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结肠靶向胶囊 colon-targeting capsule英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-16 06:24:13


结肠靶向胶囊 colon-targeting capsule英语短句 例句大全

结肠靶向胶囊,colon-targeting capsule

1)colon-targeting capsule结肠靶向胶囊

1.Localization study on sodium 4-amino salicylic acidcolon-targeting capsule4-氨基水杨酸钠结肠靶向胶囊定位研究


1.Preparation of Colon Targeted Rhubarb Capsule and Its Quality Evaluation;复方大黄结肠靶向胶囊的制备及质量评价

2.Localization study on sodium 4-amino salicylic acid colon-targeting capsule4-氨基水杨酸钠结肠靶向胶囊定位研究

3.Study on Pharmacy and Pharmacology of Baizhuhuangqi Capsule-A Colon-target New Drug for Treating Ulcerative Colitis;溃疡性结肠炎靶向治疗新药白术黄芪胶囊药学与药理学研究

4.Study on membrane-forming effect and colon-targeting property of colon-specific microporous membrane结肠靶向微孔膜的成膜效果和结肠靶向性研究

5.The Evaluation of Carboxymethyl Chitosan Microspheres Containing Levofloxacin for Colon-specific Drug Delivery in Vitro and in Vivo;左氧氟沙星羧甲基壳聚糖凝胶、微球结肠靶向释药的应用基础研究

6.Study on the Synthesis, Colon Targeting Characteristics and Pharmacodynamics of Pectin-ketoprofen Prodrug;果胶—酮洛芬前药的合成、结肠靶向性和药效学研究

7.Preparation and properties of chitosan-based hydrogel for protein colon-specific delivery壳聚糖凝胶用于蛋白类药物结肠靶向缓释性能研究

8.Preparation and Study of Mesalazine and Metrmidazol Colon Specific Pellets;美沙拉嗪/甲哨唑结肠靶向微丸的研制

9.The Study of Indomethacin Colon Targeted and Time Controlled Tablets;吲哚美辛结肠靶向定时释放片的研究

10.Development of IN Pellets for Microbially Triggered Colon Drug Delivery酶触型结肠靶向吲哚美辛微丸的研制

11.Inhibitory Effect of Targeted Livin siRNA on the Growth of Human Colon Cancer CellsLivin靶向siRNA对结肠癌细胞的抑制作用

12.Coating Technology of pH and Enzymes Dependent Changkangning Tablets for Colon-specific DeliverypH-酶依赖型肠康宁结肠靶向片的包衣工艺研究

13.Time-Lag Combined pH-Sensitve Drug Conlon-Specific Delivery System--The Study on Preparing Hydrochloric Levofloxacin Oral Colon-specific Delivery Pellets;时滞与pH敏感结合型结肠靶向制剂——盐酸左氧氟沙星结肠靶向小丸的研制

14.Theraputic Effect of Lipid-Coated Microbubble Carrying Taxol on Rat with Intracranial C6 Glioma脂膜微囊承载紫杉醇靶向性治疗大鼠颅内C6胶质瘤的实验研究

15.Study on Budesonide Colon-targeted Site-specific Dosage Forms;布地奈德结肠靶向定位给药制剂的研究

16.Investigation on the Active Targeting Drug Delivery System of Colorectal Cancer-Using Peanut Agglutinin as the Carrier;花生凝集素介导的结肠癌靶向给药系统的研究

17.Studies on the Synthesis and in Vitro Release of Colon-specific Polymer Drugs;结肠靶向高分子药物的合成与体外释放研究

18.Study on Bacterially Triggered Colon-Specific Preperation of Hydrocortisone;氢化可的松菌群触发型结肠靶向制剂的研究


colon targeting capsule of Guyuan peptide(GYP)骨元肽结肠靶向胶囊

1.Objective To perform comprehensive evaluation on colon targeting capsule of Guyuan peptide(GYP)for anti-osteoporosis action.目的综合评价抗骨质疏松产品-骨元肽结肠靶向胶囊。

3)colon-targeted microsphere capsule肠靶向微球胶囊

4)colon targeting结肠靶向

1.Preparation of Kangfuxincolon targeting micro-pellets;康复新结肠靶向微丸的制备工艺

2.In vivo/in vitro evaluation of Kangfuxincolon targeting capsules;康复新结肠靶向胶囊的体内外评价

3.Conclusions: This research provided a way for traditional Chinese drug preparation ofcolon targeting.目的 :考察中药制备结肠靶向给药的可能。

5)colon specific结肠靶向

1.In this article , a review of research in thecolon specific drug delivery based on azo polymers in which azo groups are located in the main chain, cross links, or in branches, is given.在人体消化道中 ,偶氮键仅能被结肠厌氧菌代谢的偶氮还原酶还原而断裂 ,偶氮聚合物可作为潜在的高定位性的结肠靶向药物缓释载体。

2.Azo polymers may be expected ascolon specific drug delivery systems because azo bonds in polymers can be reduced by azoreductase generated by colonic bacteria.偶氮聚合物中的偶氮键可被结肠菌丛产生的偶氮还原酶催化还原 ,可用作高定位性的结肠靶向给药药物载体。


1.Polysaccharides are used ascolon-specific drug delivery carriers because they can be degraded by enzymes produced by colon bacteria.多糖能被结肠内的菌群降解,而被用作结肠靶向给药的载体。

2.The aim of this work was to investigate guar gum/ethylcellulose mix coated pellets for potentialcolon-specific drug delivery.体外研究瓜尔胶/乙基纤维素混合包衣小丸的结肠靶向性。

3.slected different properties chemical elements as model drugs,and in view of above problems,studied systematically by free film and membrane controlled preparation according to the requirement ofcolon-specific.针对当前膜控材料在中药结肠靶向给药系统中应用的相关性质、影响因素及其与药物匹配性认识不足的问题,本论文以pH敏感型和酶触发型材料为研究对象,以不同性质的化学组分为模型药物,根据结肠递药的要求,从游离膜和膜控制剂两种形式对上述问题进行系统研究,并分析两种形式下研究结果的相关性,揭示各膜控材料用于结肠靶向给药的相关性质及其影响因素,明确其在中药结肠靶向制剂中的适宜性,为中药膜控型结肠靶向制剂的设计、制备提供科学依据。


