200字范文 > 人工绿地 constructed green land英语短句 例句大全

人工绿地 constructed green land英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-29 04:11:34


人工绿地 constructed green land英语短句 例句大全

人工绿地,constructed green land

1)constructed green land人工绿地

1.The article introduces a new and practical technology aboutconstructed green land with a characteristic of view、fun and sewage treatment.本文介绍了一种集观赏、娱乐和污水处理于一体的人工绿地实用新技术,为城市景观水提供了一套生态化的处理方法。


1.Application in Circularly Purifying Landscape Water with Constructed Greenland;人工绿地在景观水循环处理中的应用

2.Application of Landscape Plants in Artificial Green Land in Enshi City;恩施城区人工绿地园林植物应用的探讨

3.Study of Optimization on Purifying Landscape Water with Consructed Greenland;人工绿地处理景观水系统优化试验研究

4.Research on Soil Enzyme Activities of Eolian Soil under Artificial Plantation in Taklimakan Desert Heartland塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地人工绿地风沙土的土壤酶活性研究

5.The Soil Microbial Ecological Characteristics and Soil Microelements Changed Trait of Artifical Vegetation in Drifting Desert;流动沙漠人工绿地土壤微生物生态学特性和微量元素变化特点

6.The ground was low and covered with a second growth of grey-green willows.地势很低洼,长满了人工种下的灰绿色的柳树。

7.The Investigation of Main Urban Road Green Space in Suzhou and the Study on Artificial Plant Community;苏州市主城区道路绿地人工植物群落调查研究

8.Study on Artificial Plant Community of the Urban Ecological Green Land in the City of Wuxi;无锡市城市生态绿地人工植物群落结构研究

9.(2) the stage of the semi-artificially-controlled stream systems that were strongly influenced by human activities, the old oases were formed in the piedmont zones and the paleo-oases in the lower reaches began to decline;受到人类较强干扰的半人工水系时期,在山前地带形成旧绿洲,下游古代绿洲衰亡;

10.Researching on Relationship of Human-Land about Qitai Human Oasis Exploited in Xinjiang from the Middle of the 18th;18世纪中期以来新疆奇台人工绿洲开发下的人地关系研究

11.Research and Evaluation on Suzhou Modern Urban Artificial Plant Community Structure;苏州市现代城市绿地人工植物群落结构研究与评价

12.Effect of wastewater treatment on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in leaves of seedlings of three plant species in constructed wetland人工湿地污水处理对三种植物幼苗叶绿素荧光特性的影响(英文)

13.Wang Feng is a worker a Yulin in Shaanxi Province. He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people.王锋是陕西省榆林地区的一个工人。他为建绿色长城而工作,与其他许多人一起。

14.The Research on the Urban Area of Petrochemical Industry s Green Space System Construction in Daqing;大庆石油化工城区绿地系统建设研究

15.Design and Application of Greenland GIS in Wuhan Steel & Iron Industrial District;武钢工业区绿地GIS的建立及应用

16.A Study on Construction of Green Agricultural Products Processing Base in Jilin Province;吉林省绿色农产品加工基地建设研究


18.Research on the Green-Talent-Cultivating Models in Our Engineering University;我国工科院校绿色人才培养模式研究


artificial vegetation人工绿地

1.In the center of Taklimakan desert in the extremely arid region , Artificial vegetation has been set up by saline water (4~5g/l),which have reformed ecological environment ,enhanced the form of Blown Sand Soil .(2)人工绿地土壤微生物总数中细菌占绝大多数,其次是放线菌,真菌的数量最少。

3)man-manipulated green land人工管理绿地

1.We studied the difference in soil organic content between natural andman-manipulated green lands,and vertical structure in Fuzhou city.文章以福州市建成区城市自然绿地和人工管理绿地为对象,研究了自然绿地和人工管理绿地之间土壤有机碳含量的差异以及绿地土壤有机碳含量的垂直分布规律。

4)artificial oasis人工绿洲

1.Dynamic changes of soil nutrient content ofartificial oasis in Ulan Buh Desert乌兰布和沙区人工绿洲土壤养分动态研究

2.Based on the TM images of 1989 and 2000,integrated some statistical data,nearly 20 years of change characteristic of theartificial oasis of Shawan-Shihez-Manas which locates in the southwest Junggar Basin were analyzed.本文以1989年和2000年TM影像为基础,结合部分统计资料,分析了准噶尔盆地西南缘沙湾-石河子-玛纳斯人工绿洲近的变化特点。

3.The Qitaiartificial oasis development and its relationship with environment and the social factors taking effecting onartificial oasis land change were analyzed by grey relation analysis.本文以奇台为例分析了天山北坡人工绿洲开发与环境之间的关系,并对近十年来影响人工绿洲变化的主要因子进行了相关分析。

5)Industrial green工业绿地

6)artificial diabase sand辉绿岩人工砂


人工受精与人工授精人工受精与人工授精artificial fertilization and artificial insemination我国学者把“人工受精”与“人工授精”两名词区别开来:前者指人工体外受精而言,后者指把精液注入到妇女的阴道或宫颈管、宫腔内,使精、卵在体内相遇。人卵体外受精与胚胎移植后出生的婴儿俗称试管婴儿。
