200字范文 > 网络营销环境 network marketing environment英语短句 例句大全

网络营销环境 network marketing environment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-13 01:20:06


网络营销环境 network marketing environment英语短句 例句大全

网络营销环境,network marketing environment

1)network marketing environment网络营销环境


1.The Study on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Strategies in the Context of Internet Marketing网络营销环境下客户关系管理策略研究

2.Research of Channel Conflict and Channel Coordination in E-commerce;网络环境下营销渠道冲突及管理研究

3.Research of the Telecommunication Service Marketing Based on NGN Network;基于NGN网络环境的电信服务营销研究

4.Research on the Marketing Mode of Coal Industry Group under the Network Environment;网络环境下的煤业集团营销模式研究

5.On the Network Marketing System of Agricultural Products under the Internet Framework因特网环境下农产品网络营销系统架构研究

6.A Research on Marketing Public Relations and Integrated Marketing Communication under Internet-Media Envioronment;网络媒体环境下的营销公关与整合营销沟通研究

7.The Research of Web Marketing System for Enterprises in Electronic Business;电子商务环境下的企业网络营销系统研究

8.Marketing Strategies Research on the Domestic Securities Brokerage Business under the Internet Environment;网络环境下我国证券经纪业务营销策略研究

9.Analysis of online marketing strategy based on small-medium enterprise in the E-commerce environment;中小企业电子商务环境下的网络营销策略探析

10.Analysis of the Factors of Variable Weight in Enterprise s Marketing Organization Based on Network Environment;网络环境下企业营销组织的权变因素分析

11.An Analytical Study of Marketing Model for Digital Products in the Network Environment;网络环境下数字化产品适用的营销模型研究

12.The Design of H_∞ Control of Bullwhip Effect in the Environment of Electronic Business Net Marketing;电子商务环境网络营销系统牛鞭效应的H_∞控制

13.The Marketing Strategy of Tourism Enterprises in Shaanxi Province Under A Network Environment;网络环境下陕西省旅游企业的营销策略

14.On the Bussiness Innovation of Commercial Bank Under the Net Enviroment;论网络环境下我国商业银行的营销创新

15.Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises under the Network Environment the Implementation of Precision Marketing Research网络环境下中小型企业实施精准营销的研究

16.Study on the Marketing Channel Conflict and Management of the IT Firm Based on the Internet Environment网络环境下IT企业营销渠道冲突与管理研究

17.Study for manufacturing enterprise network marketing strategy in e-commerce environment电子商务环境下制造业企业网络营销策略研究

18.Discussion on Consumer Behavior Analysis and Marketing Countermeasure under the Network Environment论网络环境下消费者行为分析及营销对策


Distribution Network Environment分销网络环境

3)Marketing environment营销环境

1.Analysis of marketing environment of Chinese financial enterprises;我国金融企业营销环境分析

2.Analyzing the Marketing Environment and Countermeasur of Personal Consumption Credit in Wuhan;武汉市个人消费信贷的营销环境与营销对策分析

3.Research on Chinese Female Clothing Market Marketing Environment and Appraisal;我国女装市场营销环境分析及评价研究

4)Environmental marketing环境营销

1.Study on Environmental Marketing of ZhangJiaJie National Forest Park;张家界国家森林公园环境营销研究

2.The globally deteriorating environment and the requirement of an economically sustainable development lead to the emergence and development of environmental marketing.全球环境的恶化及经济的可持续发展要求导致了环境营销的产生和发展。

5)environment marketing环境营销

1.This paper described the importance on putenvironment marketing of chemical enterprises into practice.论述了化工企业实施环境营销的重要性,从强化企业环境管理、技术进步、销售组合等方面探讨了实施环境营销的若干策略。

6)Network Marketing网络营销

1.Discussion on network marketing strategy of SMEs in of Heilongjiang province;黑龙江省中小企业网络营销策略探讨


海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)海洋自然地理环境(见自然地理环境)marine physical geographic environmenthaiyang ziran dili huaniing海洋自然地理环境(marin。phys、calgeograPhic environment)见自然地理环境。
