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经典注释 classics notation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-02 20:54:23


经典注释 classics notation英语短句 例句大全

经典注释,classics notation

1)classics notation经典注释

1.Because of the diffencence ofclassics notation objects,it had formed many kinds of effection and commentary.经典注释活动是古代经典传承的重要方式之一。

2)Authority Annotation典籍注释

3)Jingdian Shiwen《经典释文》

1.On Shijing Phonetic Notation by Song Dynasty and the Textual Research ofJingdian Shiwen Edition;宋儒《诗经》音释与《经典释文》版本考订

2.An exhaustive statistical survey of the labial initials in fanqie inJingdian Shiwen shows that in LU Deming s labial initial system 95% of the fanqie of bang(帮) and fei(非) groups are harmonious fanqie (音和切) whereas only 5% are fanqie with inherited sound change(类隔切); in the ming (明) and wei(微) groups,the two fanqie types are almost a fifty-fifty split.本文运用统计法,对《经典释文》一书的唇音反切做了穷尽式的统计。

3.Based on theJingdian Shiwen, Zhuangzi Note written by Sima Biao included 52 section in 21 volumes.《经典释文》第二十六、二十七、二十八卷为《庄子音义》,是陆德明根据郭象注《庄子》三十三篇本所作的注释。


1.On Shijing Phonetic Notation by Song Dynasty and the Textual Research of Jingdian Shiwen Edition;宋儒《诗经》音释与《经典释文》版本考订

2.The Value of Lu Deming s The Classics Annotated as Literature for the Study of Erya;论陆德明《经典释文》的雅学文献价值

3.Study on "Fanqie"("反切")in Shuowen (《说文》) Quoted by JingDianShiWen (《经典释文》)《经典释文》所引《说文》“反切”考

4.The Study on Labial Fan-qie Comparison between Jingdianshiwen and Guangyun;《经典释文》与《广韵》唇音反切对比研究

5.On the New Data and Structural Features of Chongniu Used in Classics Annotated and Glossed;《经典释文》重纽反切的统计及结构特点

6.Several Questions on "Li Yin" in JingDianShiWen;《经典释文》中有关“李(轨)音”的几个问题

7.On Two Ways of Pronunciation of the Words"从,邪" and "船,禅" in Classic Annotations;《经典释文》中"从、邪""船、禅"两读考

8.A Study on Phonetic Transcription Classification of The Annotation of Classics;《经典释文》音切类目研究的基本结论

9.The Methods of Matching between Phonetics and Semantics in the Annotation of Classics--a case study of the Annotation of Classics音义匹配的方法——以《经典释文》为例

10.The Derivation form Phonetic Change of jian (见) on the Basis of Jingdian Shiwen(经典释文)从《经典释文》看“见”字见母音变匣母的构词

11.An Discussion on the Coordinating of Alternative Pronunciation Materials in Jing Dian Shi Wen by Jia Changchao of Song Dynasty论北宋贾昌朝对《经典释文》异读材料的整理

12.Validity of Explaination of Sutra Text of Aesthetics;中国美学“经典”文本解释的合法性

13.Annotation of Li Shan WenXuan--One Annotation Phenomenon Which is Poles Apart with China Classics Annotation;李善《文选》诠释——一种与中国经典诠释截然不同的诠释现象

14.Prominent Differentiation of Classics and Interpretation Styles in Zhu Xi s Compiling of Four Classic Books;朱熹对经典文体与诠释书体的高卓适别

15.Modification of fanqie in<Interpretation for the Classics Liji Yinyi> of Nowadays Edition;今本《经典释文·礼记音义》中后人增改反切之研究

16.A brand-new explanation of classical literary works--Preface to Confronted with Marginal Contextualization;寻求经典文本的全新阐释——《遭遇边缘情境》序言

17.Modern interpretation for classical proetics-Studies on ZHANG Chengzhi s prose;经典诗意的现代阐释——张承志散文研究之一

18.The Methodology for Interpretations of Traditional Chinese Philosophical Classics--A Focus on the Interpretation of the Text of the Great Learning;论中国传统哲学经典诠释之方法——以《大学》文本诠释为中心


Authority Annotation典籍注释

3)Jingdian Shiwen《经典释文》

1.On Shijing Phonetic Notation by Song Dynasty and the Textual Research ofJingdian Shiwen Edition;宋儒《诗经》音释与《经典释文》版本考订

2.An exhaustive statistical survey of the labial initials in fanqie inJingdian Shiwen shows that in LU Deming s labial initial system 95% of the fanqie of bang(帮) and fei(非) groups are harmonious fanqie (音和切) whereas only 5% are fanqie with inherited sound change(类隔切); in the ming (明) and wei(微) groups,the two fanqie types are almost a fifty-fifty split.本文运用统计法,对《经典释文》一书的唇音反切做了穷尽式的统计。

3.Based on theJingdian Shiwen, Zhuangzi Note written by Sima Biao included 52 section in 21 volumes.《经典释文》第二十六、二十七、二十八卷为《庄子音义》,是陆德明根据郭象注《庄子》三十三篇本所作的注释。


1.On the Sources of Contents inJingdianshiwen;《经典释文》的因袭来源问题

2.In recent years, some scholars have thought that Ch ieh-yun Dialect reflected the standard pronunciation of Chinese northern dialect in the Six Dynasties , while <Jingdianshiwen>( 《经典释文》 ) edited by thecontemporary scholar--Lu Deming (陆德明) reflected the standardpronunciation of southern dialect.近来,有的学者认为《切韵》音系反映了当时汉语北方话的标准音,而几乎同时代陆德明的《经典释文》音系反映了当时汉语南方话的标准音,由此可见,《经典释文》音系的音韵地位与《切韵》差不多同等重要。

5)classical interpretation经典解释

1.This paper systematically collects and explains Zhu Xi s elaboration on "Reasoning by analogy" method,and analyzes Zhu Xi s application of this method in hisclassical interpretation practice."以类而推"是朱熹一向所倡导的经典解释方法。

6)classical explanation经典阐释

1.At the basis of that, this article discusses contemporary literary theory from three aspects: subjectivity,classical explanation and rhetorical criticism.文学和文学理论是人们建构的产物,所以不能脱离本民族的话语传统和资源谈当代文论建设,本着这一基本认识,文章从主体性、经典阐释、修辞批评三个方面讨论了当代文论建设中传统文论资源利用问题。


