200字范文 > 分工协作 division of labor and cooperation英语短句 例句大全

分工协作 division of labor and cooperation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-08 18:45:54


分工协作 division of labor and cooperation英语短句 例句大全

分工协作,division of labor and cooperation

1)division of labor and cooperation分工协作

1.Based on the concerned theories, the definition of enterprise can be made, that is, enterprise can be defined as "a system arrangement formed by the elements owner who goes on thedivision of labor and cooperation for the gaining of organized loan".本文在古典经济学相关理论的基础上,借用新古典经济学的理性选择模型来分析企业问题,将企业定义为要素所有者为了获得组织租金进行分工协作而形成的一种制度安排,产生于分工协作所带来的组织租金的可获得。


1.Establishment of working mechanism of multi-side participation, division of labor and coordination of work and high effective operation;建立多方参与、分工协作、高效运作的工作机制;

2.Sharing Out the Work and Cooperating with One Anotherto Cultivate Foreign Language Talents for the 21st Century;分工协作,共同培养21世纪的外语人才

3.Working Report of Liquor Branch Association of China Brewing Society Liquor Branch Association of China Brewing Society;中国酿酒工业协会白酒分会工作报告

4.Analysis on the Dynamic Soil-Pile-Machine System Interaction;土—桩基—设备系统协同工作动力分析

5.LSSC coordination based on competence division and cooperation;基于能力分工与合作的LSSC协调

6.On the Division of Knowledge of Modeon Sports Training and Teamwork;试论现代运动训练知识分工、团队协作

7.Government back-feeding and socialized back-feeding:the labor division and cooperation;政府反哺与社会化反哺:分工与协作

8.A Tool for Analyzing Interaction in CSCL and a Case Study;协作学习交互分析工具及其案例研究

9.An analysis of coordination mechanism of work flow in project-oriented enterprise;项目型企业的工作流程协同机制分析

10.The Analysis of Cooperative Work of Single Rank of Piles under Strip Beam of Foundation;条形承台梁下单排桩的协同工作分析

11.Annual Working Report of of Liquor Branch of China Wine Industry Association;中国酿酒工业协会白酒分会工作报告

12.Modeling and optimization of distributed web-based collaborative system on drawing documents in construction projects分布式工程项目图档协同工作系统建模及优化

13.The Study of Cooperative Myosin Molecules;肌球蛋白分子集体协作的工作特性研究

14.The Cooperation Strategy Research and Simulation Analysis of Cigarette Sorting System;卷烟分拣系统协同工作策略研究与仿真分析

15.On shared work items, state your status and share your work.在协同作业中,通过电话交流工作的进展和分享工作的心得。

16.Deepen Division and Collaboration to Accelerate Coordinated Development of Inter-provincial Regional Economy;分工与协作,加快跨省区域经济协调发展——以川滇黔交界地带为例

17.All the stages operate concurrently.所有工作步骤协同操作。

18.Research on Time Workflow Model in Distributed Cooperative Work Environment;分布式协同工作环境中时间工作流建模技术研究


separation and coordination分工协作

1.After analyzing the necessity of theseparation and coordination of knowledge,this article studies the virtual corporation from this angle deeply and expounds that the structure of the virtual corporation is beneficial toseparation and coordination of the knowledge.在对知识分工与协作必要性进行分析的基础上,对虚拟企业的知识分工协作进行了深入的研究,提出并建立了虚拟企业的知识分工协作运作模型。

3)division and cooperation分工与协作

1.On the consideration of farming periods, rural men and women workforces in Jiangnan demonstrate a mode of seasonaldivision and cooperation in modern times.基于农事周期的考虑,近代江南农村男女劳动力呈现出一种季节性分工与协作的模式:农忙期间,大田劳作主要由男子承担,女子只是间或参加一些大田劳作;农闲期间的手工业生产则主要是女子承担,男子则又处于一种相对次要的地位。

2.Integrating the citydivision and cooperation of regional economy,which has been one of the important strategies to rely international competition since China embracing the world economy,and city agglomeration rising abruptly is a trend to harmonize regional development currently.但从制度层面审视我国区域发展中存在的问题,可以发现,以城市群带动中国经济增长的过程中,支撑城市间分工与协作的一系列制度安排还很弱。

4)Distributed co-operating operation分布式协同工作

5)Industry Collaboration产业分工协作

1.TheIndustry Collaboration and Regional Integration in the Valley along the Yangtze River in Anhui Province;皖江流域产业分工协作与区域经济一体化

6)network of division and collaboration分工协作网络


