

2.Sustainable Development for Ecology Environment of Chongqing;重庆市的可持续发展与生态环境建设

3.The practice on dynamic monitoring of macroscopicalecology environment;宏观生态环境动态监测实践——以内蒙古敖汉旗为例

5)eco environment生态环境

1.Zhengxiangbai banner of Inner Mongolia is located on the south fringe of Otindag sandy land, in which the situation ofeco environment is pregnant with grim possibilities.内蒙古正镶白旗位于浑善达克沙地南缘地带 ,生态环境形势严峻 ,迫切需要利用现代化的科技和信息手段 ,服务于生态建设。

2.,sustainable development,the modern societal and economic development is moving step by step towards the orbit of harmonious development witheco environment.在可持续发展原则的指导下,基于多因素关联分析理论,提出一种生态环境承载力的定量分析方法。

3.Adopting optimum control and scientific management ofeco environment is very important to protectingeco environment against disruption and promoting the coordinated growth of soc economy system andeco environment system and buiding a harmonious relationship between human behavior and natural world,especially in the arid land,western China.实现生态环境优化调控与科学管理 ,是保护生态环境、促进社会经济与环境协调发展、建立人与自然和谐关系的重要举措。


1.Adjusting the Industrial Structure, Protecting the Ecotope of Huanghe River Valley in Sichuan;调整产业结构,保护四川省境内的黄河流域区生态环境

2.Evaluation on Hydrogeological Environmental Variation in Tunnel and Its Influence on Ecotope;隧道水文地质环境变化及其对生态环境影响的评估

3.But it"secotope, wether entire ecosystem or every subsystem, has the character of simple structure, lower productivity level, worse stability, weaker repair ability and easily to be disturbed by outside factors.青藏高原位于我国西南,自然条件独特、地广人稀,有较丰富的自然资源,但其生态环境无论是整个生态系统还是各子系统,均具有结构简单、生产力水平低、稳定性差、修复能力弱、易受外界因子干扰等特征。


