200字范文 > 土地税收制度 land taxation system英语短句 例句大全

土地税收制度 land taxation system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-26 07:58:32


土地税收制度 land taxation system英语短句 例句大全

土地税收制度,land taxation system

1)land taxation system土地税收制度


1.Study on the Reformation of Land Taxation System Based on the Protecting Cultivated Land in China基于我国耕地保护的土地税收制度改革研究

2.System of Tax and Fee in the Distribution of Urban Land s returns;城市土地收益分配中的税费制度研究

3.The Legal System of Land Tax-from the Perspective of the Resources Protection土地税收法律制度——资源保护的视角

4.a system of taxation in which a tax is levied on a single commodity (usually land).只向一样商品征收税务的体制(通常为土地税)。

5.Research on Strategy for Improving the Tax Administrator System in Nantong Local Taxation Bureau;健全南通市区地税税收管理员制度的策略研究

6.Research on China s Real Estate Tax System;我国房地产业发展中的税收制度研究

7.Reform and completion of the tax system of real estate of our country;论我国房地产税收制度的改革与完善

8.Improvement of Tax System of Real Estate in China;关于完善我国房地产税收制度的研究

9.The Research of the Tobacco Tax System in Chongqing in the Period of Republic of China民国时期重庆地区烟草税收制度研究

10.Study of Countermeasures for Improving the Real Estate Tax System of China完善我国房地产税收制度的对策研究

11.the system of the declaration of individual incomes for tax payment个人收入应税申报制度

12.championed the government and defended the system of taxation支持政府,捍卫税收制度

13.federal tax deposit system美国联邦税收缴存制度

14.A Study on Taxation Institutional Arrangement and Economic Development in Western China;税收制度安排与我国西部地区经济发展研究

15.On the Reform of Tax Revenue Management Law Systems of Ethnic Minority Autonomic Regions;论民族自治地方税收管理法律制度的改革

16.Present situations and reform of Chinese tax system in real estate;我国房地产税收制度的现状和改革对策

17.Analysis of Taxation System to Promoting the West Economic Growth;促进西部地区经济发展的税收制度分析

18.Legal Considerations about China Tax Competition between Local Governments Outside the Systems我国地方政府间制度外税收竞争的法律思考


land tax土地税收

1.Development ofland tax theory: From William Petty to Feldstein;土地税收理论发展:从威廉·配第到费尔德斯坦

2.It is very necessary to use the experience of developed countries as reference and design categories ofland taxes suitable for the development of China.土地税收是税收体系中的一个重要组成部分,具有增加财政收入,促进土地有效利用等重要作用。

3.For the purpose of analyzing the impact ofland taxation on urban land use,this paper discussed theland tax neutrality and the mechanism ofland taxation influencing land use.为分析土地税收对城市土地利用的影响,本文在讨论土地税收中性问题、土地税收对城市土地利用机理的基础上,具体讨论了财产税、地价税以及资本利得税等对城市土地利用的影响。

3)Real Estate Tax System房地产税收制度

parative Study onReal Estate Tax System and Related Taxes between Mainland and Taiwan;我国大陆与台湾地区涉及房地产税收制度的比较研究

2.Industry of real estate has been taking an important role on the development of civil economy, and real estate tax is an important source of national finance incomes, but there are many problems in China s current real estate tax system, which request us to reform.房地产业在国民经济发展中发挥着重要的作用,而房地产税收又是国家财政收入的重要来源,但中国现行房地产税收制度中却存在着诸多的问题,这就要求我们对其进行改革。

4)tax system税收制度

1.Present situations and reform of Chinesetax system in real estate;我国房地产税收制度的现状和改革对策

2.Questions and Countermeasures in Financial Industry Tax System in China;中国金融业税收制度存在的问题与对策研究

3.The coordination between the accounting regulation and thetax system;论税收制度与会计准则的协调

5)tax revenue system税收制度

1.Quality of Government Tax Revenue: Comparison and Analysis on the Countries under Different Economic Developing Level-As Well as the Discussion on Tax Revenue System and Target Model of Our Country;政府税收质量:不同经济发展水平国家比较分析——兼论我国税收制度及其目标模式

6)taxation system税收制度

1.The research on thetaxation system of financial derivative instruments;我国金融衍生产品税收制度研究

2.China staxation system adjustment and perfectibility under the economic globalization;经济全球化中我国税收制度的调整与完善

3.Research on Improving Taxation System of NPO in China;关于健全我国非营利组织税收制度的探索


土地税土地税land taxtUd1ShUi土地税(landtax)以土地为征税对象,以土地面积、等级、价格、收益或增值等为依据计征的各种赋税的总称。又称地税。它是历史上最早征收的一种税,各国普遍采用。最早的土地税,是指对土地本身征收的税,一般以面积大小确定税额多少;后来又以土地产出量和土质肥沃程度制定税率等级;再后又发展为按土地收益课税。由于各国土地制度不同,其税制、税种、征税办法和税率也不同。归纳起来大体有以下几种:①地价税。根据土地价格征税,包括土地原价税和土地增值税。前者是指按土地原始价格征税;后者按土地价格的增值量征税。②土地转让收益税。按转让(包括租赁转让)收益征税,一般纳入到所得税或法人税中征收。③土地保有税。以固定资产税、不动产税形式征收。日本设有特别土地保有税,以抑制土地投机。中国现行的土地税种中,有城镇土地使用税、房产税、农业税、耕地占用税、土地增值税和土地房屋不动产税等。(张月蓉)
